MINUTES Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting October 1, 2013

Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting
October 1, 2013
8:30 am – 10:00 am
Lawrence Street Center, 14th floor ~ Chancellor’s Conference Room
Present: Rich Allen, Lindsey Apodaca, Joann Brennan, Meg Brown-Sica, Kim Clark,
Susannah Colton, Paula Dickson, Ingrid Eschholz, Jeff Franklin, Deserae Frisk, Dorothy
Garrison-Wade, Laura Goodwin, Dawn Gregg, Kelly Hupfeld, Bruce Jenson, Martina
Juarez Lopez, John Lanning, Marjorie Levine-Clark, Carol Morken, Carol Rivas-Morken,
Shelby Shafto, Donna Sobel, Amanda Spears, David Thomas, Joanne Wambeke, Inge
Wefes, John Wyckoff, Danielle Zieg, and Shelley Zion.
Minutes: The 9/3/13 minutes were approved.
 CLAS has welcomed two new Associate Deans: Richard Allen, Associate Dean of
Research and Creative Activities; and Marjorie Levine-Clark, Associate Dean of
Planning and Initiatives.
 John Lanning thanked everyone for their efforts to spread the word about the
Early Alert program.
 Registration for the Undergraduate Experiences Symposium registration has
closed due to reaching full capacity.
Discussion Items:
 Canvas Deployment (David Thomas): David Thomas gave a briefing regarding the
progress of the Canvas migration. He provided an overview of the Canvas
migration key deliverables, current projects, and future directions for academic
technology based on the consolidated Canvas platform (attached).
o David Thomas relayed that he would keep everyone informed regarding
the progress of the ISIS provisioned course roles.
o Canvas has an interface for Learning Tool Integration (LTI), which faculty
can manage. The CU Online team is working with vendors to develop
customized LTIs.
o Turnitin plagiarism detection will be accessible by faculty and students to
check their work for plagiarism. Turnitin will be piloted in the Spring 2014
o The group expressed interest in exploring Canvas as a shell for Academic
o Program level outcomes can be set up in Canvas, which could be
customized for program outcomes.
o It may be possible to develop a Canvas community for the Core Curriculum
Assessment Project.
Contact David Thomas, Manager of Academic Technology Services, at 303-3153704 or david.thomas@ucdenver.edu with questions or feedback.
Independent Studies and Certificates in Relationship to Cross-College Workflow,
Expectations, and Planning (Joann Brennan): The group reviewed the form,
Requesting an Independent Study (attached), and discussed the need for
developing defined workflow and criteria for independent study requests across
colleges and schools. John Lanning recommended the group also consider if
academic based versus research based independent study requests should be
differentiated on the form, and that clarity is needed regarding internships versus
independent studies.
Kim Clark relayed that the Requesting an Independent Study form resides with the
Records Office. A task force was formed including Joann Brennan (Chair), Jeff
Franklin, Kim Clark, and Dawn Gregg to work on development of independent
study request processes and to revise the Requesting an Independent Study form.
John Lanning that recommended Steve Medema, Director of the University
Honors and Leadership Program (UHL), also be invited to join the committee.
Joann Brennan, John Lanning, Christine Stroup-Benham, and Terry Potter
assembled the research on certificate programs together (attached). Joann is
currently in the process of creating a certificate program policy and certificate
agreements. The group suggested that sanctioned and unsanctioned certificates,
how to track certificates, and the requirement regulations need to be clarified.
Also, the Records Office has to be informed and involved with any progress in the
certificate programs. A small task force to work on certificate programs was
formed including Marjorie Levine-Clark (Chair), Inge Wefes, Kelly Hupfeld, Ingrid
Eschholz, Lindsey Apodaca, Deserae Frisk, Shelley Zion, Dawn Gregg, David
Thomas, and Joann Brennan.
Information Items (attached):
 Lunch & Learn: Professional Development Series 2013-2014 (Donna Sobel) The Center for Faculty Development (CFD) is organizing “Lunch and Learn:
Professional Development Series 2013-2014” sessions. Registration for Lunch
and Learn sessions is available on the CFD website
(http://www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/faculty/center-for-facultydevelopment/Workshops/Registration/Pages/form.aspx). The sessions that deal
with tenured faculty are scheduled for October 30th and February 4th, with guest
speakers Provost Rod Nairn and Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
Laura Goodwin.