REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee Of the Academic Senate Friday, February 24, 2012 Minutes 1. Meeting was called to order by Chair George Potamianos at 11:21 am with members present: Philip Mancus, Michael Dennis, Ruth Moon, Toby Green, on the phone; George Potamianos, Peter Blakemore, Ana Maria Mease, Deanna Herrera-Thomas, Dana Maher, in person; and guest Kyler Tidwell 2. Introductions and Public Comments: Kyler Tidwell commented, that in talking to an associate faculty member, they were not aware that the equity plan provides for DSPS services, KSF cited an Ed code section number, describing that syllabuses should include information regarding English, Math, and Science tutors and note taking services offered by students. George Potamianos replied MDC has no authority to make people add things to syllabus, but we can recommend and could offer model language. Toby Green offered to bring it up at Std II meeting, and Deanna Herrera-Thomas suggested to look at board policy. 3. Approve the February 10, 2012 Meeting Minutes. No minutes. Ruth will send to George for review and minutes will be included in the next meeting packet for approval. 4. Discussion Items 5. 4.1 The MDC and Accreditation (specifically, recommendation 6): The committee reviewed recommendation #6 from ACCJC, and discussion followed. The ACCJC recommendation is clearly an HR role and responsibility, however, the MDC can recommend actions that would help meet that recommendation. The committee could generate a list of recommendations for the Senate and HR. Some suggestions contributed included: providing faculty with EEOC training and allowing faculty to attend “meet & greets” or job fairs at conferences or at other events where job openings could be promoted; modifying job announcement language to clearly and specifically invite and encourage diversity in the applicant pool; and providing HR with contacts and lists to other sources where jobs can be posted in addition to the standards such as the Chronicle of Higher Education, specifically diversity-oriented lists. George Potamianos stated that although our current employees’ demographics are not very diverse, and although we are not in position to hire new people, we still need a plan to increase the pool and thus increase our diversity. Deanna Herrera-Thomas suggested we consider which recommendations we could make to HR that still fall within the purview of this committee, and which recommendations we could make to the Senate. Michael Dennis suggested that we could volunteer to review proposals and contribute our expertise on diversity hiring practices. Peter Blakemore suggested that we could introduce curriculum for courses not offered here but commonly offered elsewhere, such as Latino History or African American history. He noted that the curriculum committee is scheduled to talk about curriculum proposal for a diversity requirement, which would show our commitment to diversity. A discussion of how the HR Director used to have seat on this committee, and it was generally suggested that we could invite the new HR director to participate. George Potamianos suggested that members send their ideas for increasing diversity in our hiring practices to Ruth Moon, generally divided into two categories: lists of what faculty can do and lists of what HR can do. Ruth can then bring the lists to the next meeting for more discussion or action. A discussion of research followed, and Deanna Herrera-Thomas commented that the demographic makeup of the faculty should represent or mirror our service area population, but some groups are under-represented. Dana Maher suggested that some elements of diversity our data does not capture, we have potentially larger diverse groups. George Potamianos confirmed that HR is responsible for tracking the data on ethnic distribution or other diversity elements of staff. Dana Maher suggested we talk to IR and get an idea what data is available, what kind of collection, and what kind of analysis necessary. George Potamianos offered to invite IR director to next meeting, March 9 or following meeting, depending on her availability. 4.2 Basic Skills Initiative Appointments: Deanna Herrera-Thomas and Justine Shaw discussed the previous BSI proposal and they are suggesting that a subcommittee of the MDC be appointed to work on BSI proposal. The last time Deanna Herrera-Thomas wrote the proposal herself and it was just too short a time frame for one person. Additionally, we want the proposal to come from the MDC. So far, Dave Bazard and Deanna Herrera-Thomas have agreed but have not yet been appointed officially to submit a new BSI proposal through MDC for ESOL classes. We want people representing different areas of the campus, to represent a district wide structure, to include DN and MC experience, and provide a parallel process at each campus. Toby Green agreed to join the subcommittee and Deanna Herrera-Thomas will send the previous proposal to Toby Green and to Dave Bazard to review and suggest any modifications, and get started on an updated proposal. 4.3 Student Equity Plan Committee Charge and Student Equity Plan Status: Deanna Herrera-Thomas went to first meeting of the SEP committee, and will provide us with the list of members later. The SEP committee’s charge she did not see in writing, and Deanna wants to see the Chancellors’ recommendation to the college, but Anita Davis said the charge includes an update of the 2005 SEP, so Deanna Herrera-Thomas expressed her concerns with previous plan not in compliance, having never been implemented. Deanna Herrera-Thomas asked Ruth Moon for news of the revised SEP Board Policy but Ruth Moon had no news on status of that policy revision. Current administration wants the SEP committee to work with Enrollment Management Committee and Budget Planning Council on all plans and activities, which may make it more likely that funds and assigned time will be allocated to implement SEP activities. Kyler Tidwell asked if DSPS volunteer tutors would be included? Deanna HerreraThomas explained that the SEP mandated specific services to students as a minimum, to ensure that administrators and faculty are doing their part, but not so much the students’ participation. There is some concern that if students are tutoring as volunteers, there may be less chance to hire tutors when needed. Deanna Herrera-Thomas stated that our plan was modeled after the Modesto plan, which was seen as the best at the time. There was a list of initiatives from the state included, and CR’s plan included two other initiatives. George Potamianos suggested the MDC request the SEP committee appoint someone from MDC to the SEP committee, which has more authority to make stronger recommendations to HR, since the plan has recommendations and the SEP committee has authority make HR respond to recommendations. Deanna Herrera-Thomas stated that the current SEP committee members were appointed by Keith Snow-Flamer and Utpal Goswami, but it is not the same membership as outlined in the SEP. Ana Maria Mease asked if any community members have been appointed? Deanna Herrera-Thomas requested that all MDC members read the SEP plan and look at the activities. Initiatives are listed, with population data for each, and activities for each, to start making changes to the data profile. The plan is in public folders and also linked on the MDC web site. We need to determine which have been engaged in, and if not why not, and if they were, where were they and who would know, etc. 4.4 Potential Curriculum Committee Diversity Requirement: George Potamianos reported that, between this and the previous meeting, committee members have looked up colleges with diversity requirements in their curriculum, using a template for members to fill in with data found, and that most colleges in the state have been reviewed. Philip Mancus asked about the summary results, and George Potamianos responded that since Peter Blakemore had to leave early for another meeting, results will be reported at the next meeting. 4.5 Spring Movie Activity: Dana Maher reported that her students and Ryan Emenaker’s have reviewed the Dave Zirin film, Not Just a Game: Power, Politics & American Sports, and are arranging for the movie premiere in Humboldt County. The movie is only one hour which provide time for discussions. The students are balancing the pros and cons of screening the film in Ferndale or on campus and will decide soon. Dave Zirin books are available in our library collection. Expect the screening in late April with possibly an additional screening next fall, posters will be available soon. 4.6 Book of the Year Activities: Teyi Morris and Emily Crosby will present on April 5 at HSU large auditorium and 6th at CR, they are feminists and historians from Mississippi, offering different perspectives on the BOTY, The Help. They will present from 1-3 Thursday 5th at CR and Friday at HSU. Dana Maher has articles to distribute, about a group called WomanPower Inc., in Mississippi, that supported on nurturing needs of freedom riders in Mississippi. Dana Maher stressed the need to fill the large auditorium. Kyler Tidwell said there may be some PR funding from ASCR and that could be requested or recommended to their Senate. Dana Maher referred Kyler Tidwell to contact BOTY committee, since they will release the official PR info with a full promo packet. Dana Maher asked if MDC wants to provide any support, refreshments, help fill the theater. Deanna Herrera-Thomas another film, student athletes, one is the team captain, program called free to play, get donations for each touchdown they make, funds for sex trafficking prevention, be good to get student athletes involved, male and female athletes, DM- maybe give them a spiel; DM sent articles via emial 4.7 Los Valientes Music Theater: George Potamianos rec’d an email from Rachel Anderson through Justine Shaw, Ana Maria Mease and Ruth Moon also rec’d info on a musical theater program with a focus on Diego Rivera, Oscar Romero, other artists, a link to a YouTube video, and Rachel Anderson forwarded it to ask if the committee was interested in sponsoring. Not having any money, the MDC declined to pursue. 6. Open Forum/Announcements-Ana Maria Mease reported that the Latino film festival coming up soon, that she has some promotional cards, we are encouraged to invite students, bring your friends, and contract here if you need tickets since she has tickets to give away, screening dates are Mar 6, 7, 8. 7. Adjournment- Deanna Herrera-Thomas move to adjourn, and seconded by Philip Mancus, MDC adjourned at 12:34pm Next Meeting: Friday, March 9, 2012