Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes Monday, April 14, 2014 Barge 412, 2:00-3:00 Attendees: Absent: Chris Schedler, Melanie Palm, Steve Stein, Sue Noce, Tina Short, Gene Shoda, Ping Fu, Robyn Brammer, Ron Tidd, Laura Portolese Dias, Joshua Welsh Tracy Pellett, Patricia Cutright, Jacob Wittman, Doug Lonowski, Filip Jagodinski, Bill Thelen . Welcome a. C. Schedler welcomed council to meeting. I. Review of Meeting Minutes – 3/10/14 a. Reviewed meeting minutes: R. Tidd moved to approve; G. Shoda seconded; minutes approved. II. Information Items a. Task Force Updates i. Distance Education taskforce met on 4/3; next meeting 4/23 1. Reviewing policies and practices for compensation of ITV courses. 2. Working on a survey for faculty and students for their experience with ITV classes; surveys will be distributed in next couple weeks. 3. Looking into ITV operation costs, as well as incident reports, and data that impact ITV classes. 4. M. Palm will discuss how Portal Project integrates Centers online with hybrid courses. ii. Computer Labs taskforce met on 4/7 1. Data from the survey was administered to faculty and students. (a) 1300 responses from students, almost 150 from faculty. (b) Currently in process of analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data that we received. 2. Discussed configurations that faculty would like to see in labs and what kind of technology students have access to, and would like to have access to. iii. Faculty 180 taskforce (F. Jagodinski sent update) 1. 55% of faculty overall have completed their workload plans. 2. 40% of workload plans have been approved already. iv. Clicker taskforce 1. R. Brammer had surveys designed that will go to faculty and students. 2. Timeline: within the month (next two meetings) will be able to make a recommendation on one of the systems. b. Resource 25 for scheduling classes and use spaces i. Possible business case for replacement ii. Option to go out and look at some companies and see which enterprise scheduling system would be best for CWU. iii. Would allow one single source of information for rooms available in the University and how many seats per square foot and feed into the new R25 system. III. Status Updates a. Canvas i. 500 courses using Canvas for Spring 2014, about 50% of the courses that traditionally had been using Blackboard per quarter. 1. 266 instructors using Canvas for Spring, also about 50% that would typically use an LMS. ii. Spring is the final quarter for faculty to use Blackboard to teach; in summer all courses will be in Canvas. iii. Looking to make Blackboard available in archive only mode for a year. iv. There are 7500 students using Canvas in Spring 2014. b. MediaAmp i. Library has developed a search engine for all their resources that they put into MediaAmp; includes oral histories for Suncadia and copyrighted video; linked through ScholarWorks as well. ii. Migrated all of the content that was in iTunes over to MediaAmp; working on making it available to instructors so they can embed a player into Canvas for streaming. iii. Working with IS to get recordings from ITV sessions uploaded. iv. SBCTC did an RFP for lecture capture, chose Panopto. UW (MediaAmp developer) is working separately with Panopto so that recordings could be uploaded automatically to MediaAmp; CWU should be able to make use of that too. IV. Multimodal Course Fee Proposal a. ATAC endorsed proposal last quarter; currently going through course fee process; 4/15 will go before the Budget & Finance committee. i. Received feedback from ADCO Chairs with concerns and questions. 1. Issues were around communication, how the course fee proposal process works, and who should be involved; how information is transferred from ATAC back to colleges and departments. ii. ASCWU-BOD (student governing body) supportive of fee structure; requested that the lowest tier of fees $10 for Web Presence (WP) courses be reduced to $5. iii. Vote on reducing Web-Presence (WP) course fee to $5: passed, no abstentions. V. Student Technology Requirements a. J. Welsh put together student technology FAQ’s. i. Discussed issues that students have with utilizing technology resources and locating them. 1. People weren’t sure where all computer labs and resources were. 2. Unsure of collaborative spaces for working with a study group. 3. Where a laptop could be checked out: Library, SURC, Tech Center 4. Information should be put on website, my.cwu portal, incoming packet for new students. b. Discussed hardware and software recommendations for online students. 1. Multimodal Learning developed recommendations for online learning hardware/software, browser settings, and plug-ins. 2. Add strong recommendation that students have a webcam for online courses. 3. Note that students may have issues with some functionality using Chromebooks, Tablets, etc. 4. Disclaimer at the beginning of course if specific hardware/software is required. Next meeting: April 28, 2014 Barge 412, 2:00-3:00