Department of Special Education Department Meeting 3/12/14

Department of Special Education
Department Meeting 3/12/14
In attendance: Casey, Katy; Collins, James; Gordon, David; Gwalla-Ogisi, Nomsa; Jewell,
Kelly; Kolb, Sharon; Robinson, Rowand; Schultz, Tia; Stevens Griffith, Amy; Stuart, Shannon;
Toms, Ozalle; Winchell, Brooke
1. Announcements – called to order at 3:38pm
a. Approve minutes
i. Moved – Sharon Kolb
ii. 2nd – Ozalle Toms
iii. Passed with one correction
2. Eval questions for DeVore & Winchell – compare ECSE to SPECED – tabled until
subsequent meeting
3. SPECED 205 text – evaluated thus far by LCK, LL, and R2 - Slightly expanded section
on RTI and has updated the info on ASD to fit the new DSM 5 definitions. Proposal to
request the bookstore to provide the e-book version (or at least that option) for students as
there are a lot of integrated links, etc. – for fall new edition – Rowand will make the
request for all sections of SPECED 205
4. Curricular Proposals: Drafts due by end of April
a. Thanks to those who have already submitted: (e.g., David for 410 and Sharon for
b. Common Rationale – Sharon to provide language
i. Will have language to plug into all curricular changes
5. Advising – R2
a. Physical Science site
b. ELEMMID 425 update – Elementary Education worked to accommodate all
students taking the course
6. edTPA updates
a. addressed five policies – all departments must establish framework for Phase 3.
b. All programs need artifacts
c. 485 will be the pre-edTPA
d. Training – brief overview on March 19 with the option of full day training on
April 4 from 9-3
e. Simone and Brooke to attend COEPS trainings
7. Incident on Campus – resolution from Faculty Senate to address students taping courses
without instructor permission as session was taped and posted which violates property
8. International education
a. Matches strategic goal of the COEPS
b. Represents an opportunity to make an impact
c. Includes concern that teacher candidates not licensed yet, which parallels
concerns raised regarding China as a potential site
d. Would need to pilot with a strong student
e. Concern that countries such as China have a different perception of special
education assessment procedures, thus assessments must be used that are specific
to the country of origin so they are developed with specific students in mind (e.g.,
culturally sensitive)
f. Discussed the viability of sites such as China, Ghana, Australia, Ecuador, and
g. Jamaica – 4 co-teachers in January
i. Will go back to Jamaica in January 2015 and will return with more
1. Amy to return to Jamaica Education Ministry to assess their
ii. Had to make accommodations, but worked well in Jamaica
iii. Didn’t work as well based on impact on 458 & 410
iv. As an example, area of Mandeville has Special Education schools that
serve students with more severe disabilities (similar to a Lakeland or
Norris structure)
v. These sites often see teacher candidates as agents of change
vi. Broaden your mind and experiences – education ministry – pushing for
more services
vii. Jamaican government has been working since 2009 to pass Special
Education laws and is on target to pass soon
viii. Need to determine the timeframe and how it will impact various
requirements each semester (e.g., Fall placements would impact the last
three weeks of student teaching)
h. Ecuador – we don’t want to discount the cultural experience
i. They have established the first inclusive school in Ecuador but the
department must evaluate the nature of that experience
ii. Previously certain sites were excluded due to missing components to
prepare students adequately to teach in the US (e.g., South Africa, Ghana,
i. Committee identified to establish criteria to evaluate International programs as
sites for student teaching: Amy Stevens Griffith, Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi, Sharon
Kolb, Ozalle Toms
9. Minors will continue to take 361 which will be designed to better meet the needs of
majors and minors (i.e., separating the two)
10. Two student teachers backed out during student teaching feeling overwhelmed.
11. Move to adjourn Katy Casey 2nd Kelly Jewell