Committee Members Present: Support Staff Present:

Space Committee Meeting
August 7, 2013
Committee Members Present:
Support Staff Present:
Shari Shuman, Ann McCullen, Newton Jackson, Karthik
Umapathy, Paul Mosley, Scott Hochwald
Dan Endicott, John Yancey, Everett Malcolm, Zak Ovadia,
Lance Taylor, Mike McGuire, Angela Rivera
Shari Shuman thanked Scott Hochwald and Karthikeyan Umapathy for their service to the Space
Committee and welcomed two new faculty members who will begin in September, Michael
Kucsak and Paul Mosley.
Project Timelines
Housing Clubhouse
- This project is on schedule with completion set for July 2014.
- Parking will be re-designed at the end of the project. Adding additional parking to
include a second deck to the parking lot behind the Fine Arts building and additional
floors to the Fine Arts garage is being considered.
Student Assembly Building (Sanctuary)
- The consultants met with President Delaney on July 31.
- We have received a fee proposal which is currently in review.
- Zak Ovadia showed the committee slides of the selected design which will accommodate
250 people and will be located behind the Herbert University Center overlooking the
Chick-fil-A Build Out
- This project is substantially completed.
- Operations will start on schedule with a soft opening 2 weeks before school starts.
Skinner-Jones Hall North
- A Request For Qualifications will be advertised in 3 weeks.
Aquatic Center Re-Purposing
- Advertising for qualifications begins today. Submissions will be due in September.
New Outdoor Swimming Pool
- Advertising for qualifications will be forthcoming.
Athletic Facilities Mini-Master Plan
- Campus Planning has received a final report. Copies have been distributed and will also
be available on the Campus Planning website at
- This plan is a series of ideas that would be phased in over several years. Currently there
is no timeline to begin and would depend on availability of funds and student enrollment.
Purchase of Warehouse
- An offer has been made to purchase a warehouse adjacent to the North property. This
building would become the new location for the Physical Facilities shops. Art & Design,
for their sculpture program, and CCEC would use the high bay space in Building 5.
Skinner Jones Hall South
- Scott Hochwald expressed his continued interest in a 75 seat Math Lab. Newton Jackson
will follow up with the Provost.