Week of May 2 - 6

Week of May 2 - 6
Spelling – prefixes
 The students will review the
short and long vowel sounds.
 The students will use the
comprehension strategy of
inferencing (using context
clues to infer meaning).
 The students did a wonderful
job on their oral presentations.
We also really enjoyed reading
all their animal books!
1. unhappy
2. refill
3. untie
4. undo
5. repay
6. unkind
7. unlocked
8. retell
9. reopen
10. reuse
High Frequency Words
11. carry
12. poor
Bonus: different
Language Arts
 The students will begin a unit on prefixes. They will learn to
identify the base word, learn its meaning and then learn the
new meaning when a prefix has been added.
Ex. tie, untie
read, reread
Module 19 – Graphing
We will continue to make, read, and interpret
picture and bar graphs.
Module 20 – Personal Financial Literacy
This unit teaches students the importance of
budgeting. We will talk about saving vs.
spending all the money one can earn.
Please read over the day’s lesson and choose one or
two problems to discuss with your child. If she or he can
teach the concept to you, then you know mastery has
This week our students will
begin our final LASER i3 unit
of study, Organisms.
Sharing What We Know about
Observing and Describing
Planting Our Seeds
Math homework goes home every day, but Friday, in the red folder. It
is to be returned the next day. Homework is not graded, but checked,
and teachers keep track of whether the homework is done or not as a
report card requirement.
Timed math fact test goal sheets are to be kept in the back
pocket of your child’s red folder in order for you to know
what facts to study each week.
Please practice your math facts for at least 10 minutes
each night if you are not up to mixed practice to 20.
Woo Hoo! Congratulations to those
students who have already met their
timed math fact tests goal!
Science teachers need
donations of paper towels
and disinfectant wipes.
Thank you for helping us
keep our rooms healthy.
All students MUST walk/run track every day as part of the state of Texas requirements for physical fitness.
Please wear appropriate shoes for track, recess, and P.E.
Please continue sending signed notes within 3 days of your child’s absence from school.
Students must be fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school!
Reminder: Each letter and/or number reversal will have 2 points deducted from the final grade.
Looking ahead
Every Monday: Bush Spirit Day at Beans Cafe (all day)-Special Bobcat Smoothie for Bush students
Thank you, parents, for all that you do to support your child’s success in first grade.
We appreciate you!