Sunday 108 St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church Brampton, Ontario Readings for Sunday, October 17, 2010 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Exodus 17.8-13 Second Reading: 2 Timothy 3.14-4.2 Gospel: Luke 18.1-8 LAMP INTENTIONS The Two Sanctuary Lamps, the St. Anne Lamp, the Sacred Heart Lamp, the Divine Mercy Lamp and the Padre Pio Lamp burn for Your Special Intention: This week the lamps are burning for: LAMP NO. 1: Special Intention for the soul of Jonathan Faria LAMP NO. 2: For the Charpentier Families SACRED HEART Soul of Agatha and Stjepan Vurusic ST. ANNE LAMP: In Thanksgiving DIVINE MERCY: Special Intention PADRE PIO: Special Intention GRADE 2 – SEPT. 2010 FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST COMMUNION Registration is completed for the Reconciliation/First Communion year. 2010/2011 First ROSARY CELEBRATION St. Anne’s Church and the Legion of Mary will have Devotions honouring the Blessed Virgin Mary on FRIDAY, October 15th. We will begin with Mass at 7:00 p.m. in the church, followed by a Living Rosary Celebration, and an outdoor Candlelight Procession in her honour. Everyone is invited to attend. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monday, October 11, 2010 9:15 am † Eduino Dutra Tuesday, October 12, 2010 9:15 am † Ulalia Estev Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:15 am † Herculano Botelho 7:00 pm † Maria Isabel, John Baptista and Eddie Nunes Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:15 am † Urcelina Pereira & Marcelino da Estrela Friday, October 15, 2010 9:15 am † Cecille Legazpi 7:00 pm Open Intentions Saturday, October 16, 2010 St. Marguerite d’Youville 9:15 am † Joyce Romeo VOCATIONS How has Jesus touched you and made you whole? In gratitude, ask Him how He would like you to respond. Could Jesus be calling you to follow him as a priest, sister, brother or deacon? If God is calling you, contact Fr. Hansoo Park at 416-968-0997. email: The Knights of Columbus will have their General meeting on Wednesday, October 13th at 7pm in the Pocock room. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY OCTOBER IS MISSION MONTH. PRAYER CARDS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH. World Mission Sunday is on October 24th this year. This is a worldwide collection for the missionary church that provides emergency aid when disasters strike, cares for refugees in war torn nations, provides rural health clinics and transportation for priests, catechists, religious and lay pastoral workers. It provides financial support for the daily needs of all missionaries. Please pray for the missions and be generous on World Mission Sunday. Date THE EDGE NEWS LIFE TEEN The EDGE has begun their Ministry on Friday evenings beginning with Mass in the Church at 7:00 p.m. The EDGE is a Catholic middle school youth ministry for early adolescents in grades 6-8. It is designed to meet the catechetical, educations, spiritual, emotional and social needs of young adolescents. Please see their board in the lobby for more information. Life Teen meets every Saturday evening in the Stephenson room for teens in grades 9 – 12 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a high school aged friend or friends with you. AUTUMN FAMILY FUN DAY On Sunday, October 24th in the Pocock room from 2 – 4 p.m. Come for lots of fun, games and even loot bags for the children. There will be hot dogs, chips and Timbits for all. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed to help sort the food in the Stephenson room at 10:15 a.m. on Monday, October 11th following the morning mass and the Rosary. This is great for Community hours. SPONSORING A REFUGEE FAMILY There will be a second meeting on Thursday, October 21st at 7:30 p.m. in the Stephenson room for those who would like further information in assisting sponsoring an Iraqi family. ALTAR SERVERS’ MANDATORY MEETING There will be a MANDATORY Altar Servers’ meeting in the Church on Tuesday, October 12th at 6:30 p.m. We also welcome anyone who would like to become an Altar Server and encourage them to attend this meeting. In order to become an Altar Server, you must have already made your First Communion. This will be the last meeting until sometime next year. There is a desperate need for 12 noon servers. If you cannot attend this meeting, please contact Liz Michaud at (905) 450-9179. ALPHA The ALPHA Course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith. There is a meal together at the beginning of each session which gives you an opportunity to get to know each other. The course runs from Sept. 27 to Dec. 13. There is still room to join them at St. Anne’s School; across from the church on Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. C.W.L. WOMEN OF FAITH LUNCHEON On Sunday, November 7th the St. Anne's CWL will host their 3rd annual "Women of Faith" luncheon at the Speranza Banquet Hall. Nominations for a Catholic "Woman of Faith" will be accepted until October 17th; nomination forms are available in the parish office. Tickets for the luncheon fundraiser will be on sale after all Masses on the weekend of October 23 & 24 in the Stephenson Room at a cost of $40. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the St. Louise Outreach Centre, a ministry which was started 25 years ago by a St. Anne's parishioner, the late Irene Baker. Please consider joining us for this special event and helping to support a very worthy cause. Kindly refer to this week's bulletin insert for further information. Sunday 108 Municipal Elections 2010 – Can I Vote for Catholic School Trustee? Remember, our next municipal election will be held on Monday, October 25, 2010. To find out if you are a (Catholic) separate school supporter, contact your school board and ask for the Admissions or Assessment Office. Contact information for all boards, in addition to other election resources, is available online at: You can also amend your status at the voting booth if necessary. When you arrive to vote, verify that you are registered as a (Catholic) separate school supporter. If your support status is incorrect ask to have your status amended. The ballot you use to vote for other elected officials (mayor, etc.) will also include candidates for Catholic School Board Trustee. Even if you do not have children in our publicly funded Catholic Schools, you still have the opportunity to vote for Catholic School Trustees. To help educate our family of faith, Archbishop Collins has given permission for Catholic School Trustee candidates to distribute literature to parishioners departing weekend masses from now until October 16/17. Take the time to get to know the candidates and, most importantly, exercise your democratic right to vote. Annual Spaghetti Dinner A most sincere thank you to the staff at St. Anne’s, especially Fr. Damian and Fr. Kim for allowing the Divine Mercy Pilgrimage Walkers to host our annual spaghetti dinner again this year. What a great success it was! A special thank you goes out to: Mastro Foods for donating the cheese, salami and the sauce; Giuliana Pieri and Sandra Mirabelli for cooking that wonderful penne and for making up the antipasto for each table and for the great salad; Franco Pieri for supplying the entertainment by playing his terrific piano accordion; for all those who helped to decorate the Stephenson room, for setting up and for serving the food; for those of our parishioners who generously donated baked goods for the bake sale; for everyone else not mentioned here who had a hand in helping out that evening and for ALL of those who gave up of their time and generosity to attend this most fun filled evening. May God bless each and every one of you for your thoughtfulness and kindness! Also, congratulations to those who won the prizes: Door prizes: John Rodrigues, Shakira Abubaker and Sandra Brum. The 50/50 Draw Winner was Giuliana Pieri PASSING THE CHALICE Again this year, we will have the Chalice passed from home to home for anyone who did not have the opportunity to participate during the Year of the Priest. You will have the Chalice in your home for one week during which time you will pray for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life. A prayer booklet will accompany the chalice. The sign-up sheet is in the parish office. Once again The Rosary Apostolate team will be visiting schools within the parish. We are inviting parents/students or friends to attend a Fund Raising Luncheon, held on Sunday Oct. 24, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. at the Payal Banquet Hall, at the Queen's Ballroom, 3410 Semenyk Court, Mississauga, Ont. Cost $30.00/per person [Major intersection: - Mavis Rd./Central Parkway] Please call Maureen Pereira [905-793-9342] for tickets. Please come out and support us - a very worthy cause, I assure you. Thank you. We sincerely thank everyone who participated in Life Chain on October 3rd. Your commitment to unborn children is making a difference. Let's keep the voice growing! The office will be closed Monday, October 11th, 2010. all day on HARD CANDY FOR DR. SIMONE Once again, hard candy will be collected on behalf of Dr. Simone. Donations can be left in the lobby where we usually collect food on behalf of them. Thank you to everyone who donates. Date Worldwide Marriage Encounter Married couples: You deserve a weekend to celebrate being together; to rediscover each other and focus on ways to make your relationship even better. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend offers this opportunity. Consider giving each other or another couple that you know the gift of a weekend away from daily pressures; time to be with each other and with God on a Marriage Encounter Weekend. Upcoming Weekend Date: October 22-24, 2010 For further information or registration please contact: Cora & Mike Bryce (905-896-2958) or Ministers of Care Training Minister of Care Training and Formation Program is designed to prepare lay persons to become involved in various caring ministries in the parish such as Ministry with the Sick, feeding the poor, social justice committee, bereavement, etc. This training will be held at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Mississauga on the following Saturdays, October 23, 30, November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2010 from 9:30am-3:00pm. Registration fee is $25.00. For further information contact Sally Amaral at (416) 721-3741. COME AND SEE WEEKEND “The Love of Christ urges us on” to radically respond to His call to follow Him whole-heartedly. Jesus is inviting you to spend time with Him so that you may discover His call. th th When: November 5 to 7 , 2010 at St. Augustine’s Seminary. There will be an opportunity for young men of 18 years or older to spend a weekend for time of prayer, reflection and information on the process of becoming one of Christ’s disciples through the Catholic priesthood. Help for Troubled Marriages Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi) is a program to help married couples through difficult times in their marriage relationships. It is designed to provide the tools to help get your marriage back on track. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover one other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. For confidential information or to register for the November 12-14, 2010 weekend call 416-2816007 or visit the web site at Saint André of Montreal Throughout his life, Brother André Bessette touched the lives of millions. Today, more than 70 years after his death, he has become an inspiration to countless more from around the world. On October 17th, the founder of Saint Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal will become Canada’s first male saint. Salt + Light invites you to celebrate the life of Brother André and discover what makes this great man – a saint. Call 1-888-302-7181 or visit New Beginnings: Widow/Widower Support Group: Looking for hope and guidance after the death of a spouse? In an informal setting we meet for seven weeks, where we share and learn from each other. Time: Friday Evenings: Oct. 15th to Nov. 26th at 7:30 p.m. Location: St. Margaret of Scotland, 222 Ridley Blvd, Toronto Ontario. Facilitator: Mary Muir; Enquiries Deacon James Shaughnessy 416-921-1163 ext 2246. Holy Name of Mary College School, a university preparatory private Catholic school for girls (Gr. 5-12), is holding an Open House on Saturday, October 16th, from 10 am to 2 pm at 2241 Mississauga Road. All are invited to attend. More information can be found on or call 905-891-1890. Retreat in Marylake Retreat Centre on Oct. 15-17, 2010 for men and women. Fr. Terry McKenna - Retreat Master Theme: Life in Grace Registration fee is $160.00 Please contact Teodora La Madrid-416-240-9249 or Vicky Divina 905-949-5038. THANK YOU! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 14749 would like to thank the Parishioners of St. Anne’s for their contribution to Rose Sunday, which raised money for BIRTHRIGHT.