I. II. III. write in an appropriate correction so that the statement now...

Biology 241 – Lecture
Chapter 9 (Articulations)
Practice Quiz
I. Circle T (True) or F (False). If the statement is false, cross out the word(s) that make it false and
write in an appropriate correction so that the statement now becomes a true statement.
T F 1. A fibrous joint lacks a joint cavity and the bones are held together by fibrous connective tissue.
T F 2. Sutures, syndesmoses, and symphyses are kinds of fibrous joints.
T F 3. Ball-and-socket, gliding, pivot, and condyloid joints are all diarthrotic joints.
T F 4. Abduction is movement away from the midline of the body.
T F 5. When you touch your toes, the major action you perform at your hip joint is called hyperextension.
T F 6. In synovial joints, synovial membranes cover the surfaces of articular cartilages.
T F 7. Bursae are saclike structures that reduce friction at joints.
T F 8. A gomphosis is an example of a cartilaginous amphiarthrosis.
II. Circle the letter preceding the one best answer to each question:
9. Chewing your food involves (1) flexion (2) extension (3) hyperextension (4) elevation (5) depression
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 4 and 5
D. 3 and 5
E. 1 and 4
10. A suture is found between the:
A. R + L pubic bones
B. R + L parietal bones
C. radius and ulna
D. diaphysis and epiphysis
E. tibia and fibula (distal ends)
III. Using the blanks provided, fill-in the word or phrase that best fits the description given:
_______________________11. This is a common repetitive motion injury at the wrist.
_______________________12. This is the forcible wrenching (or twisting) of a joint with partial rupture of it,
but without dislocation.
_______________________13. This is the name of the action of pulling the mandible back from a thrust-out
position (so that it becomes aligned with the maxillae).
_______________________14. This is the technical name for a freely movable joint.
_______________________15. This is the type of joint found between the atlas and axis and also between the
proximal ends of the radius and ulna.
_______________________16. Structural classification of both the sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints.