Strategy Strategy: Appropriate Grade Level:


Reading Comprehension


Strategy: Previewing by Listening for the Teacher

Appropriate Grade Level: K - 12


This strategy designed to improve reading fluency by exposing material to the reader before he/she reads it.

Decide on an appropriate passage for the student.

Explain the procedures to the student.

Instruct the student to read aloud from the same passage for 1 minute.

Mark errors on a copy of the reading passage while you follow along.

Record and chart the number of words read correctly per minute by subtracting error words from the total number of words read.

Start the next lesson at the point where reading instruction stopped the previous lesson.

Comments and/or tips:

Preview can take several forms: the student can be asked to preview the material aloud or silently, or the teacher can do the reading aloud.

This strategy is similar to repeated reading, but students can gain exposure to vocabulary, phrasing and emphasis before reading the text themselves.


Mastropieri, M.A., Leinart, A., & Scruggs, T.E. (1999). Strategies to increase reading fluency. Intervention in School and Clinic, 34 , 278 – 283.
