Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Banner Technical Team
Committee/Meeting Name
May 4, 2009
10:00 am
Time Convened
Time Terminated 11:45 am
Julie Duncan
Location Admin 201
Greg Duncan, Chase Bailey, Dawne Massey, Julie Duncan, Debbie Goode, Kelly Simon, Kurt Jn Marie, Sherry Hendrix
Members Present
Rick Clyburn, Cheryl Davis
Members Absent
Minutes from April
Update from
Discussion, Information
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
How are the e-Vision sessions going (intellcheck and
FormFusion)? Can we install this in the test account? I'm
worried if we don't continue to use it we will lose the
knowledge. Are the functional people going to go through
training or are we going to do the train the trainer method?
If we do the train the trainer method, who will be the trainer.
a. It was a demo, but there is a place for online training
when we get ready for it. It’s already installed. No one has
had a chance to start the online training. IT needs to focus
on the next conversion. Changed deadline for online training
to the end of July so it can be ready for the classroom pilots.
Would like to do the 10 hour training to be side-by-side with
IT and functional taking it at the same time. We can also add
hours as necessary. Debbie will find out what their hourly
rate is.
Is everything complete with the conversion we just
b. Kelly has to do a few things left to do. We are done from
SunGard’s end.
What is the status on building interfaces. Do we
plan on having these ready for CRP? I don't think we need
the early alert interface until Fall 2010. I know we have
dates on these, but I'd like to prioritize the ones we think we
need to complete for CRP.
c. Will put these back on the agenda to prioritize at the next
d. Debbie will begin to look at this.
How are we coming with the Milestone and
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Acceptance document?
Julie's thoughts on the Luminis session last week,
i.e., problems, issues, etc. we need to address?
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
The luminis informational gathering sessions were
wonderful and we gained a lot of input from various areas
on campus. One of the biggest complaints from everyone
was the number of emails they received. Hopefully we can
resolve some of these issues with using targeted
announcements and subscribing to channels such as the
daily menu. In the meantime, is it possible to change these
to listservs so we can get one email instead of multiple
Training was a big issue. They don’t want thrown to the
wolves to figure it out on their own. They want training that
is good for everyone no matter their training style. Basically
what Julie heard was they wanted
Students continually said they would like to be able to enroll
themselves and suggested maybe a link to their advisor’s
email would allow them to correspond back and forth with
their advisor instead of having to meet with them. Also said
that more departments should develop four year plans and
publish class schedules (e.g. only offered each spring) so the
students knew what to take in the first place.
Students would like their financial aid information emailed
to them. Example was given where FA sent important info
that needed to be completed during the summer and it went
to parent’s house. However, the student was gone to LA all
summer so she didn’t read it until she came back a week or
so before classes started.
Email complaints from the students:
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Outstanding issues
for SGHE
Next meeting
Key Control
NOLIJ Transfer
Refreshing IFAS
Clean Address
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Discussion, Information
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
 Would like to pop/imap the email so they can have
their email on their phone
 They are not able to access mycu or webmail when
they login to the wireless network.
 They don’t use their CU email because it’s so filled
with announcements that they don’t want. If we got
rid of these and they only received important email,
they might use it more. The majority of them said
they liked using Outlook as the client.
There was some concern that Frank didn't participate
in the consulting session last week and that he's not
practicing. I have an e-mail into Linda to discuss this.
f. Sherry may have to call in the practice sheets to make sure
that all users are reviewing and using what they’ve learned.
Debbie, Glen, John, Aubree, Tom and I have a
meeting with Paul Johnson so he can review with them the
same information he shared with all of us at our meeting a
couple of weeks ago. I'd like to discuss the questions Paul
had on the agenda which is attached. What are your
thoughts on who should be the responsible person for this
None at this time.
g. IT will discuss at the end of this meeting. First training
Paul has scheduled is June 21 and this will be geared for the
owner. Need to identify who else needs to be trained and
begin to set dates.
May 11.
Kurt has a meeting with Shaun to discuss.
Angie needs the IFAS test reloaded. IFAS must be after the
AID updates were done so AID can be doing testing with
Need to review the before and after data and make sure the
Put on next week’s agenda. If this will do what they said it
would for the general person sync, it is much more
beneficial than purchasing the service from SunGard.
Restore production to sunray as of yesterday’s backup. Run
our programs that identify data cleanup and send those to the
users now. Then roll again on June 15 for 2nd conversion.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
FICE codes
Ethnicity Changes
Discussion, Information
changes it made are correct. Chase will run the process that
identifies duplicates and we can fix these on our current
system. Chase will install the INB/SSB patches so changes
will also be done in real time.
Need to make some more changes. Dawne, Kelly, Chase,
and Julie will discuss this.
Need to move the tribal codes and parental codes to another
place in banner. We don’t know if Glen and Jamie have met
to determine wording for the applications. Tom has also not
given guidance on how to report from both systems.
Went through questions from meeting.
Student Email
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
Julie will revisit with Tom.
Working owner: Tom Sutherlin
Report Writers: IT and functional power users. Should have
at least 6 for student, 3 for advancement, 3 for HR/payroll, 3
for finance. 3 for FA
Query Studio Writers: need one for every dept head.
Consumers: everyone who runs transit.
Luminis team should make a recommendation of what to do
with the student email and Aubree/Woogie/Glen/Sherry will
be the ones to make a decision.
Task Lists
Sherry, Dawne,
Kelly, Angie,
Tech Team &
Tech Team &
Functional Areas
Tech Team
May 29, 2016
Research Nolij Transfer for management of multiple PIDMs and possibly
other functionality @ Summit
Continue to update:
W:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\BANNER Data handling.docx – OSRHE info
needs to be added and which DBs it will be reported from
Data cleanup - ongoing process
Converting FICE to IPEDS Unit code went fairly smoothly – needs to go to
ST and DS team meetings.
Status of implementing new ethnicity codes
Decision re: no mods to Baseline Banner: possibly w/ the exception of fed &
state mandates??
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Tech Team
Catch-up on time sheets for Banner implementation
Waiting on Tom’s guidance from John McArthur re: OSRHE mandate
change in preliminary enrollment reporting
Evisions Intellecheck is requiring tech support
Tech Team &
Tech Team
Add all changes for Round 2 data conversion to spreadsheet Kurt posted at:
W:\workgrps\its_share\banner\error tracking
Research best practices for keeping 3rd party software in sync with Banner
upgrades and patches
Update Milestone Certification & keep up-to-date
Remind the team leads that they need to be having regular meetings. The
auditors will want to see the minutes.
May 29, 2016