Reading: We have begun to explore the world of Nonfiction texts.
Our friends are able to
identify if a book is fiction or nonfiction and they are starting to recognize some of the text
features authors use to help us as readers. Try reading some nonfiction (age appropriate) books
The kinders are becoming experts with long vowels, especially words with a silent e!
We are taking time to practice each long vowel and noticing how it may look in words - for
example, some long a words: rain, make & day.
Writing: Our How To writing unit is going really well, as we are also making connections to our
nonfiction unit… both units are for teaching & learning and we are noticing the importance of
organization, illustrations and details. We created a class How To shared writing and students then
started to work on their own How To Make a Pizza book. Continue to encourage writing at home,
as well!
Math: We have started to study 3d shapes (solid shapes).
We are learning that these shapes are
different than 2d shapes (flat shapes) because they have edges, corners & faces.
* Words Their Way: “word sorts”, We are working on individual sorts, to reinforce specific skills –
short vowels, blends, digraphs or long vowels.
* Snappy Words: Take some time to practice these words with your child to help build fluency in
reading & writing... (a, and, I, me, you, the, my, is, to go, can, we, he, she, at, be, no, it, like, am,
play, on, in, yes, did, for, see, that, come, was, up, with, by, from, have, if)
* Science: We have finished up Earth Science by identifying the 4 seasons and writing about our
favorite one!
* Social Studies: We are discussing Friends with a variety of texts and activities.
Dates & Reminders:
March 4 – Movie Night
March 10 – Early Release
March 25 – No School
March 26-April 3 – Spring Break
* AM friends: Please have a couple of
books in backpacks to read while
arriving to school and waiting for the
day to start.
* We try to go outside on Thursdays;
please make sure your child has
appropriate clothes for the weather and
for playing.
* We have had a lot of friends out sick
in room 115. Please make a good
judgement when sending your child to
school if they are not feeling well, we
want our friends healthy and wellrested!! We did some good cleaning the
other day, so hopefully it will be a fresh
start this week 