Academic Senate Resolution: (4.15)

Academic Senate Resolution: (4.15)
Allow for Part-Time Faculty Participation on Governance Councils and Standing Committees
Whereas the Academic Senate represents all faculty currently teaching at Hartnell College, serving as the voice
of all faculty in academic and professional matters; and
Whereas part-time faculty comprise a majority of academic faculty at Hartnell and in the California Community
College system and democratic process would dictate that the majority retain some degree of permanent
representation; and
Whereas part-time faculty possess some very specific viewpoints and knowledge that should be included in the
governance structure for the healthy functioning of that governance structure;
Resolved, that the Academic Senate requests that participatory governance councils and standing committees
may establish a seat designated for an at-large part-time faculty member. This seat shall not diminish the
number of seats currently accorded to full-time faculty.
Resolved, that the Academic Senate wishes to encourage part-time faculty to contribute to the participatory
governance process and recognizes that their participation is voluntary.
Contact: Carol Kimbrough
AS Resolution (4.15)
Approved: 11/25/2014