9 26 2012 Minutes

College Leadership Team Meeting
September 26, 2012
Attendees: Jeff Cornett, Cathy O’Farrell, Linda Sciarratta, Karen Patterson, Larry Daniel, Claribel Torres,
John Kemppainen, John Ouyang, Jennifer Kane, John White
Approval of Minutes: After minor corrections the minutes were approved.
Announcements: The Duval district has chosen Dr. Nikolai Vitti as their new superintendent. The
impression was that Dr. Vitti will value COEHS work, will want to build partnerships and respect those
we have in place and field partnerships. Dr. O’Farrell talked to Dr. Vitti about developing students that
can think critically and who can problem solve. Dr. Vitti has a wide spread prospective; he knows the
system and his knowledge will serve us well. Dr. Vitti understands issues with Urban Education.
Regarding the search for the Florida Commissioner of Education position. The search process is going to
be extended for sixty days.
Dr. Kemppainen attended the Teach conference and gathered a lot of information. There was a strong
interest in master degree areas of secondary science and math. Teachers were looking for C & I degrees
in science and math areas. The audience is out there; we have to figure out how to capture them.
Another high topic area was technology master’s degrees in leadership. There was an interest in
becoming team leaders in schools (not principals). They were more interested in becoming literacy
coaches or a curriculum coach within the school. Dr. Kane asked Dr. Kemppainen if there was a list of
participants available to send information. A list is trying to be obtained but it is not known at this time
if a list would be released. It was a five county area including both public and private schools. Dr. Daniel
suggested recommending to WJCT the scanable badges. WJCT wants COEHS involvement, but we were
asked late. COEHS has to enlighten people that we are relevant and important and we have made some
gains in the last few years.
Dr. Ouyang – Common core. Dr. Daniel received early communication from the FDOE and the way this
will be tied into the standards; they are still creating this process. Until we get direction from FDOE as to
how to address this, a lot of time should not be spent on this. The FDOE will adopt common core in
2014. The sunshine state standards will be gone and the common core will take over as the guiding
standard in the schools.
Dr. O’Farrell shared with the committee that DOE is hosting common core workshops across the state.
Dr. Torres was invited to participate in the assessment keys workshop; she will be working with Pearson.
Soon they will be putting out a call for faculty members to come in for the next level of reviews. This will
open a good chance for faculty to participate.
Dr. Kane shared that Dr. Gupton registered for a webinar on the common core. Dr. Kane will get the
information so the webinar may be shared by those who are interested.
By 2013-2014 the schools will have to be using the standards. As the standards are being phased in,
guidance is needed as to how to address the standards within our programs.
Dr. Cornett has the assessment book used in St. John’s school district. Dr. Cornett’s materials are
available to anyone that wants to borrow them.
Dr. O’Farrell shared that two weeks ago, at this time, the field office was at 54 internship applications
and now have 162. Dr. O’Farrell will be sending the department chairs an email shortly with the
Dr. Daniel commented that in the past the state has been very sensitive to all the teacher education
programs in improving their data systems.
Dr. Cornett thinks the leadership in the district is struggling to understand the nuances of moving
toward the goal to coach up those in leadership roles to be more effective. There are also supply and
demand issues in some of the bigger districts. It is difficult to get people with willingness and
competency to do these positions.
COEHS By-laws: John White
The Executive Committee (last year’s and this year’s) met with faculty at the recent brown bag session
on the bylaws. The Committee is soliciting information from all the interested parties. The committee is
meeting back here with Dr. Daniel on October 8th to incorporate the feedback received and to talk about
clarifications. Dr. Daniel has been in touch with Legal counsel and the provost office to find out more
about the issues. Dr. White was in touch regarding the bargaining agreement and met with Cheryl
Frolich to get her thoughts. This information will be incorporated into our revisions. There will be
revision updates to faculty and voting the week of October 19 – 26. Chairs, please encourage your
faculty to read the bylaws. Nick Eastham put them on the website.
The Provost asked Dr. Daniel to have a conversation with Dr. Campbell who is the compliance officer
with the University regarding the bylaws. Dr. Daniel will check with Dr. Campbell on issues regarding
state law, Board of Governor’s policy, university policy and any rules, regulations, and laws that would
govern certain things. Dr. Daniel will also get Dr. Campbell’s opinion on any boundary issues. An email
will be sent out with information as where to locate the by-laws and password etc… on the web.
This will be brought bring back to the table at the next Executive Committee meeting. Please encourage
faculty to continue giving input.
Partnership with Schultz Center:
Dr. Daniel and Cheryl Fountain have been meeting with Deb Gianoulis and Barbara Langley; Schultz is
soliciting their board for funding to help Schultz develop some innovative work with leader pipeline and
teacher pipeline.(Particularly Duval and perhaps more broadly). Dr. Daniel’s concern along with Cheryl’s
good co-voice is the very little linkage among pre-service, teacher induction, teacher preparation,
teacher development and teacher retention. Same with leader pipeline – How do we select people to
be school leaders? How do we work together all the parties involved? How do we build induction and
mentoring of that group and how do we retain them? These two issues have been identified as things
College of Education, FIE, Schultz Center, Duval County districts, and perhaps other partners can work
jointly to address. Teach for America was also invited to get their point of view as well. We are looking
to develop a partnership to look at innovative programming in those areas. A concept paper was put
together; Cheryl worked up a first draft of a budget and if it goes through we would get a full time
person paid for from the project funds to support someone who could devote time to build this
partnership. Dr. Daniel is the contact for the teacher pipeline and Cheryl is the contact for the Leader
pipeline. Roles will be defined as this develops. It is very early and nothing is set in stone as of yet. The
Schultz Center has not talked to district about this yet and is waiting until a comfortable model is in
place before they do so. More to come on this topic.
Center for Urban Ed and Policy:
Thank you, Dr. Kane and Search Committee. Within the next couple of months we are putting together
an internal first meeting of the advisory board. The Center will also have an external advisory board; we
will be getting that off the ground soon. Dr. Daniel hired Tiffani Casey to get the logistics started. As
soon as Dr. Daniel has something to report he will get the word out to faculty. Dr. Kane and Dr. Daniel
will be sending something out to hopefully get faculty involved in upcoming opportunities.
Interviews are in place with Dr. Wanda LaStrapes and Dr. Mary Lai Rose for the Director of Urban
Initiatives. The search committee has been great and the community involvement has been essential
due to the nature of the center.
Internal Accountability Report (CT)
Jim Cibulka from NCATE asked all NCATE member deans several months ago to work on accountability
data to post, in an organized way, on website to make available for public.
Dr. Torres has been working closely with institutional research folks and colleagues from other
institutions for a few months now. There are two reports, one has 8 sections including the FTCE pass
rates. This is data provided by the state. We also have institutional data for pass rates (satisfaction
surveys, exit GPA for all graduates, retention and graduation rates (followed students 3 years in a row).
Also attached is the official state title II report that talks about past rates, completers, enrollments and
test scores. The report is very comprehensive. In the first year of employment data you will see huge
discrepancies to what we already have in our accountability. Dr. Torres separated initial teacher
preparation programs from those not title II programs. The report does not include teachers that go to
work in the private school system, leave the state and teach somewhere else, those who do not directly
enter teaching after graduation. If they were not hired in the first year we have to disregard them.
There are limitations on state date collection and methodology on how we count people.
Note: FDOE can only track Florida public schools. Data are sorted out by students graduating from a
program and certified in the same area.
Dr. O’Farrell volunteered to help verify data before we finalize the report.
Dr. Daniel is going to send out an email linking to the report to people in the community who have
anything to do with COEHS. In view of transparency and accountability we have made this report
available. This will be updated and posted every year/every couple of years. This data says good things
about COEHS and will fulfill Jim Cibulka’s wishes for the NCATE Schools. Because of the years we are
looking at, data are still based on the 12 accomplished practices.
Update on FDOE Documentation:
Dr. Torres attended a webinar regarding the IPEP. Evaluation will be under the old standards; the new
standards have to implement before fall 2013.
The first 2 standards, matrices and data, were evaluated by the DOE. Standard 3 went to peers. COEHS
is in a volunteer group to do the pilot site reviews.
There is the IPEP (Annual review). The rubric will be based on the old standards. When we do the site
review it will be under the new standards. They gave us a 2 year extension of existing approval, which
was not requested by COEHS, but due to the timelines related to phasing in the new standards.
Through informal feedback, we are probably among the top 3 or 4 institutions in the state as far as
progress made. COEHS has helped shape the state processes. FDOE is asking for volunteers to review
the IPEPs.
There are some issues that need to be addressed, particularly with standard 3. FDOE want numbers per
program. This is for 2010 – 2011 information. Dr. Torres will send information to the chairs and the
chairs will decide how to address with program leaders/faculty (Clare will need clarification for each
program she needs)
With field applicable across the board, clinical experience rubrics will cover everybody.
Master syllabi are due the end of September. Dr. Cornett suggested having an annual who’s who in the
lead faculty per course.
Dr. Torres will pursue information as new statutes and rules come out regarding the impact of student
learning. Do not ignore non FDOE programs; data will need to be accessed. It would be adequate at the
time to talk about a plan while the evaluation system is un-rolled.
Dr. O’Farrell will provide a list of specific students for Dr. Torres to showcase; pull out remediation
students. It is 3 year data within the first year to see growth between years. Impact on student
achievement will be addressed.
Dr. Torres asked the committee to read the VAM report when it goes public.
EPI and Ed leadership: EPI will be in December and they will be putting out webinars very soon for the
There is an issue with the Deaf Ed program; they are listing TSL 3080 as their ESOL course. The course
has to be changed because it is not an appropriate ESOL course. Dr. Torres needs to explain because
COEHS was cited.
Dr. Cornett talked about Superintendent Joyner, who was one of 6 or 7 superintendents who was
appointed into a 30 day advisory to Governor Scott. If you have any ideas, please send Dr. Cornett an
email. If you get anything substantial, please CC to Representative Adkins.
Dr. Daniel distributed the email from Jim Cibulka. CAEP is now the parent organization for NCATE and
TEAC. In the next year/ year and a half they will be launching a new set of common standards. The 5
areas will focus on a strength of candidate, strength of results, strength of program, following a public
demand for more transparencies in these areas. A phase 3 draft to go out in the spring between Feb
and March; Dr. Daniel will be working with TECSCU with joint feedback from the 200 institutions. Dr.
Daniel may work with the FSUS Deans with joint issues. This will become the unified set of standards for
Clinical Task Force Meeting last night is moving towards transforming on a number of different levels.
Helping student success in the classroom and how they will achieve it.
Who are the stakeholders? To have conversations about structure and mechanism in looking at
everything we do developmentally. The department representatives at the meeting were asked
to seek feedback from their units in these areas.
Dr. Daniel pledged he would give resources to a planning group. (Time reassignment or funding)
Need feedback by next task force meeting of October 16. What can we do to make our program
more school embedded?
Dr. Cornett talked about Pearson publishing – market-driven technology for digital resources. Dr.
Cornett suggested having a focus group; Pearson is looking at having a flat fee for access to their entire
library. Dr. Ouyang has scheduled a meeting for November 2nd. Dr. Daniel asked Dr. Kane to please
inquire if Terry Cavanaugh can be part of that meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50.