MARCH 7TH-11TH Sunshine Smiles Reading Workshop Nonfiction Texts This week, the SUNSHINES were immersed in nonfiction texts. In reading workshop, they participated in read alouds, interactive activities, and discussions about nonfiction texts and their features. The kids documented their thinking through media, charts, and graphic organizers. Themes of the Week: * Building 3D RECYCLING SCHOOL-HOME CONNECTION The SUNSHINES recycled magazines along with their creativity and imaginations to use different textures, patterns, and contrasting colors to form spring flowers. They wrote their opinion on why recycling is important. Check out the learning that is radiating from the SUNSHINE room this week! Shapes * Recycling * New Word Wall Words * Nonfiction Texts Words of the Week: Marking New Words for Learning rain, gave, name, nice, daytime, girl, boy, didn’t, I’m, respect 1 Science/Social Studies/Health Reading * We visited our BIG BUDDIES to learn about how * *We continue to work on reading nonfiction texts. different types of energy work (light, heat, sound). The BIG BUDDIES presented their learning in different interactive displays. In reading groups, we focused on how to read nonfiction texts and what to do when we see/read a new word. We learned how to use the text to help us figure out the meaning of the word. The kids even have a special bookmark that they use to keep track of their new learning! * We began our unit on MAPPING. We talked about the differences between countries, states, towns, etc. The SUNSHINES had a chance to create themselves on a map, as well as, constructing a map of our classroom. We discussed map keys and features. * We also charted what surprised us in the nonfiction books that we were reading. We posed more wonders and researched our questions. * We read books about recycling and conservation and wrote about why we think it is important. Thank you to all that sent in supplies for us to reuse in class! Math Technology We continue to publish and share Pixie Projects. Writing * We continued to create “HOW TO” pieces and publish them on Pixie. We focused on having an introduction, materials, steps, and an ending. * * * We began our unit on constructing, analyzing, and comparing 3D shapes. Throughout the * *We had many different types of sharing week, the SUNSHINES had several opportunities to observe, record, and construct these shapes. We talked about vertices and edges and had many conversations about what we notice with the different shapes. * We continue to review fractions, using hundreds/tens/ones, missing addends, and more during our number routines each day. opportunities throughout the week to showcase our SUNSHINE authors. We had our peers state 2 stars (2 things they loved about their work) and a wish (one thing that they would have liked to have seen in their work). * We reviewed our individual goals and different types of writing that they can choose to do (narrative, informational, how to, poetry, math, opinion, digital, fairy tale, and more). UPCOMING EVENTS AND REMINDERS * Don’t forget about the March Reading Response on my website. * Please sign and return the white envelope that your child’s report card came home in. You can keep all of the contents that were inside of it. * Continue to check Progress Book for academic check-ins throughout the Trimester. * There will be NO School on March 21st-25th due to SPRING BREAK. 2