Department of Special Education Department Meeting 10-23-13

Department of Special Education
Department Meeting 10-23-13
In attendance: Casey, Katy; Collet-Klingenberg, Lana; Collins, James; DeVore, Simone;
Gordon, David; Gwalla-Ogisi, Nomsa; Kolb, Sharon; Robinson, Rowand; Schultz, Tia;
Toms, Ozalle; Troemel, Eileen; Winchell, Brooke, Lindahl, Lynn
1. Calling the meeting to order at 3:37pm
2. Curriculum
a. Changes already occurred
i. 480
1. edTPA covers narrative
a. 24 doing IEP, FBA, BIP, as well as edTPA
ii. Student teaching is using edTPA rubric
1. Pilot, have to grade
2. Once edTPA goes live, Pearson will grade by national standards
3. Instructor now nationally certified, instructor next semester not
nationally certified, have to come up with plan
4. Office of field experience has determined the forms used in past
5. Taskstream
a. Portfolio system that includes entering and collecting data
b. Data is in one area
c. Can set it up by course or phases
i. With courses, artifacts can be added
ii. With phases, rubrics can be added
6. University supervisors are completing rubrics for IEP
7. Clinical forms, professional dispositions, observation forms
(replacement of past observation form) filled out by university
8. Need to define student teaching and where edTPA fits into the
context of student teaching
a. edTPA replaces unit plan, no more ed. eval
b. narrative, philosophy, replaced by narrative for edTPA
c. edTPA replaces unit and components of portfolio
d. only portions replaced are videotaping and learning
9. Curriculum committee
a. Start with 324
b. What is important to faculty and students
c. Wait for changes, look at DPI values
3. Lynn Lindahl – 15 minutes
a. Office of field experiences
b. Description of program and students needed
c. Keep communication open
d. Focused schools and districts
e. One voice to secure placement
f. Clearly defining program placement and field study
g. Parameters
i. Field study office can place field study
ii. Programs plan program placements
1. Language
a. Come up with term for program placements
h. Courses
i. 485 had agreements, some still in place
ii. 385 has mostly minors
i. CC Office of field experiences on email
i. Give tentative list in beginning of semester
ii. Outline how many students, schools needed
j. Need an articulated agreement with schools
i. International student teaching- draft agreement
ii. Database of interested schools
iii. Contract
k. Observe programs and schools
l. Regions used for student requests rather than districts
i. Put in handbook and website
ii. Out of area has process
4. Announcements (15 minutes)
a. Approve minutes
i. Moved Katy Casey
ii. 2nd Simone DeVore
5. COEPS Strategic Planning and Budget – Casey (15 minutes)
a. Feedback
i. Send comments by Monday Oct. 28 to Katy
b. Diversity committee
i. College wide
ii. Each college needs annual report of diversity on college and departmental
iii. Ways to support international students
iv. Increase cultural diversity (african american, hispanic students)
c. Focus for college
d. How to measure goals
6. Advising Robinson (15 minutes)
a. University credits / electives
i. Check requirements
ii. Take notes
1. On student program plan and course recommendations
iii. Can email students plans
b. Physical science requirement
i. 2 science requirements for university and PI34
1. Both can match
2. One has to be biology, one has to be physical science
3. Can cover 4 requirements in 2 science courses
c. Student responsibility
d. University requirements or transfers--ask Tracy
e. Sit in on advising meetings
f. Holds officially released by November 11
g. Checks and balances for students completing requirements
7. edTPA (as time permits)
8. Move to adjourn Sharon Kolb 2nd Katy Casey