Administrative Services Staff Meeting September 17, 2002 PRESENT:

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
September 17, 2002
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
____Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
____Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
__x_Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of September 10 were approved with the following corrections:
-Under Bob Gann, change to “The Chancellor’s Office has tentatively approved funding for the
following scheduled maintenance projects:”
-Under Janet Clarke, change to “refresher training will be on the 23rd.”
Management Meeting Agenda: Possible agenda items for tomorrow’s Management Meeting
were requested. Suggestions:
 Enrollment – Issues like whether or not growth should still be our focus (since we are
now penalized for growing) need to be addressed.
 Add Process - The viability of the new add process needs to be determined. Also,
Alex noted that he needs to meet with Nadine Hata and Bill Mulrooney re: how they are
processing adds.
 Form 519 – Problems with getting Form 519 from offices wanting Facilities/ITS services
continue. A prime example is the Financial Aid expansion project, which has been
floating around for over a year. Bob told Arvid Spor three weeks ago that he needed to
complete Form 519 and get it signed off before any work could be done on expanding the
Financial Aid office into the classroom next door. He still has not done the form, but he
called a meeting with Don Treat, Hortense Cooper and Rocky as if the project had been
approved. In reality, it has not been approved, they don’t have a budget for the project,
they really don’t have a plan, and it is uncertain whether Tom Lew has even agreed to
give them the classroom. Also, Rocky expressed concern that their current idea is to fill
the classroom with cubicles rather than redesign the space to make it a better work
environment. Confusion was also expressed as to why this project was even being
pursued since all capital outlay money was removed from the 2002-2003 ECC budget and
there will be a bond election in November. Vic noted that there is never any
implementation or follow up on items discussed in Cabinet
Vic stressed that if they don’t have Form 519 signed off, they don’t have approval for a
project, and Administrative Services should not waste any time working on a project until
it is approved. Don Treat, Ora Mayon-Bryant and others who will be called upon to work
on projects will be informed that no work is to proceed on a project until it has a signed
Form 519 attached to it. Bob noted that the detailed planning is done after the project in
general has been approved via Form 519. Alex noted the need to revise the form to
include a 6 – 9 % fixed overhead increase to the cost of each project.
It was noted that the next two Management Forums will be hosted by HR.
Workshop: David Miller reported on a recent Liebert Cassidy Whitmore workshop on legal
issues that he attended at Mt. SAC. It covered hypothetical situations in detail, including how to
handle E-mail, and he highly recommended it for managers and supervisors. This workshop will
be repeated in Long Beach on Thursday. Marcy stressed that these are good workshops with
pertinent information that are well worth attending (especially since they are already paid for).
Also, attending them constitutes documentation that you have been trained. If there is enough
interest in advance, a video feed could be set up at ECC.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Rocky Bonura: He is catching up on training. The follow-up SWACC inspection will be
in October.
 Alex Kelley: It was recommended that the Inglewood Center hire its own technician, but
they have not done so. They are now requesting that ITS provide laserfiche and other
support which would require a sizeable financial outlay because the current facility
doesn’t support it. In addition to the one-time cost, there will also be ongoing monthly
costs. The line cost alone would be about $700 a month. A decision is needed as to what
support the college wishes to provide. Vic will take this issue to Cabinet.
 Donna Manno: They are continuing with the “Who We Are” series and would like
support from people on campus. CEI will meet with the management group and the CQIN
team to debrief them on the customer service training. She notified Mattie that she is to be
on the calendar committee but hasn’t received any notice of meetings. Is something more
official required?
 David Miller: The major work is mostly complete except for the CDC. The cable has
been ordered, and it should be in and done in a couple of weeks. The plumber is currently
working on a water backup problem in the Art building which he believes was caused by
improper disposal of grease by Deli #1.
 Bob Gann: Electric rates in California are 90% higher than in the rest of the nation. He
will attend a meeting on October 10 dealing with this issue. This group is separate from
the CCLC, which actually negotiates contracts.
 Maurice Elmore: They are fine-tuning the portable classrooms.
 Allene Quarles: They are still trying to get a date for the consultant to meet with the
Classification Review Committee. Concern was expressed about whether this firm is
capable of meeting the needs of the college. The first of several mailings on long-term
care will go out this week.
 Janet Clarke: She is continuing work on the policy/procedure project. A meeting re:
food services will be held this week to discuss the WpLRC request to withdraw from
management of the Cafeteria by January 1. Rocky would like to be included. She is
concerned about the bid process – only three more Board meetings are left this year. Bob
noted that priorities and sequencing on master plan projects don’t always line up due to
scheduling issues.
 Pam Fees: She is in the process of updating the budget book. She is also working on the
upload of the budget, and two people are being cross-trained to do Brenda’s part. She has
not heard of any major problems with the September 10 distribution of casual and student
payroll checks. Delores sent out sample sign-in sheets with instructions. She will be on
vacation from September 30 until October 16th. Janice is on vacation until September 30.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.