Administrative Services Staff Meeting October 2, 2001 PRESENT: __x_Rocky Bonura __x_Janet Clarke __x_Mike D’Amico __x_Maurice Elmore __x_Janice Ely __x_Pam Fees _vac_Bob Gann __x_Vic Hanson __x_Alex Kelley __x_Donna Manno ____Andy Nasatir ____Lynnda Nelson __x_Allene Quarles ____Marcy Wade Minutes: The minutes of September 18 were approved. Datatel: Vic reported that he gave Cabinet the option of “pulling the plug” on Datatel if they find a system they do like. This decision was based on: Staff members making Datatel the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong on campus. Endless complaints from other areas about every technological change Administrative Services tries to make. In spite of the fact that they have nothing constructive to offer in return, they are bound and determined to make sure that the new systems don’t succeed. The lack of support from other divisions when any new system is introduced. This is extremely frustrating for Administrative Services and is counterproductive and extremely harmful to the college; however, if the college will not get behind and support changes, there is no way they can succeed. A case in point is the new Timekeeper system, which was designed to streamline time reporting for casual workers. Resistance to the Timekeeper system is primarily due to the large volume of illegal time reporting activity it exposes and the amount of work office employees encounter trying to bypass the system with manual entries. They would rather complain that the new system makes too much work than “clean up their act” with regard to time reporting. It was noted that exposure of this illegal activity is all the more reason to keep the Timekeeper system. Also, managers need to be managers. They need to mandate clocking in, ban manual bypass of the system and discipline employees who are insubordinate. Status of Accurate Budgets on Infonet: Specific concerns regarding budget accuracy on the Infonet that have been received in writing have been addressed. More training with individual divisions will also be scheduled. Janice announced that divisions will be assigned to specific people in Accounting so they will know whom to call when they have a question. Accounting personnel will also be monitoring the budget for irregularities and going out to divisions to review querying etc. Vic stressed that if a service is offered, it has to be good. It was noted that this new system will create a lot of extra work for Accounting, and those managers who don’t want to manage their accounts will be only too glad to let Accounting do their work for them. It was decided to try this new system for a while to see if divisions make a sincere effort to develop the understanding and knowledge necessary to maintain their own accounts accurately. If this does not happen, something else needs to be done to resolve the problem. Janice will report every month on how the new system is working. Annual Reports: Annual reports are due to Vic by October 15 so that they can be put together for the president’s deadline of November 1. Committee Reports/Division Issues Rocky Bonura: A number of accidents have been reported in the Cafeteria, and it appears that workers have had no safety training whatsoever from their managers. Rocky will provide some training videos, and employees will not be able to start work until they have at least three or four hours of training (videos, etc.) Mike D’Amico: Cabinet issues: They want the vacation schedule for certificated administrators to come out more often. The president wants the furniture in the Business hallway removed asap. The proposed FISH camp dates are all bad. Although an attempt was made to put the blame on Bob Gann, it was Jolene Combs who signed for the Union news stands. The Classified Service Awards event was critiqued. They didn’t like the mix-ups (who should be receiving gifts, what gifts they should be receiving, etc.) Part of the problem is that managers do not review and return the checklist Human Resources sends out. The president wants recipients to rsvp next year because he doesn’t want to recognize them if they are not there. They liked the packaging of the awards for 15 plus years. Allene noted that, beginning in December, she will take over the preparation for this event. Janice Ely: Datatel is closed through May of 2000. Allene Quarles: She will make a presentation on ECC’s Applause Cards at an ACCCA conference. They were introduced in 1994; consequently, people need to be reminded that these cards exist and how to use them. The completed cards are sent to Pat Caldwell’s office. Donna Manno: Another New Employee Orientation will be held tomorrow. ECC Pride Day will be held on October 11 and will include a make-your-own sundae bar. It was suggested that the college should provide its administrators with something with the ECC logo to wear when they are representing the college. Rocky will do a proposal for logo-embossed name cards. The trainer position is closing this week. Pam Fees: They will be reprinting the budget book (probably next week). “Board Approved” will appear on the back inside cover to differentiate it from the previous version. Janet Clarke: Eight Datatel training sessions are scheduled for this month. They will also touch on the budget issues and accessing through Infonet. There will also be some budget report training in November. Donna needs to capture the training Janet and Rocky do for state reporting. Maurice Elmore: A number of issues have come up at the cafeteria. Improper dumping of grease and food have been reported. Also, furniture from the Alondra Room has been taken to other areas on campus without permission. These items need to be communicated to those in charge of the cafeteria program. Maurice and Rocky will meet with Arvid Spor. Three hiring panels are now in process. The Assistant Director position has gone out for a third time due to lack of qualified applicants. Janet noted that she needs to pre-qualify bidders for the Science building project. Alex Kelley: It was noted that uniform type shirts for those in service groups have already been recommended for security purpose; however, this is a negotiable item. Three hiring panels are in process. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. staf102