REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee Of the Academic Senate 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, BOARD ROOM SS 204 Meeting Minutes for Friday, April 17, 2015, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Present: Deanna Herrera-Thomas, Jacqui Cain, Dana Maher, Kristy Carlson, Dave Bazard. Sean HerreraThomas, Tracey Thomas. Absent: Tami Bighead Public Announcements: Kristy Carlson explained her ideas for the diversity poster and indicated that she would keep the MDC updated as it is refined Approval of the March 27, 2015 Meeting Minutes Motion to approve by Sean Herrera-Thomas. Minutes approved without objection. Action Items No items for action Discussion Feedback from Discussions on Race The MDC reviewed the participant comments that were generated at the “discussions on race” event. The committee discussion focused on how to organize and fund future events that would support these discussions. MDC members suggested incorporation of the MDC functions into the annual plan. Another suggestion was for the MDC to develop a formal process for being approached for diversity related events. MDC chair Deanna Herrera-Thomas indicated that there should be clear connections between the activities of the Senate, MDC, and the SEP committee. Those links are vague. The committee suggested that this should be a goal for next year and that the new Senate Presidents should be contacted early in the fall to discuss improvements of the process, with the goal of a clear set of guidelines for supporting diversity related events and activities that support underrepresented students. Follow-up Discussions on Race/Gender/Sex, etc. Committee member Dana Maher discussed comments about how race intersects ‘rape culture’ and the need for additional dialogue. There was further committee discussion about organizing events and the limitations of institution-wide coordination. The MDC also noted the need to have faculty and administrative presence at these events. This discussion was similar to what is listed under 5.1 (the two discussions blended together). The committee emphasized the need for an administrative coordinator to help organize events. A suggestion was made to put community-related events into institutional planning. These activities promote student success and persistence and are consistent with other planning we do in these areas. Diverse Images of Successful Professionals The MDC discussed ideas for posters and images that highlight the accomplishment of a diverse range of successful professionals. The images could be in the form of artwork or prints. Committee member David Bazard suggested a set of “uniform format” posters, each with the image and bio of an accomplished "underrepresented" professional in different fields. The posters would then be placed across campus, but not necessarily in program areas associated with that professional. Committee member Tracey Thomas suggested using program review to tie imagery into the process to generating images of successful images. Sherman Alexi Visual Art Contest Committee member Jacqui Cain explained that the MDC would not be judging “Book of the Year” art work this year because no submissions were made to the contest. Jacqui said the Book of the Year committee thanked the MDC for their willingness to judge. Next year the event will be promoted earlier. MDC chair Deanna Herrera-Thomas thanked Jacqui for her work on the project and asked her to thank Vinnie Peloso for his work as well. MDC Award Nominations (Attachment) Committee Chair Deanna Herrera-Thomas described the nomination process and read the list of nominees for this award (described in previous meeting minutes). She suggested having an event for the nominees in September and to also invite the people who submitted the nominations. Deanna reminded the committee to read the nominations so a vote can be taken at the next meeting. Rubric for Book of the Year (BOTY) (Attachment) Time constraints prevented a detailed discussion of this process. However, committee member Jacqui Cain stated that next year’s BOTY has been selected and will be announced soon. Reports Committee chair Deanna Herrera-Thomas announced that the MDC course recommendations will go to the enrollment management committee and it will also go to the instructional council. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 4:55pm