California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Legislative Tracking Matrix 2015-2016 Legislative Session: 3/18/2016 BILL AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB 986 1449 1582 1583 1594 1653 1654 1690 1721 1726 1741 1747 1778 1781 1837 1846 1892 1914 1936 1985 1995 2009 2017 2018 AUTHOR Gipson Lopez Allen Santiago McCarty Weber Santiago Medina Medina Bonta Rodriguez Weber Quirk Lopez Low Lopez Medina Bonilla Chavez Williams Williams Lopez McCarty Ridley-Thomas Legislative Matrix 3 18 16 SUBJECT Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Desk/Rules Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Concurrence First House Second House BILLS TRACKED BY THE CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE - TIER 1 Community Colleges: Compton Community College District x Student Financial Aid: CCC Transfer Cal Grant Entitlement Program x Conflict of Interest Codes: Educational Institutions x Community Colleges: Enrollment Fee Waiver x Prohibition of Smoking and Vaping on Campuses x Postsecondary Education: Campus Climate x Student Safety: Crime Reporting x Community Colleges: Part-Time, Temporary Employees x Student Financial Aid: Cal Grant B (Sponsor) x Data Collection (Asian Pacific Islander Groups) x California College Promise Innovation Grant Program x Food Assistance: Higher Education Students x Postsecondary Education: Sexual Assault and Violence x Public Postsecondary Education: Child Development Programs x Office of Higher Education Performance and Accountability x Adult Education Consortium Program x Student Financial Aid (Cal Grant C) (Sponsor) x Public Postsecondary Education: Academic Materials: Access Codes x Residency: Dependents of Armed Forces Members x Advanced Placement Exam (CC System Score Standard) x Community Colleges: Homeless Students: Shower Facility x Student Support Services: Dream Resource Liaisons x College Mental Health Services Program x Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Employee Training Act x x x x x x x x x x x x x STATUS Senate Ed. Senate Ed. Asm. E. & R. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Approps. Asm. Approps. Asm. Approps. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Health Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Approps. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. 1 of 8 California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Legislative Tracking Matrix 2015-2016 Legislative Session: 3/18/2016 BILL AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB 2056 2069 2123 2132 2136 2154 2157 2214 2222 2251 2308 2352 2364 2383 2412 2434 2455 2494 2506 2521 2646 2654 2664 2681 2738 AUTHOR Garcia E. Medina Baker Baker Mayes Medina Baker Harper Holden Stone Hernandez R Rodriguez Holden Medina Chang Bonta Chiu Hernandez R Thurmond Cooley Mayes Bonilla Irwin O'Donnell Olsen Legislative Matrix 3 18 16 SUBJECT Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Desk/Rules Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Concurrence First House Second House Cal Grant Program: Graduation Verification Seymour Campbell Student Success Act of 2012 (PT Faculty) Postsecondary Education: Student Financial Aid (Spot) Postsecondary Education (Spot) x x Exemption for Nonresident Tuition (Deletes Nonimmigrant Exception) x x Student Aid Commission: Student Members Postsecondary Education (Spot) Los Rios Community College Pilot Program to Support Special Needs Students x x x x x x x x x x x x x Postsecondary Education (Spot) Equity in Higher Education (Sexual Harassment Policies) Cal Grant Program (Spot) Public Postsecondary Education (Spot) School Bonds: Local School Bonds x x x x Public Postsecondary Education: Faculty Royalty Income Disclosure Transit Passes (Postsecondary Education - Free Passes) Student Loan Borrowers' Bill of Rights Health Care Coverage: Enrollment Assistance Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program (Crafton Hills CC) Postsecondary Education: Tuition Exemption (Concurrently Enrolled Students) Autism Employment and Education Act Incentive Grant Program for Completion of Industry-Recognized Credentials Postsecondary Education and Higher Education Policy Automatic Student Voter Registration Program Veteran Resource Centers Grant Program Student Financial Aid: Chafee Grants STATUS Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Introduced Introduced Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Introduced Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Trans. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. E. & R. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Introduced Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Ed. 2 of 8 California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Legislative Tracking Matrix 2015-2016 Legislative Session: 3/18/2016 BILL AUTHOR Gomez Gipson Lopez Medina Chiu Chang O'Donnell Brown Gonzalez Leyva Nguyen Beall Allen Hancock Nguyen Block Block Block Leyva Block Glazer Block Leno AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB ACA SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB 2750 2758 2766 2791 2822 2831 2850 2860 7 66 893 906 1038 1144 1218 1314 1357 1358 1385 1439 1450 1455 1460 AB 735 Ridley-Thomas Legislative Matrix 3 18 16 SUBJECT Postsecondary Education: Exemption from Nonresident Tuition Exemption from Nonresident Tuition (Concurrently Enrolled Students) Student Aid Commission (Student Representation) Community Colleges: Disability Services Program Student Financial Aid: Student Success and Support Program State Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Postsecondary Education: Assumption Program of Loans for Education Adult Education: Block Grant Program Voting Age: School and Community College Elections Career Technical Education Pathways Program (Sponsor) Tuition and Fees: San Bernardino Dependents Public Postsecondary Education: Priority Enrollment (Sponsor) Community College: Employees: Tuberculosis Examination Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Desk/Rules Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Concurrence First House Second House x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Community College Apportionment (Correctional Officers Education) x California Postsecondary Education Commission (Spot) x Cal Grant A Entitlement Program x Community Colleges: Enrollment Fees (Spot) x Postsecondary Education: Student Financial Aid (Spot) x Community Colleges: Optional Method for Warrants x Postsecondary Education: Sexual Harassment Prevention x The California Promise x California Community Colleges: Board of Governors (Spot) x Community Colleges Funding: San Francisco Community College District x BILLS TRACKED BY THE CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE - TIER 2 Postsecondary Education: Student Athlete Bill of Rights x x x x x STATUS Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Introduced Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Introduced Assembly Senate Ed. Senate Approps. Senate Ed. Senate Ed. Senate Rules Senate Ed. Senate Rules Senate Rules Senate Rules Senate Rules Senate Ed. Senate Rules Senate Ed. Senate Ed. 3 of 8 California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Legislative Tracking Matrix 2015-2016 Legislative Session: 3/18/2016 BILL AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB SB 1850 1943 1961 2061 2097 2116 2124 2155 2340 2476 2520 2656 1042 AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB 1115 1648 1679 1711 1835 1880 1888 1891 1912 1916 2021 AUTHOR Garcia E. Linder Baker Waldron Melendez Gallagher Garcia E. Ridley-Thomas Gallagher Daly Rodriguez O'Donnell Hancock Salas Wilk Weber McCarty Holden Irwin Low Dababneh Achadjian Irwin Ridley-Thomas Legislative Matrix 3 18 16 SUBJECT Educational Services Federal Immigration Reform Vehicles: Parking: Public Grounds Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Desk/Rules Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Concurrence First House Second House x x Student Financial Aid: Private Nonprofit Postsecondary Educational Institutions x Supervised Population Workforce Training Grant Program x Career Technical Education (Spot) x School Bonds: Citizens Oversight Committees x Teacher Credentialing: Career Technical Education x Teachers Retirement: Full Time (Instructors in Adult Education) x Gun-free School Zone x Local Governments: Parcel Taxes: Notice x Student Financial Aid: Student Aid Commission x Kindergarten to Grade 14 Education (Spot) x Child Care: State Preschool Programs: Eligibility Age x BILLS TRACKED BY THE CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE - TIER 3 x x x x x School Zones: State Highways x State Publications: Distribution x Child Care: State Preschool Programs x UC: Nonresident Enrollment x Private Postsecondary Education: Exemptions x State Real Property: Reversion Cal Grant: Nondiscrimination x x x School Districts: Special Taxes: Exemptions x Sex Offender Notification x Private Postsecondary Education: Student Tuition Recovery Fund x Elections Process: International Election Observers STATUS Asm. Ed. Asm. Trans. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. J., E.D. & E. Asm. Ed. Asm. Ed. Asm. Ed. Asm. P.E.,R. & S.S. Asm. Pub. S. Asm. L. Gov. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Ed. Senate Ed. Sen. Trans. & Housing Asm. Jud. Asm. Hum. S. Asm. Failed-Reconsid. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Ed. Asm. Approps. Asm. Rev. & Tax Asm. Pub. S. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. E. & R. 4 of 8 California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Legislative Tracking Matrix 2015-2016 Legislative Session: 3/18/2016 BILL AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB 2028 2058 2063 2064 2137 2156 2163 2164 2166 2181 2183 2210 2215 2257 2288 2294 2302 2317 2344 2386 2393 2419 2429 2447 2484 2499 AUTHOR Cooper Mayes Gallagher Allen T Santiago Levine Low O'Donnell Cooper Brown Gatto Harper Medina Maienschein Burke Gomez Harper Mullin Chang Garcia Campos Jones Thurmond Campos Gray Maienschein Legislative Matrix 3 18 16 SUBJECT School and Safety Employees: Wrongful Termination CalWORKs Educational Opportunity and Attainment Program Work-Based Learning Opportunities Public Postsecondary Education: Tuition and Mandatory Fees University of California: Student Transfer Process Public Postsecondary Education: Higher Ed. Regional Workforce Coordination California State University: Campus Presidents Public Postsecondary Education: Tuition and Fees Public Postsecondary Education: Campus-Based Fees Public contracts: Contract Specifications California State University: Personal Service Contracts California State University: Student Access Fees California State University Lottery Education Fund: CSU Trust Fund Local Agency Meeting: Agenda: Online Posting Apprenticeship Programs The California State University: Employees: Leaves of Absence University of California: Labor Institute California State University: Doctor of Audiology Degree Workforce Development California State University: Trustees Classified Employees: Sick Leave The New University of California School District Bonds Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Desk/Rules Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Concurrence First House Second House x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Leroy F. Green School Facilities Act of 1998 (Energy Analysis Report) University of California, Merced: Campus Security Sexual Assault Evidence Kits x STATUS Asm. P.E.,R. & S.S. Asm. Hum. S. Asm. Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. A. & A.R. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. L. Gov. L. & E. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Introduced Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. P.E.,R. & S.S. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Ed. Introduced Introduced Asm. Pub. S. 5 of 8 California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Legislative Tracking Matrix 2015-2016 Legislative Session: 3/18/2016 BILL AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB 2557 2581 2599 2732 2786 2787 2843 2851 872 915 1059 1071 1123 1148 1180 1184 1192 1274 1275 1288 1348 1359 1412 1417 1436 AUTHOR Santiago Medina Gipson Chang Chavez Chavez Chau Maienschein Hall Liu Monning Allen Leyva Stone Jackson Cannella Hill Wolk Moorlach Leno Cannella Block Block Galgiani Bates Legislative Matrix 3 18 16 SUBJECT State Contracts: Nondiscrimination Clause Higher Education and Campus Closures Rape: Consent (Penal Code - Incapable of Giving Consent) Public Postsecondary Education: Mandatory Orientation 4-Year Baccalaureate Degree Student Financial Aid: Middle Class Scholarship Program Public Records State Mandates Local Law Enforcement: Supplemental Services Teacher Recruitment: Center on Teaching Careers Postsecondary Education: Title 38 Awards Special Education Funding: Preschool-Age Individuals Pupil Instruction: High School Graduation Requirements Education Expenses (Tax Deduction) Public School Employees: Military Veterans (Medical Leave) Health Care: Workforce Training Programs Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (CPEC Reference) University of California: Innovation Acceleration Fund Public Records Elections: Local Voting Methods Licensure Applications: Military Experience Cal Grant Program (Spot) California State University: Investments Public Education: Student Loan Payment Program Local Agency Meetings (Salary Discussions) Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Desk/Rules Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Concurrence First House Second House x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x STATUS Asm. A. & A.R. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Pub. S. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. Jud. Introduced Senate Pub.S Senate Approps. Senate B. P. & ED. Senate Ed. Senate Ed. Senate Gov. & F. Senate V.A. Senate Rules Senate B. P. & ED. Senate Rules Senate Rules Senate Elec. & CA Senate B. P. & ED. Senate Rules Senate Ed. Senate Ed. Senate Gov. & F. 6 of 8 California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Legislative Tracking Matrix 2015-2016 Legislative Session: 3/18/2016 BILL AUTHOR SCA 12 AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB SB SB SB 12 13 27 113 204 520 626 743 770 801 882 934 969 1010 1066 1145 1317 1370 1385 1397 12 15 45 Runner Cooley Chávez Chávez Weber O'Donnell Levine Low Eggman Irwin Bloom Wilk Bonilla Williams Medina Gonzalez Medina Salas Medina Ting Ting Beall Block Mendoza Legislative Matrix 3 18 16 SUBJECT Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Desk/Rules Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Concurrence First House Second House x University of California: Students BILLS TRACKED BY THE CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE - 2 year Bills State Government: Administrative Regulations: Review x x CC: Veterans Exemptions From Nonresident Tuition (Support) x x UC/CSU: Veterans - Exemption From Nonresident Tuition (Support) x x Local Government x x Redevelopment: County of Los Angeles x o Apprenticeship x x Community Colleges: Instructors x x Cal Works Eligibility: GI Bill benefits x x Community Colleges: Basic Skills: Professional Development (Support, if amended) x x Success for Homeless Youth in Higher Education Act x x School Bonds: Portable Electronic Devices x o Education Technology: K-12 High Speed Network (Support) x x Community College: Removal, Suspension, Expulsion (Support) x x Community Colleges: Part-Time, Temporary Employees x x Classified Employees: Nonemployee Contractors x x Pupils: Early Commitment to College Program x x CSU and UC: Executive Officer Compensation x x Public Postsecondary Education: Student Residency x x Community Colleges: Accreditation (No Position) x x Community Colleges: Accreditation: Public Comment (No Position) x x Foster Youth x x Postsecondary Education: Financial Aid (Support) x x Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act x x STATUS Senate Ed. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Senate Approps. - Held Senate Ed. Senate Ed. Senate Budget & Fiscal o x Senate Floor - Inactive Senate L & I.R. Senate Ed. x x x x Senate Approps. - Held Senate Approps. - Held Senate Floor - Inactive Senate Gov. & F. Senate Ed. x x x Senate Floor - Inactive Senate Approps. - Held x Senate Ed. x Senate Approps. Senate Ed. Senate Ed. o x Senate Floor - Inactive x x Senate Floor - Inactive Asm. Approps. Held x Asm. Higher Ed. Asm. L. & E. 7 of 8 California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Legislative Tracking Matrix 2015-2016 Legislative Session: 3/18/2016 BILL SB SB SB AUTHOR 62 Pavley 645 Hancock 786 Allen SUBJECT Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Desk/Rules Policy Cmte Fiscal Cmte Floor Concurrence First House Second House Student Financial Aid: Assumption of Loans for Education x x x x x x After School Programs: Grant Amounts x x x x x x Adult Education: Regional Consortia x x x x x x BILLS TRACKED BY THE CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE - Budget Budget Act of 2016 x Higher Education Omnibus Budget Act of 2016 x STATUS Asm. Approps. Held Asm. Approps. Held Asm. Approps. Held AB 1598 Weber Asm. Budget AB 2908 Higher Ed. Introduced SB 825 Leno Senate Budget Status Held = The bill was placed in the inactive file, kept in the committee w/o a vote, its hearing was cancelled, or it did not meet legislative deadlines. Some bills that are designated "Held" may not currently be moving through legislative committees, but could receive rule waivers and continue to be tracked by the Chancellor's Office. Failed = The bill was heard in committee or on the floor and did not pass. Reconsideration may have been granted. Contact: Justin Salenik, Governmental Relations -; (916) 324-2547 Copies of these bills and legislative committee analyses can be found at Legislative Matrix 3 18 16 8 of 8