Nutrition Physical Activity 7th Grade Study Guide Directions: Look up and answer each of the following questions. Once you have them answered use this to study for your test. You may use the power points located on my web page under 7th grade Health and 8th Grade Health. (Dietary Guidelines 1.1) A healthy diet is one that emphasizes? Caloric Balance is? Nutrient Dense foods are? An example of a Nutrient Dense food is? Should you increase intake of added sugars? Reducing intake of refined grains is healthy? When drinking milk products is it best to use low fat or fat free? (Understanding Food Labels 1.2) FDA was established in? What does FDA stand for? Requirements on the food label? The difference between a nutrient and a essential nutrient? The four types of fat are? Which are healthy fats and unhealthy fats? What are benefits of unsaturated fats? What are sources of unsaturated fats? Unsaturated are what at room temperature? A source of saturated fat is? Health risks of saturated fats are? Trans fats are known as? Health risks of trans fats are? Why do people choose trans fats? Which is the healthy cholesterol? HDL or LDL? What are the two types of carbohydrates? Glucose and sucrose are examples of which carb? Whole grains are an example of which carb? This takes longer to break down this carb. Long lasting energy and healthy blood sugar is an example of this carb. A protein is? What is a good source of protein? (Matching Beverage Labels 2.2) What are some benefits of water in the body? (Why eat healthy and be active 3.1) The obesity rate does what every 20 years? What percentages of Americans are overweight or obese? How many minutes are recommended each day for activity? What are other examples of sever illnesses associated with poor nutrition? What’s the difference between type 1 and type 2 Diabetes? Osteoporosis is? What are three diseases associated with obesity? BMI stands for? (Body Image and Self-Esteem 3.2) What four things define body image? An example of negative body image is? An example of positive body image is? What are four influences of your perception about yourself? Self-Esteem is defined as? (Physical Activity A Habit For Life 4.1) What are some benefits of exercise? Can physical activity also improve self-esteem or self-image? What are the three types of physical activity? How does increasing endurance benefit the body? How does increasing flexibility benefit the body? How does increasing strength benefit the body? A barrier someone may choose to use in order to not exercise? (Balance caloric intake and expenditure 4.2) Caloric intake is? What is and define BMR? Caloric Expenditure is?