AQIP Steering Committee Meeting Report for May 2, 2005 Attendees: Ron Abrams, Brad McCormack, Bev Walker, Carol Easley, Lew Milner, Kate Peresie, Diane Hipsher, Margaret Puckett, Keith Stoner TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS Commmunication Message committee wanted delivered at the May 5 In-Service was discussed. Consultants Discussion regarding Dave Baldwin and our next step. AQIP Research Study Discussed our involvement in doctorial research project. Kate will talk about The AQIP website, the Strategy Forum in February, the importance of stressing this is a “continuous improvement process”. Hand out copies of the Higher Learning’s Cycle. Re-do poster into two posters for posting May 5. Identify areas around which we want to design action projects. Bring in an expert on DACUM to facilitate a 1/2day to help us come up with a plan of action and data mining. Will participate. PERSONS RESPON-SIBLE Kate, Keith, and Diane TIME LINE May 5 Carol will contact a DACUM expert to set a day and time for meeting. Diane will be the contact person. May 16 May 16.