A Resolution to Support Standardized 2 week add/drop period.

A Resolution to Support Standardized 2 week add/drop period.
Whereas, an add/drop period for at the start of the semester that is consistent provides for all
campus constituents to be able to inform students of the last day to add all semester courses ;
Whereas, the preference of a one or two week add period is split, based on type, location or
timing of a course, but the instructor discretion to add as student in the second week is helpful
in many situations;
Whereas, consistency is valued versus an ever fluxing policy of the “right amount” of time to
allow to add course being based on the financial season;
Resolved, the Hartnell College Academic Senate support the adoption of a standard add/drop
period to extend two weeks,
Resolved, the Hartnell College Academic Senate does so with the understanding that it is under
the instructor discretion to determine if it is pedagogically sound to add a student after the first
day of class.