Department of Special Education Department Meeting 11-28-12

Department of Special Education
Department Meeting 11-28-12
In attendance: Casey, Katy; Collet-Klingenberg, Lana; DeVore, Simone; Gordon, David;
Jewell, Kelly; Kagy, Kristal; Kolb, Sharon; Lindahl, Lynn; Robinson, Rowand; Schultz,
Tia; Stevens Griffith, Amy; Stuart, Shannon; Toms, Ozalle; Winchell, Brooke
Absent: Troemel, Eileen; Griffith-Stevens, Amy
1. Announcements
a. Minutes from 11-14-12 approved Kolb/Devore
b. Dean Heyning visited. Shared information regarding the state of the
COEPS strategic plan and her leadership style. Dean Heyning considers
the strategic plan for the COEPS is a “fluid document” and calls in
COEPS Strategic Priorities. In January of 2012, she worked with
department chairs to update and revise this document. Specifically, they
revised the COEPS committee structure, which was implemented Fall
2012. They also updated the COEPS mission statement. All updates
should be on the web by winterim. This plan is not linked to the university
strategic plan, so in the future tweaks will be made to link it to the
university. Dr. Heyning also shared that she is most passionate about
technology, diversity, and globalization. Where the three items meet is
how we develop community leaders. Therefore, if we are looking for
supports, it is important to try to show how the request may develop
community leaders.
c. Travel Information-Rowand shared information about changes to the
travel forms and mandates. Before we bring in candidates the search chair
(Shannon) will meet with Dean Heyning to determine how candidates
should fly in for interviews.
d. LEAP Workshop Teams- Rowand shared that the COEPS is figuring out
how we fit with the LEAP initiatives. The SPECED HLC committee will
examine this.
e. Rowand shared that the COEPS Promotion and Tenure Standards
approved by the Chancellor.
f. Rowand shared that there have been a couple alternative options to earn an
associate degree called “flexible option degree programs”. Dean
Heyning’s take on this is that we do not want to be penalized for not
participating so the COEPS is listening to options.
g. Rowand shared that the strategic planning committee is evaluating
changes we need at the university level at both the graduate and
undergraduate level.
h. No one from the COEPS applied for the Service and Advising Awards
2. Kelly shared that we need to re-write our COEPS conceptual model. No more
seashell model needed. We need to make sure safety studies, counseling, and
communicative disorders are represented.
3. Kelly shared edTPA manual was released. Milton district will take our four
students for fieldwork spring 2013. In 2014 we should have all our students under
edTPA under non-consequential. DPI has not made a decision regarding Early
4. Registrations updates (10 min)
5. Lana shared that the SPECED Promotion and Tenure Standards were approved
however, there was a request made that we revise the tenure standards from a
table to a narrative type format. This would make it easier for outside committees
to review Purple Books.
6. Rowand shared that we need to make sure we get all our ducks in a row before we
submit curriculum proposals
7. Katy suggested a 4:30-6:30 on 12-13 time to meet and celebrate our new faculty
members at her house.
8. Move to adjourn Kelly/Stuart