Introduction to Communications Vocabulary Communication:

Introduction to Communications Vocabulary
1. Communication: The process of sending and receiving messages.
 Communication reaches us by means of our sight and hearing
and sometimes by our smell, taste, and touch.
The Communication Model
The Communication Process:
2. Sender: The one who transmits/sends the message.
3. Receiver: The one who interprets or receives the message (decodes
4. Medium: The “how”—the communication method (verbal, nonverbal—TV, radio, newspaper, computer, etc.)
5. Message: Words, body language, or symbols that convey (send) an
idea or information.
 Intended: Made up of the meanings and feelings one person
wishes to send to another.
 Actual: What the receiver thinks the sender is actually
 Unintended: The message that the sender either does not
mean to send or is unaware of sending.
6. Feedback: Reactions (words, body language or symbols) to the
message that was received. The response!
7. Noise (Interference): Anything that interferes with
Types of Communication:
8. Written: Can be read (books, letters, sign, etc.)
9. Verbal: Spoken—can be heard (talking, radio, TV)
10.Mass Communication: Communication that is created to
reach many receivers (TV, magazines, radio, newspapers, internet)
11.Non-Verbal: Sign language; pantomime—mimes, charades;
symbols—icons, pictures
Note: Effective symbols must be:
o Unique—No one else uses it
o Appropriate—Relates to the product or service
o Memorable—Easy to remember
o Recognizable—Easy to identify