Department of Special Education Department Meeting 10-30-13

Department of Special Education
Department Meeting 10-30-13
In attendance: Casey, Katy; Collet-Klingenberg, Lana; Collins, James; Gordon, David;
Gwalla-Ogisi, Nomsa; Jewell, Kelly; Kolb, Sharon; Robinson, Rowand; Schultz, Tia;
Stuart, Shannon; Troemel, Eileen;
1. Calling the meeting to order at 3:31
2. Handed out Schedule F14 for review – get any changes to Rowand / Eileen no later than
3. Announcements (15 minutes)
a. Approve minutes
i. Moved – Sharon Kolb
ii. 2nd Shannon Stuart
iii. Department minutes were a bit cryptic so keep Eileen doing minutes
iv. Pending changes from Nomsa, minutes are approved unanimously.
4. Staffing – Stuart
a. Student in Phase 3 has difficulty with writing
b. Struggles with some of the content but very coachable
c. Got a D+ in 462
d. Weak students – he eventually gets it but it takes several tries
e. Staff him with advisor, phase 3 and Shannon
f. Form that goes around – develop a plan in writing in order for the student to
maintain and improve going forward. This is not punitive.
g. Need to do training for the faculty on what a staffing is and what it involves
h. This could be a policy that would be used for edTPA
5. Curriculum
a. Guidelines put out by DPI
i. Forms previously didn’t fit to the practices for us. They are going through
a round of revisions and align them with the INTASC standards and
edTPA rubric standards.
1. Idpi is completed and four observations. Initially we were going to
have phases, if by a certain point we say whether they go ahead
with edTPA but that changed. What are we doing now? Have to
still do all of these observations.
2. As a department, we can decide to stop someone from uploading to
edTPA if we feel they won’t pass. We have to have evidence – as
a department we have to decide what that evidence will be. We are
trying to change the forms so they are more informative to be able
to make this decision.
3. This semester upload is Nov 27 so that gives enough time to
review forms and make these judgments.
4. We need to do something with portfolio and seminar class to
change them to help with this assessment
5. Page 10 – the EPP will choose one edTPA to match the student
teaching placement. This will satisfy the requirement for both
licensure areas. The program may endorse for both licensure areas
by completing one edTPA.
a. The needs for special education will be higher than most
gen ed.
b. Is this something we want to decide overall or do we want
to take it on a case by case basis.
i. Perhaps this should be left open at this stage for the
departments to come together.
ii. Requirement for special ed is that 35% of the
students have IEPs – this was a DPI requirement
c. Must have in place field work prior to student teaching
d. It will be clearly stated that we can now do supervision
through videotaping at all levels – DPI will have guidelines
to remotely observe live fieldwork.
ii. Use edTPA and augment if needed and we are with FBA, BIP, IEP
1. Other programs in the state are augmenting as well
2. Pass rates on augmented material is decided by department
iii. Phases are gone
1. edTPA and clinical eval are the only things DPI is holding us to.
b. How do we want to go about this?
i. Do we want to do a review of where we are now?
ii. Amy should wait to make her changes
iii. Go around and make a list of what needs to be discussed and then
iv. Rowand to follow up with DPI about the combining CD / LD/EBD
v. Two classes that we have talked about that would be independent
1. 324 into a law / IEP class – Lana and Rowand to work on
2. Tech course – hold off on this
3. 380 – portfolio – where students are working on edTPA
4. 205 for speced focusing on foundation and 205 for C&I majors
focusing on issues relating to disability
5. Field classes 385 / 485 / 410 what are the goals of field, what are
the order. Elementary’s field classes are going to change – these
will affect us in our field and our minors. When we look at these
we need to bring in others from other departments
6. 470 / 480 combining to make one class and revamping the content
vi. College committee on Phase 3 so we need to make sure we consider this
vii. Set up folder and documents on t drive for everyone to add their bullet
points to.
6. Move to adjourn Kelly Jewell
Tia Schultz, carried unanimously.