Resolution 16-XX: to Support Online Faculty Professional Development. Whereas


Resolution 16-XX: Using Anticipated Savings from Adopting a Common Course Management System (Canvas) to Support Online Faculty Professional Development.

Whereas, the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Online Education Initiative seeks to expand system-wide student access to quality online courses by providing a common course management system

(Canvas) for distance education courses offered throughout the state; and

Whereas, the Online Education Initiative will allow for District purchase of the common course management system at a reduced cost through statewide licensing;

Resolved, that monetary savings which may result from the District transitioning to the common course management system subsidized by the state Online Education Initiative be identified and used primarily to support the professional development needs of distance education faculty making the transition to the new course management software.

Contact: Carol Kimbrough, Academic Senate President; Lisa Storm, Senator & member, DE Committee

12/8/2015, first reading
