Name ______________________________________________________ Date __________________________ Period ______ Map Terms Vocabulary Chart Word Map Projection Definition A way of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface (All of the flat maps in the classroom) Distortion A change in the shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map Physical Map A map that usually shows land elevations and/or ocean depths, and physical features Political Map A map that shows political units that are under one government such as states or countries Thematic Map A map that shows information about a specific topic and where a particular condition is found Examples: climate map, population density map Population Density The average number of people that live in an area (square mile); How crowded a place is Compass Rose A diagram on a map that shows directions Cardinal Directions North, South, East, West Picture Intermediate Directions Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast Map Legend/Key A box or area on a map that explains the meaning of the symbols used on the map Map Scale An element of a map that shows how a unit of distance on the map relates to actual distance on the surface of the Earth. Ex. 1 inch = 400 miles