Name _______________________ Week of November 9, 2015

Name _______________________
Week of November 9, 2015
 Study your sight words.
 Write 4 sentences about our field
trip to watch Mary Poppins.
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
Parent Information:
1. Thank you to everyone who sent in
candy for the contest! Your
generosity is appreciated! We won
the contest! Yay!
2. Our class won 3rd in the PTA
membership drive! Thank you for
supporting our PTA who does an
awesome job of supporting our
 Study your sight words.
 Do a math sheet
 Write all of your doubles up to 10
and practice saying them aloud.
(1+1=2, 2+2=4, …10+10=20)
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
3. Please help your child learn to tie
Bring Library Book for tomorrow!
 Study your sight words.
 Draw a picture of something you
remember about Mary Poppins
and write what is happening in the
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
 Study your sight words.
 Write all of your doubles up to 10
and practice saying them aloud
again. (1+1=2, 2+2=4, …10+10=20)
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
Math: We will be working on doubles
and making 10.
Reading/Writing: Students should
bring home their guided reading
baggie and sight word baggie each
night for practice and they need to
bring them back to school each day.
We will review CVC (bed, fox, cat)
and continue to work on Magic E
words (like, hope, June), along with
learning about nouns.
IB/Social Studies/Science: We are
learning about systems.
4. Please read to your child and have
your child read their baggie books
to you as often as possible!
5. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me anytime!
My phone number at school is 940-369-2523.
My email is, select a school, Borman,
academics, 1st grade, McNeely-Oropeza
Facebook: Mrs. McNeely-Oropeza