Name _______________________ Week of February 15, 2016

Name _______________________
Week of February 15, 2016
 Study your sight words.
 Make a list of 5 important facts
about George Washington.
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
Parent Information:
1. By this time of the year, we expect
that all first graders are beginning
sentences with capital letters and
ending them with punctuation.
Please remind your child about this
if you notice them writing without it.
The sentences should also make
2. Please continue to have your child
read to you every night. They
should read their baggie books
rather than books that are too hard
for them. Books that are on their
level helps them build confidence
and fluency.
 Study your sight words.
 Write 4 addition and 4 subtraction
story problems and solve them.
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
 Study your sight words.
 Make a list of 5 important facts
about Abraham Lincoln.
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
 Study your sight words.
 Write 4 addition and 4 subtraction
story problems and solve them.
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
What are we learning this week?
Math: We are continuing with writing
and solving addition and subtraction
story problems using strategies.
Reading/Writing: Students should
bring home their guided reading
baggie and sight word baggie each
night for practice and they need to
bring them back to school each day.
We are working on inferences and
using our reading strategies.
IB/Social Studies/Science: We are
continuing our unit: Where We Are in
Place and Time. Timelines and past,
present, future will be our focus.
3. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me anytime!
My phone number at school is 940-369-2522.
My email is
Website:, select a school,
Borman, academics, 1st grade,
Facebook: Chancellor’s First Grade