Scarlet and Gray Newsletter Tuesday Monday

Scarlet and Gray Newsletter
September 14th to 18th, 2015
Volume 19, Issue 4
We greeted classmates, said the Pledge of
Allegiance, our class promise and did calendar. We
did our ABC chart and ‘Action Alphabet’. We sang our
‘Days of the Week’ song and ‘Macarena Months’. Our
kindergartner of the week shared his poster and we
wrote a sentence about him using shared writing. We
learned our new popcorn word, ‘I’ and did rainbow
writing of it. We read our poem of the week, ‘Your
Name’. We heard our letter ‘d’ presentation, felt how
it sounds in our mouth and throat and practiced writing
it in the air, on our hand, on the carpet and on our
white boards. We did shared reading and read The
Show and Tell Lion. We wrote the label ‘door’ to hang
on our door at home. We learned about ‘just right’
books. We read A, My Name is Alice and colored our
‘bubble names’. We brainstormed all the places we
see math in the world and wrote them on a chart.
We greeted friends, said the Pledge of Allegiance,
our class pledge and did calendar. We did our ABC
chart and ‘Action Alphabet’. We counted to 100 by
5’s and 10’s. Our kindergartner of the week brought
something for us to estimate and we wrote a
sentence about him using shared writing. We learned
more ways to find a just right book. We did shared
reading. We heard our ‘m’ presentation, felt how it
sounds in our mouth and throat and practiced writing
it in the air, on our hand, on the carpet and on our
white boards. We made our one ‘m’ books. We read
ANDY – That’s My Name and did our name puzzles.
We had recess. We did our September Writing
At Father’s Night we read Purple, Green and Yellow
and ‘colored’ our dads.
We greeted each other, said the Pledge of
Allegiance, our class promise and did
calendar. We did our ABC chart and ‘Action
Alphabet’. We counted to 100 by ones. Our
kindergartner of the week brought in
something for science and we wrote a
sentence about him. We did speedwriting of
our popcorn word. We did shared reading of
two ‘just right’ books. We heard our letter ‘g’
presentation, felt how it sounds in our mouth
and throat and practiced writing it in the air,
on our hand, on the carpet and on our white
boards. We read Tikki Tikki Tembo about a
long name. We had recess and graphed the
number of letters are in our first name.
We greeted one another, said the Pledge of Allegiance,
our class promise and did calendar. We subitized ten
frames to 5 and counted backwards from 20. We did
our ABC chart and ‘Action Alphabet’. Our kindergartner
of the week shared something for social studies and we
wrote our final sentence about him using shared
writing. We each wrote our own sentence about him.
We learned more about finding ‘just right’ books. We
read, highlighted popcorn words in and illustrated our
poem. We heard our ‘l’ presentation felt how it sounds
in our mouth and throat. We made our ‘l’ books and
practiced writing it in the air, on our hand, on the carpet
and on our white boards. We recognized Constitution
Day by relating our class promise to the constitution
and by watching Schoolhouse Rock’s The Preamble.
We had recess. We did shared reading and A, My
Name is … and we wrote the text of a class version.
We greeted each another, said The Pledge of Allegiance and our class pledge and did calendar. We
counted on from a mystery number. We did our ABC chart and ‘Action Alphabet’. We had our first
Family Friday. We highlighted the popcorn words in and read I Can. We did shared reading and
read Chrysanthemum by our September author, Kevin Henkes. We had fitness and recess. We did
‘Show Three Ways’ in math where we rolled a dice and drew the dots, filled in the matching five
frame and wrote the numeral. The morning class attended a brief Spirit assembly.
Dear Parents,
Contact Info:
Homework Due
A DAY: Library Books
Wear Tennis
shoes for
Book Pockets
(beginning in
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
I have begun a collection of stray sweaters and hoodies. I’ve showed them
to both classes multiple times and no one is claiming them. If you think one
belongs to your child, please let me know. You may want to write their name
in their outerwear.
Kindergartners will begin checking out books at the school library this week.
The AM class will go on A Day and the PM class will go on B Day. OSE is on a
four-rotation for Art, PE, Music and Library. Kindergarten only goes to library
but is still on the same ABCD rotation. This can make it tough to remember
what day is ‘library’ day so I recommend storing the book in the backpack
(like a locker) to make sure they always have it when they need it. This keeps
it from getting lost as well as protecting it from pets and younger siblings.
If you did not sign up for a parent-teacher conference at curriculum night,
please contact me to do so. I have times available on October 28th or
November 5th.
September book orders have arrived and will go home on Monday.
Upcoming Dates:
September 22nd – Picture Day
Thanks to our volunteer this week: Mrs. Buttholph. September and October
volunteer schedules went home on September 8th. The AM calendar is pink
and the PM is gray. September was on the front and October on the back.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Go Bucks! Beat Northern Illinois!