Department of Special Education - University of Wisconsin

Department of Special Education
Department Meeting 2-27-13
In attendance: Casey, Katy; Collet-Klingenberg, Lana; DeVore, Simone; Gordon, David;
Gwalla-Ogisi, Nomsa; Jewell, Kelly; Kolb, Sharon; Lindahl, Lynn; Robinson, Rowand;
Schultz, Tia; Stuart, Shannon; Toms-Williams, Ozalle; Troemel, Eileen; Mai Yang, Cindy
Konrad, Benson, Marie
1. Announcements
a. Approve minutes
i. Moved – Katy Casey
ii. 2nd – Shannon Stuart
iii. Passed unanimously
2. Academic and Student Affairs
a. Cindy and Mai will be visiting (15 min)
b. Warhawk Connection Center
c. Home to all residence groups
d. Half in student affairs and half in academic affairs
e. Provide advice on diversity issues
f. Will have 4 – 8 internships that would be good in students with leadership skills
i. Undergrad positions with a stipend
3. Announcement continued
a. SCEC – Katy
i. Katy is stepping down as the faculty advisor. Please see her if you want to
take it over. More of a mentorship role …
ii. Shannon might be interested in taking this on.
b. Second assessment class – always trained them on Woodcock Johnson which
hasn’t been updated since the late 90s. They WIATT has been used more often.
What does everyone think about switching from WJ to WIATT
i. Some of the schools have weighed in that they are buying WIATT rather
than WJ.
ii. Would buy the electronic version of the WIATT
iii. Unanimous agreement
c. Advising forms – hand out checklist for advisors
d. Student Awards – Rowand
i. Amy would like to take a hiatus from planning this – please let Rowand
and Amy know.
4. edTPA
a. Marie is our edTPA coordinator in the college – she is the disseminator of
information from the state to college. She needs to know what departments are
doing because it goes into reports.
b. Started the pilot with four students
i. They are not getting a lot of hand holding so they are a little stressed about
ii. Starting to get a lot of rich information from cooperative teachers and
student candidates about where there are gaps and where we are excelling
iii. Nomsa, Kelly and Rowand met to talk about moving forward with edTPA.
1. We are going to pick 10 – 12 students for edTPA in the fall. It will
not be voluntary
2. Spring of 14 will likely go live with edTPA – just rolling out the
whole thing. The college has to go live with Fall 14
3. National scores will be released this summer.
4. Tammy and other people are coming to us asking for feedback.
5. If we go live there are 500 unit credits (prior to being
consequential). If we say we are field testing it – we will be able
to get live scoring.
6. There is national scoring and local evaluation scoring
iv. Training – last week
1. Looked at real components and evaluated them based on the
rubrics provided by Pearson.
2. In the state of Wisconsin – one specific for Special Education – so
there will be an evaluation across the state for Spec Ed only.
3. Regional meeting for training for special ed specifically
4. National scoring – just get the score back. If they are done locally
as well – we will get more feedback concerning curriculum and so
5. Rowand and Kelly are the only two in the university and state who
are trained in the Speced handbook
6. All DPI requires we substantiate that they are proficient in all of
the 10 core standards
a. edTPA hits 7 of the standards
b. Portfolio and edTPA is too much for students to do
c. edTPA asked for them to do some assessment in every
lesson - nationally this is an area where students struggle
d. Students have to spend a school semester (based on the
school semester not UW semester) performing this – the
hours are used for reports and administrative purposes
e. When do we make our edTPA deadline. Students submit
their material and then get a score – so when is best to set
the deadline – early so they can get feedback and make
changes or later so they are more settled in the placement.
7. Bigger decisions need to be made about deadlines, platforms, and
so on. The college is coming to Spec Ed for our viewpoint.
a. Different levels of passing / no passing
8. Once the four student candidates go through – Kelly and Cheryl
will go through and nationally score them. We will walk through
one of their examples.
a. We will put on a mini training if need be for our faculty
9. We need to get the other departments on board – the college needs
to push that.
10. DPI has not put anything in writing yet. We need to make sure we
are covering all the requirements as they are written.
a. This is why Kathy Cullen is being brought in to collaborate
with us.
11. Next steps
a. Try to get stipends for our department to revamp our
curriculum – in May hopefully – 480, 470, 380, and we will
see where we go from there
b. We have to determine where we are going to do mini
edTPA – it might be good to do in 410 or 485
c. Group of faculty to participate in the week long sessions of
revamping this
d. Local evaluation training – getting as many of us trained as
12. Kelly will send link for national handbook – please give feedback
on the national link.
5. Questions
6. Move to adjourn Kelly Jewell
2nd Tia Schultz