Daily Five Week of November 30 – December 4 Long u- u_e

Week of November 30 – December 4
Daily Five
 This week the students will be
reviewing the strategies we have
introduced on the CAFÉ board.
These strategies will help the
children become successful
o Check for Understanding
o Back up and Reread
o Literary Elements
o Cause and Effect
o Author’s Purpose
o Using Punctuation
o Practicing Sight Words
 The students will practice reading
words with the long u sound.
Examples: huge, cube, and rude.
Long u- u_e
1. cute
2. mule
3. tube
4. rude
5. rule
6. use
7. huge
8. flute
9. June
10. mute
High Frequency Words
11. you
12. come
Bonus Word: conclude
Language Arts
The children will be introduced to contractions. They will learn
that a contraction is a shortened form of two words. We will
focus on not and will contractions this week.
Unit 2 Module 8 Addition and
Subtraction Word Problems
8.1 Choose an Operation
8.2 Generate Addition Word Problems
8.3 Generate Subtraction Word
8.4 Solve Multi-Step Word Problems
Module 8 Assessment
Please read over the day’s lesson and choose one or
two problems to discuss with your child. If she or he can
teach the concept to you, then you know mastery
Math homework goes home every day, but Friday, in the red
folder. It is to be returned the next day. Homework is not
graded, but checked, and teachers keep track of whether the
homework is done or not as a report card requirement.
Timed math fact test goal sheets are to be
kept in the back pocket of your child’s red
folder in order for you to know what facts to
study each week.
LASERi3 – Soils
Lesson 1- What is Soil?
Lesson 2 – Where do
dead plants go?
Lesson 3 – Intro to sand,
clay, and humus
Lesson 4 – When soil gets
Lesson 5 – More about
wet soils
Dirt is often used as a
synonym to SOIL, but
dirt also means dust,
mud, and grime. In this
unit, we encourage
students to say SOIL.
All students MUST walk/run track every day as part of the state of Texas requirements for
physical fitness. Please wear appropriate shoes for track, recess, and P.E.
Please continue sending signed notes within 3 days of your child’s absence from school.
Students must be fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning
to school!
Looking ahead
Every Monday: Bush Spirit Day at Beans Cafe (all day)-Special Bobcat Smoothie for Bush students
Tuesday, December 1 - individual picture retakes