Name _______________________ Week of January 5, 2016 Monday: No School Tuesday: Study your sight words. Write 5 sentences about what you did over the holiday break. Read for at least 20 min. Minutes read: _______ Parent initials: _______ Wednesday: Study your sight words. Do a math sheet. Read for at least 20 min. Minutes read: _______ Parent initials: _______ Thursday: Study your sight words. Make a list of everything you got for Christmas and add a describing word in front of each noun. Read for at least 20 min. Minutes read: _______ Parent initials: _______ *****Library tomorrow. Bring back your library books. Parent Information: 1. Writing will begin to take a bigger focus with emphasis on correct sentences and using describing words. What are we learning this week? Math: We will begin working on adding and subtracting word problems. Reading/Writing: Students should bring home their guided reading baggie and sight word baggie each night for practice and they need to bring them back to school each day. We will be writing stories with lots of description and do author studies. IB/Social Studies/Science: We will learn about what it means to be a good citizen and focus on some famous Americans that exemplified it. 2. I hope your family had a restful, joyous holiday. 3. If your child is still not able to tie his/her own shoes, please help them practice. 4. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime! My phone number at school is 940-369-2522. My email is Website:, select a school, Borman, academics, 1st grade, Chancellor Facebook: Chancellor’s First Grade