3C’s Monday Memo

3C’s Monday Memo
September 8, 2015
Math: We will continue the Place Value
Unit this week which will include quizzes.
This week the focus will be the value of
digits – ones through millions and standard,
expanded, and written form. Notes to review
will be in the math notebook, and you can
ask your child to bring it home every day. To
help your child practice, say numbers up to
the millions and have him/her write the
number in both standard, then expanded
form. Try to include some zeroes as these are
tricky. We will also begin comparing with
greater than, less than, and equal to.
Memorizing math facts is very important in
3rd grade. REFLEX is available at home, 7
days a week.
Social Studies: Our current unit is
government. Part of this unit will focus on
our first semester One to the World and
Project Based Learning at the 3rd grade level.
We will learn about elections and running for
office by holding an “election” for our class
SCA leader.
The four campaign groups have been
working on their poster and will begin
drafting the speeches that will be recorded.
They have been very motivated and excited.
We also have worked on the vocabulary part
and have glued in notes in their notebooks.
Reading: This week we will be completing
the reading level DRA tests that will allow
me to form guided reading groups according
to each child’s reading level. We will also
begin groups and our focus will be
predictions and cause/effect.
Word Study
Word Study leveled groups will begin this
week. Students were placed according to the
leveling tests taken last week. This week is
choice on Tuesday and Thursday. Next week
will be choice on Tuesday and a practice test
on Thursday, with the test on Friday,
September 23rd. If you have time, sorting
nightly helps students that need extra
Writer’s Workshop: We will be working
on learning the guidelines of writers’
workshop, editing practice, and writing a
piece for “small moment”.
If you haven’t had a chance to sign up for the
phone communication REMIND I sent home,
I urge you to try it. I think it may prove to be
very handy for short messages and
Thanks for working with me to make sure the
students have nutritional snacks. Thanks for
signing the planner daily and helping with
homework as well!
If you have read this memo, print out a copy
and sign for your child. He/she will receive
an extra sticker for good behavior chart!!
Due Tuesday morning.
Have a great week! Mrs. Feddersen