Department of Special Education Department Meeting 1/15/14

Department of Special Education
Department Meeting 1/15/14
In attendance: Casey, Katy; Collet-Klingenberg, Lana; Collins, James; Gwalla-Ogisi,
Nomsa; Kolb, Sharon; Robinson, Rowand; Schultz, Tia; Stuart, Shannon; Toms, Ozalle;
Troemel, Eileen; Winchell, Brooke
1. Announcements
a. Approve minutes from subcommittees
i. Moved from December 4 – Katy Casey
ii. 2nd Ozalle Toms
iii. Carried unanimously
iv. Moved from sub committee – Katy Casey
v. 2nd Tia Schultz
vi. Carried unanimously
b. Lana has received the initial COEPS Administrative Fellow for the 2014-2015
academic year!
2. Internship
a. Submitted by two students, we need to approve or not each separately.
b. Students need to do well in specfld 410 in order to get approved to an internship
c. Kelly McGrail – approved with a majority
d. Erica Smith – Sharon makes a motion that she would benefit more from a
traditional student teaching placement – Katy Casey seconds motion – carried
3. Grade discussion
a. The question is C’s – the college rule is that any C – even a C- gets you through a
class. If minors get a D in the class do they have to retake it.
b. C (any) for those going for licensure; for those not going for licensure it doesn’t
count that way.
4. Announcement –James is taking over as directing assessment lab
a. Put assessments on reserve in the library
5. Student Teaching – NGO
a. One of our students had a replacement withdrawn because the school didn’t like
what was on the background check.
i. Is this something we should talk about as we are advising them at the entry
level with Rowand Robinson and Lana Collet-Klingenberg
ii. We can’t tell the students they can’t be teachers.
iii. If we have a list of reasons why the students couldn’t be teachers then the
students would have an awareness.
iv. We should ask the college to make sure it is part of Prof Ed
b. We got five slots from DPI which we can use over the next three semester (SP14,
F14, SP15)
i. Do we want to use them all at once or do we want to distribute them?
ii. 1 SP14, 2 F14, 2 SP15 is one option
iii. What date do we want our student teachers to submit for edTPA?
iv. Lana moves to use Jillian Markham who will be supervised by Amy
Stevens Griffith as the edTPA person. Seconded by Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi,
carried unanimously.
v. It makes sense to make the edTPA due as early as possible.
vi. March 27 as the due date; unanimously passed to use this date
1. Must get video permission slips
2. Select student
3. Video tapes
4. Lesson plan
5. Reflection of lesson
6. edTPA evaluation – end of semester
a. Take about an hour each
b. We need to make sure that everything works.
c. Rubrics are scored with 1, 2, 3
d. How many of these will each of the faculty score?
e. We have 38 student teachers for spring
f. We need to have a plan for local evaluation – we don’t want edTPA leadership to
determine our plan /policy on this issue
g. All we get back from Pearson is a score – that isn’t going to give us any
meaningful information. We only have to do a portion of the evaluations
h. Shannon motions that department full-time faculty and staff share responsibility
for conducting local evaluations of edTPA at the end SP14 semester and reevaluate for following semesters. Sharon seconds. Carried with one abstaining.
i. Do we ask the dean for compensation to cover the time the faculty spend on this?
Rowand will make the request.
j. We can look into trading with other universities for local evaluations.
k. Rowand will come up with an initial plan and send it out to everyone.
7. Transition edTPA scores to parallel portfolio scores
a. This will replace the unit plan and the assessment
b. We need to keep our evals going for these in order to keep our special
accreditation (WTS/CEC)
c. When we report out about our program, how do we extrapolate the edTPA
d. We need to extrapolate the information into the WTS/CEC – will probably be
e. Can we add WTS / CEC so that it is in one place? Yes we can add it in – we just
have to set it up that way. We should also add in the other components – FBA,
BIP so there is one system where the evaluation is.
f. All the faculty should have an account. To get accounts, Rowand needs to send a
request to Marie Benson – the new edTPA lead
g. Overall graduate scores were lower than undergrads. The students who took
Kelly’s class scored better than those who didn’t on rubric 10 and overall did
better on the edTPA. Average of about 2 – significantly higher than average on
rubric 6 and lower on rubric 13.
8. Sub committee discussion
a. 361 / 385 stay connected and minors no longer take
i. Minors could take 450, 465, 470, 487
b. Have the minor advisors take care of the curriculum change. This change will
increase numbers in the substitute classes and reduce the numbers in 385/361.
c. Taking away 5 credits and replacing only 3 credits. Can we substitute any C&I
courses – no we cannot – no double dipping
d. 485 stay 2 credits / 410 move to 2 credits – this will have to be submitted as soon
as possible.
e. 380 – keep this course will stay the same and tweaking the narrative to work with
edTPA. Shannon will pilot the revisions and give feedback on the results.
f. Graduate program
i. Add a field work class
ii. Cross Cat will have to change
iii. Course proposals to change the program
iv. How would that be offered and how would load be offered?
v. Should be similar to what we offer undergrads
vi. 640 and 685 would be linked
g. Sharon motioned to allow the minor advisors to make the professional judgment
calls for appropriate substitution for the fall 14. Lana seconded. Passes
h. Shannon motioned to change 676 Mulitple disabilities to a 700 level course.
Ozalle seconded. Carried unanimously.
9. Move to adjourn Nomsa