Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Banner Technical Team
Committee/Meeting Name
August 31, 2009
10:00 am
Time Convened
Time Terminated 10:35 am
Julie Duncan
Location Admin 201
Rick Clyburn, Chase Bailey, Julie Duncan, Debbie Goode, Angela Melton, Sherry Hendrix, Kelly Simon, Dawne Massey;
Members Present
Cheryl Davis, Kurt Jn Marie, Greg Duncan
Members Absent
Minutes from Aug 24
Next meeting
Update from Sherry
Discussion, Information
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
September 14.
Had a telephone call with Mike and he suggested we go ahead and get all conversion ready to go in
December and
they can have production ready for us before we leave on holiday break. FI, HR and
LP were already scheduled in December, but
this would mean that AD and ST would also be
converted in December instead of the first of January. I told him I was 99% sure
that ST would not agree to converting until grades are posted and that happens December 22-23, so he said they could convert
everything but that part and then do that when we come back. He also said they had
already planned on doing a mini
conversion for FI Ledger Summary balance in January.
He has a production transition document ready for us which outlines all activities in detail for
completing conversion in
December. He said if we want to keep the schedule as it is he will change the dates on that document to reflect our original
conversion dates.
HR/PY already planning for December schedule – good with this
AD - In the ILT meeting Jennifer thought it would be okay, but they are going to meet as a team to discuss.
ST - no
ODS/Cognos training next week is for the 15 business owners plus IT. Dawne is going to send email regarding when people
should be there. IT will be there the entire time and the others on Thursday and Friday. Debbie is checking on licensing for consumer
and one of the business authoring licenses. We will go ahead and train those we think should be on it and then be able to justify the
licensing. McArthur has said that IT will be developing the reports. Users will need to learn how to run the reports but also be able to
do adhoc reports and popsels to replace transit reports and do some of their own reporting.
Workflow technical that was to have been this morning has to be rescheduled. Will try to do Monday Sept 14.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
E-Vision – Rick got in and tested checks and they printed okay. He started developing some on the purchase order. Ninette
has to pick the check stock and evision has to design the form. Rick will try to contact Ninette. Debbie will contact evision and let them
know we’re trying to implement and ask about training. Intellicheck has a one hour webinar that Rick has set through.
Access DB’s: Claims – this access db can be eliminated with banner and might can test it during the crp. The insurance billing
access has never been used by Ken but he’s started running into questions and this needs evaluated.
Nolij update
Kelly and Julie (general person) – even though Julie’s
responsibility for Banner is Luminis, she will need to assist w/ GP
at least through go live and then focus 100% on Luminis
Printer in library
Debbie will pick up the pedometers.
As soon as we find out if Nolij can do the admissions information,
we should let Jamie know as she will need to go to the president
about getting someone for dual entry. It makes sense for
admissions to run the general person sync, so if nothing else that
person could help with this process.
Printer in Library will need to be selected every time they print as
they defaulted to another printer. Sherry will ask about Burch.
Met Thursday and Doreen showed them how to just use it to post
charges for AR. Rick will be supporting the Housing module.
Task Lists
Tech Team &
Tech Team &
Functional Areas
Tech Team
Continue to update:
W:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\BANNER Data handling.docx – OSRHE info
needs to be added and which DBs it will be reported from
Data cleanup - ongoing process
Decision re: no mods to Baseline Banner: possibly w/ the exception of fed &
state mandates??
Research best practices for keeping 3rd party software in sync with Banner
upgrades and patches
Update Milestone Certification & keep up-to-date
Scott & Debbie
Physical Facilities needs a key control system
Scott & Debbie
Printer in Library for CRP: 9/1-9/3 & 9/22-9/24
Tech Team
Julie started a Go-Live Checklist document at w:\workgrps\its\banner
Please add to it so that we remember to do everything after each
Tech Team
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Greg, Chase &
Sherry & Mike
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
conversion. This should be our checklist of things that must be done after
the conversion scripts but before we let the users in for testing.
Patch management procedures documented and request form.
Reviewing critical programs for go live and all programs required @ go live
Greg & Chase
SSB is still being looked at. Doreen is looking at the broken graphics issue.
We have customized versions from 2003-2007 that need explained as to
why these are no longer baseline.
Install patches that can be installed prior to CRP starting Sept. 1
ILT & Tech
Identify what needs to be setup through FormFusion and Intellecheck
LP, ILT & Tech
Evaluate how do deal with policies/procedures surrounding the RORSTAT
trigger for SSB accounts. Do they go through ssb or luminis? If ssb, must
determine username/password setup, support, and how to get the
information to them. If luminis, must develop tabs and channels for
Actionline support procedure
ILT & Tech
ILT & Tech
May 29, 2016
If student enrollment is pursued, we must revisit policies of when accounts
are created for ssb/luminis, email, library, blackboard, etc.
Evaluate load testing timeline for luminis and production ssb/inb.
Patches can be installed if issues are resolved with a patch.
Met after the ILT last week and the RORSTAT trigger will not be