May 21, 2014

Community Advancement Division Council
Meeting Notes
May 21, 2014
Department Updates
o Career Pathways - Alicia Zambrano - Compton:
1) Career Advancement Academy (CAA) Program – We just finished our CAA Cohort for the
fall semester and 19 students graduated, 16 received their NIMS Certifications.
2) Aerospace Fastener Program – We also offered a morning and evening training and over
38 students completed the program. In taking the additional classes to complete a
certification, they are on their way to a job opportunity with the Industrial Fasteners
3) Summer and Spring Student Recruitment: We are working hard on recruiting students for
our next summer and spring sessions for our new CAA Student Cohorts in the areas of
Machine Tool Technology, Aerospace Manufacturing and our new cohort, Air Conditioning
and Refrigeration. We are conducting presentations at our local high schools, adult
schools, Work Source Centers, and other local community organizations.
o Center for Applied Competitive Technologies (CACT) – Traci Traina:
1) H1B Technical Skills Training Grant: Going through an audit and that’s running smoothly.
2) NSF (National Science Foundation) Grant: Still waiting on announcement of NSF Grants
3) WIP (Workforce Innovation Partnership): Coming to a close this summer. We have
Cerritos, Compton and ECC doing machining programs. Once the high school students
take the certification they each receive a tool box.
4) Mentor Protégé: Starting second year, setting up the budget for training.
CACT Activities:
5) 32 hour (Certified Quality Engineer) CQE Certification course started on Saturdays.
6) Campus Police did not know that we had classes on Saturdays. They want a phone call to
let them know when we are having classes at the BTC. (Jose) If there is ever an
emergency call 911. The Hawthorne Police Department will respond because they are
o Community Education – Veronica Mendoza (not present):
1) Kid’s College preparation. Program starting June 23rd until August 1st. Training new
casual workers.
o Center for Customized Training (CCT) – Maricela Vital:
1) ETP 14-0800 AB118 Alternative & Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Contract, ETP
13-0125 Two-Year Contract, and ETP ET14-0217 Two Year Contract (Training Partners:
C3, Cerritos, CMTC, Corporate Training Institute and Quest), no changes.
2) Our student worker, Breonca Johnson, graduated from El Camino College this month with
AA and AS degrees.
o Grants – Jennifer Hutcherson:
1) Grant proposal submission(s): The SBDC, in partnership with the Center for Advanced
Competitive Technologies and Centinela Valley Union School District applied for a United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant called Farm to School. This grant would
provide approximately $100,000 to assist the school district to expand their farm to school
activities and assist food producers and manufacturers to become better informed on how
to bid for school district business.
2) Grant proposal(s) in progress and/or planned: The Special Resource Center in partnership
with the CACT and the Workplace Learning Resource Center is considering submitting an
application with the Department of Rehabilitation for a program called College to Career for
students with intellectual disabilities (a concept paper is due 5/30).
The Employment and Training Administration and the Department of Labor have put out
the TAA CCCT (Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training)
Grant Program. ECC will apply as a lead for at least $10 million for program in advanced
manufacturing. This program is an effort to focus training on workers that have been
dislocated due to trade/imports from other countries. The proposal is due July 7th.
ECC will also be partnering on various other TAA CCCT grant opportunities. The details of
these partnerships have not been finalized.
General Update(s):
Searching for funding for the Women in Technology Program.
Searching for funding for the Teacher Resource Room which the Childhood Education
Department has been operating. The Teacher Resource Room assists over 2000 students
per year and was previously funded by the CTEA (Career Technical Educational Act)
Searching for funding for the Counseling Department. They are looking for a study abroad
Small Business Development Center (SBDC) – Laura Garinger:
1) Star Van Buren and LauraLee Garinger attended the Women in Business event held on
April 25, 2014, hosted by Maxine Waters. Several resource participants were there that
included SBA, U.S. General Services Administration, Center for International Trade
Development, Gardena Valley Chamber of Commerce Harbor City/ Harbor Gateway
Chamber of Commerce, Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (PACE) Women’s
Business Center, South Bay Environmental Services Center, Vermont Slauson Economic
Development Corporation and the El Camino Small Business Development Center.
2) One of our SBDC clients, who was also a success story, received an award from Los
Angeles Mayor Garcetti on May 12, 2014 held during the Small Business Week honoring
small businesses throughout Los Angeles County. This particular ECC SBDC client first
started out as a dishwasher for a restaurant and later he bought the restaurant. He also
opened up a market in the same shopping center. Just last week he added a bakery in the
same shopping center.
3) The ECC SBDC had its center review (audit) May 10th. We passed with only a couple of
minor corrections.
4) Some of the remaining workshops to be held in May are the Import workshop to be held
May 22 from 3-5pm, Orientation workshop to be held May 22 from 1:45-2:45pm, Basics of
Starting a Business to be held May 22 from 3:00-5pm. On May 27 How to Estimate StartUp Costs will be held from 3-5pm. On May 28 Social I Media Marketing Pinterest Sells to
be held 9:30am-12pm and On May 29 Market Research for Small Businesses from 3-6pm.
A new QuickBooks Series will begin Tuesday, June 3, and run for five weeks. The classes
will be held every Tuesday evening from 6-9pm.
Workplace Learning Resource Center (WpLRC) – Maryann Cohan:
Terminal Island:
1) Welding Contract ongoing to May 30, 2014 with Instructor Henry Jackson.
2) Parenting 5-year contract awarded to WpLRC. Instructor Bobbie Lanham. Classes began
April 1, 2014.
Metropolitan Detention Center:
3) Parenting on-going. Instructor Theresa Reed.
4) Blueprint for Success. Instructor Theresa Reed.
STCW-95 (Standards for Training Certification and Watchkeeping): We’ve sent out
flyers with our Schedule and Brochure. Veteran organizations (Goodwill, New Directions)
sending students.
5) STCW Class: Full class on May 27-31. A $50 increase will become effective on July 1st for
the Fire Module in both Basic & Advanced Firefighting.
6) Lifeboat Class: June 9-11 and 14.
7) Advanced Fire: June 23-27. 2 ½ days Lane Victory, 2 days Fire Academy. PO from
Crowley for six students. Ten plus students waiting for class. Eldon and Chief for
Advanced Fire.
8) Tankerman: Minimum of 5 students needed
9) Medical Provider: Minimum of 5 students needed.
10) Security Awareness for all Seafarers/half day class: Cancelled
11) Security Awareness for Seafarers with Specific Security Duties: June 23rd.
12) Vessel Security Officer (VSO): May 15th. Curriculum sent for approval.
13) Effective February 1, 2013 all workers who tend to off-shore rigs must have fire training.
a. New Developments: The College has posted the Director of Grants position. Bobby will
apply. We will eliminate the SSP position we now have at the BTC.
b. Insure Descriptions on PO are complete: Proof documents carefully before moving forward.
c. Amendment to contract amount/end date needs PO Change Form completed and sent
d. End of Year Activities: Be aware of cut-off date in May for buying merchandise. Also, the cutoff date in June for receiving merchandise or services, and turning in invoices and packing lists
to Accounts Payable for payment as 2013-14 expenses.
e. Contracts starting July 1st should be to Dr. Nishime by May 21st to be on June 16th Board.