AQIP Steering Committee Meeting Report for June 6, 2005 Attendees: Ronald Abrams, Brad McCormack, Carol Easley, Kate Peresie, Diane Hipsher, Keith Stoner, Peg Moir, Bev Walker, Margaret Puckett. Guests: Doug Hanuscin, Paul Sukys TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS AQIP Logo Keith presented several options and they were discussed. More options will be presented at the next meeting. Ron reported on the Governor’s Report Card. Documents were circulated. Data and information in the Governor’s Report Card provide support for the AQIP Project Areas of Strategic Planning and Restructuring Recruitment and Retention. An area not originally included in the six project areas but having support in the Governor’s Report Card is the College Mission and Vision. Doug Hanuscin attended the meeting as expert on the Report. Discussion followed. Out of the discussion came the fact that there is a very real disconnect among the College’s employees as to what is our mission and what direction do we take to meet our mission. Decided that this was a major problem and that understanding and agreement as to our mission should become an action project. Report also supports the project area of Strategic Planning. Paul Sukys attended the meeting as expert on the Report. General discussion of this report as well as the Transition Team Report. Reports support the AQIP Project Areas of Strategic Planning. Reports also indicated a need for improved communication and employment-related processes None Dr. Abrams Eliminate “Program Review” as an Action Project and replace it with “Understanding and Agreement of the College Mission and Vision.” Kate Next meeting Make copies of the Report for the committee members. Diane Hipsher Next meeting . DATA MINING: EXPERT’S REPORTS Governor’s Report Card Gardner/ Shaw Report Gardner/ Shaw Report PERSONS RESPONSIBLE Keith Stoner TIME LINE Next meeting . (evaluation, orientation, training, mentoring, recognition, empowerment). The Committee agreed that improvement in communication could occur through a better understanding of the College’s Mission and Vision, therefore that project area receives further support. Improvement in employment-related processes is not a project area for this round but could be considered in the future.