Department of Special Education Department Meeting 1/29/14 In attendance: Casey, Katy; Collet-Klingenberg, Lana; Collins, James; DeVore, Simone; Gordon, David; Gwalla-Ogisi, Nomsa; Jewell, Kelly; Kolb, Sharon; Robinson, Rowand; Schultz, Tia; Stevens Griffith, Amy; Stuart, Shannon; Toms, Ozalle; Troemel, Eileen; 1. Announcements meeting called to order at 3:35 a. Approve minutes from retreat i. Moved Katy Casey ii. 2nd David Gordon b. Lana won COEPS Service Award; Rowand won the Advising Award i. Would like to see these awards include graduate advisors ii. Let Ozalle Toms (our rep for the committee) know that the reception is preferred especially for the teaching award as it gives an opportunity to have students attend c. Travel training i. All should take this as there have been issues with Concur d. CPR & AED Training i. The AED is on the 2nd floor and four of our faculty are trained in using this e. Mandatory reporting (Executive order 54) i. Are we mandatory reporters? Scenario – if a student teacher comes to faculty the faculty is required to make the call ii. Rowand is checking on if this is the case for our field courses as well f. Course Syllabi i. Needs to be online or sent to the library ii. When uploading can click a box that says release to the public iii. Dean would prefer uploaded iv. Should be a pdf v. Search online “upload syllabi” g. Winther remodel i. 2015 – 17 on large remodel ii. #1 goal of UW-Whitewater iii. 34 million to do the remodel and it is not yet funded iv. Will be adding bathrooms and elevators v. In the meanwhile will see minor things done in some of the rooms like replacing tables in the conference room vi. It might be more cost effective to construct a new building vii. Check to see if we can move a cabinet from 2014 to 2015 h. DSM workshop i. Rowand handed out a flyer for DSM 5 Making the transition from DSM IV-TR to 5 which will be held in March 2. NCATE / CAEP accreditation a. Considering whether to be accredited b. As a department we need to consider whether this is necessary c. Does it have to be at the college level or can we as a department continue with keeping the accreditation d. The Dean felt the regorous state level covers NCATE and that NCATE is geared towards research 1 schools e. InTasc, NCATE, CEC and edTPA are all aligned f. Madison isn’t NCATE accredited g. 3 public schools are – Plattville, Stout, and Whitewater h. Difference between Nationally recognized and NCATE accredited 3. ESAs – levels of evaluating students a. Color coding – like green is good, yellow the student has issues, and red the student should be advised to seek a different degree b. This semester a student earned Ds in three courses (360, 361, 462) our current curriculum policy is that students must have a C- or better c. Do we structure courses or artifacts so if they fail the artifact or course they cannot continue? d. We need to be clear what will be able to be retaken or redone. e. Are there key places where a student struggles on a project that puts them in an at risk position for the whole program? f. Is this all covered by our staffing policy? g. Some of our rubrics need to change h. Need to make serious discussion on what is passing i. We haven’t decided as a department that we are using edTPA as a unit for our student teaching semester j. If they fail edTPA do they fail student teaching? k. Going to use edTPA and edEval to replace unit plan and if they don’t pass they have to redo. l. Need scores for WTS standards m. Use Phase 4 rubric to evaluate students n. edTPA uses inTASC o. needs to be a curricular revision p. for the students going through right now what are we doing? q. Kelly to look at rubric and edTPA to determine if there is similarity between the two r. The staffing procedure needs to be pulled and revisited for clarification for the newer faculty members. s. Within next two weeks Nomsa needs an answer on this t. Subcommittee was formed to discuss and it includes Sharon Kolb, Rowand Robinson, Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi, and David Gordon 4. Curriculum a. We need to decide whether to do a whole program revamp or step by step for the program b. Graduate and undergrad programs are under discussion c. It is suggested we set objectives for meetings so we can move forward more effectively d. Set up additional meeting for graduate program discussion 5. Book update a. Speced 360 Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi motioned to adopt a new book b. Sharon Kolb 2nd the motion c. Carried unanimously 6. Mike Prosser contacted Sharon Kolb to discuss setting up a scholarship for speced in Sue Prosser’s name. Sharon is going to refer him to Rowand for further discussion 7. Move to adjourn Kelly Jewell 2nd Katy Casey