Reserves Statement 2013/14 Outturn Reserve Purpose and Use of Reserve Appendix C Balance 2013/14 2014/15 Balance at at Outturn Budgeted 1/4/2014 Movement 31/3/2013 Movement £ General Fund General Reserve A working balance and contingency, current recommended balance is £1.75 million. £ 1,745,452 £ 0 Earmarked Reserves: £ 1,745,452 Balance 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Balance Balance Balance at Forecast Forecast Forecast 01/04/16 01/04/17 01/04/18 Movement Movement 01/04/15 Movement £ £ £ £ £ £ £ (249,232) 1,496,220 0 1,496,220 0 1,496,220 0 1,496,220 (363,562) 1,517,718 0 1,517,718 0 1,517,718 0 1,517,718 0 Capital Projects To provide funding for capital developments and purchase of major assets. This includes the VAT Shelter Receipt. 2,063,225 (181,945) 1,881,280 Asset Management To support improvements to our existing assets as identified through the Asset Management Plan. 64,718 (17,291) 47,427 (10,983) 36,444 0 36,444 0 36,444 0 36,444 Benefits To be used to mitigate any claw back by the Department of Works and Pensions following final subsidy determination. Timing of the use will depend on audited subsidy claims. 671,792 50,000 721,792 (50,000) 671,792 0 671,792 0 671,792 0 671,792 Big Society Fund To support projects that communities identify where they will make a difference to the economic and social wellbeing of the area. Funded by a proportion of NCC element of second homes council tax. 542,065 427,862 969,927 (368,283) 601,644 0 601,644 0 601,644 0 601,644 Building Control Building Control surplus 0 45,688 45,688 0 45,688 0 45,688 0 45,688 0 45,688 Business Rates To be used to mitigate the impact of final claims and appeals in relation to business rates retention scheme. 0 327,329 327,329 0 327,329 0 327,329 0 327,329 0 327,329 Carbon Management To fund revenue invest to save initiatives and projects within the Carbon Management Plan. 21,180 (21,180) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coast Protection To support the ongoing coast protection maintenance programme and carry forward funding between financial years. 60,000 183,167 243,167 (243,167) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Common Training To deliver the corporate training programme. Training and development programmes are sometimes not completed in the year but are committed and therefore funding is carried forward in an earmarked reserve. 36,270 40,749 77,019 (49,569) 27,450 0 27,450 0 27,450 0 27,450 Reserves Statement 2013/14 Outturn Reserve Purpose and Use of Reserve Appendix C Balance 2013/14 2014/15 Balance at at Outturn Budgeted 1/4/2014 Movement 31/3/2013 Movement £ £ £ £ Balance 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Balance Balance Balance at Forecast Forecast Forecast 01/04/16 01/04/17 01/04/18 Movement Movement 01/04/15 Movement £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Economic Development and Tourism Earmarked from previous underspends within Economic Development and Tourism Budgets along with funding earmarked for Learning for Everyone. 32,248 (19,000) 13,248 0 13,248 0 13,248 0 13,248 0 13,248 Election Reserve Established to meet costs associated with district council elections, to smooth the impact between financial years. 30,000 45,060 75,060 14,940 90,000 (60,000) 30,000 30,000 60,000 30,000 90,000 Enforcement Works Established to meet costs associated with district council enforcement works including buildings at risk . 0 146,967 146,967 (60,000) 86,967 0 86,967 0 86,967 0 86,967 Environmental Health Earmarking of previous underspends and additional income to meet Environmental Health initiatives. 33,200 33,367 66,567 (53,367) 13,200 0 13,200 0 13,200 0 13,200 Environmental Policy Earmarking of a previous underspend to meet future costs of environmental policy initiatives. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grants Revenue Grants received and due to timing issues not used in the year. 47,963 189,764 237,727 (237,727) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing Previously earmarked for stock condition survey and housing needs assessment. 242,000 (142,000) 100,000 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 100,000 Treasury (Property) Property Investment (Treasury), to smooth the impact on the revenue account of interest fluctuations. Reserve 66,068 0 66,068 0 66,068 0 66,068 0 66,068 0 66,068 Land Charges To mitigate the impact of potential income reductions. 50,356 (10,457) 39,899 0 39,899 0 39,899 0 39,899 0 39,899 Legal One off funding for Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) work and East Law Surplus. 47,555 1,045 48,600 (48,600) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local Strategic Partnership Earmarked underspends on the LSP for outstanding commitments and liabilities. 82,677 (30,949) 51,728 0 51,728 0 51,728 0 51,728 0 51,728 LSVT Reserve To meet the cost of successful warranty claims not covered by bonds and insurance following the housing stock transfer. 435,000 0 435,000 0 435,000 0 435,000 0 435,000 0 435,000 New Homes Bonus Established for supporting communities with future growth and development. 611,678 675,207 1,286,885 186,459 1,473,344 251,510 1,724,854 328,716 2,053,570 329,792 2,383,362 Reserves Statement 2013/14 Outturn Reserve Purpose and Use of Reserve Appendix C Balance 2013/14 2014/15 Balance at at Outturn Budgeted 1/4/2014 Movement 31/3/2013 Movement £ £ £ £ Balance 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Balance Balance Balance at Forecast Forecast Forecast 01/04/16 01/04/17 01/04/18 Movement Movement 01/04/15 Movement £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Organisational Development To provide funding for organisation development to create capacity within the organisation and address anomalies within the pay structure. 69,997 37,698 107,695 (100,547) 7,148 0 7,148 0 7,148 0 7,148 Partnership Budgets This reflects the balance of funding on the Revenues and Benefits Partnership project. This will be utilised in 2013/14. 35,000 (35,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathfinder To help Coastal Communities adapt to coastal changes. 265,825 (26,050) 239,775 (121,328) 118,447 (18,126) 100,321 (18,126) 82,195 (44,108) 38,087 Planning - Revenue Additional Planning income earmarked for Planning initiatives including Plan Review. 134,954 165,596 300,550 (152,839) 147,711 (4,000) 143,711 0 143,711 0 143,711 Regeneration Projects Carry forward of underspends relating to Regeneration Projects. 37,837 0 37,837 0 37,837 0 37,837 0 37,837 0 37,837 Restructuring & Invest to Save Proposals To fund one-off redundancy and pension strain costs and invest to save initiatives. Transfers from this reserve will be allocated against business cases as they are approved. Timing of the use of this reserve will depend on when business cases are approved. 694,074 229,225 923,299 (171,200) 752,099 (38,000) 714,099 0 714,099 0 714,099 24,820 5,452 30,272 0 30,272 0 30,272 0 30,272 0 30,272 Sports Hall To support renewals for sports hall equipment. Amount Equipment & Sports transferred in the year represents over or under achievement of income target. Facilities The pier To be used to support the costs of works to Cromer pier. 15,000 (15,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Whistle blowing Commissioning investigation activity as required. 10,000 (10,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Reserves 8,170,954 2,095,304 10,266,258 (2,079,005) 8,187,253 131,384 8,318,637 340,590 8,659,227 315,684 8,974,911