March 28
Volume 19, Issue 29
We did 9-bean addition. We greeted classmates, sang
‘America the Beautiful’, said our class promise and did calendar. We sang our ‘Days’ and ‘Months’ songs, subitized to 1-12 dots, read our popcorn words, did our ABC chart, sang our vowel song and reviewed our habits of thinkers. We practiced for our upcoming program. Our kindergartner of the week shared his/her poster and we wrote a sentence about him/her using interactive writing.
We learned our new popcorn word ‘this’ and did rainbow writing of it. We were introduced to our new poem ‘Spring’, and found the popcorn words in it. We learned what a suffix is and found them in our kindergartner of the week sentence and our poem. We read The White House Easter Egg Roll.
We watched the first of five brief videos about a growth mindset. We read What the Sun/Moon Sees? We had recess. We did literacy workshop.
We did a flower addition activity. We greeted one another, sang ‘America the Beautiful’, said our class promise and did calendar. We counted to
100 by fives and tens and read our popcorn words. We did ‘Action Alphabet’. We reviewed the habits of thinkers. Our kindergartner of the week brought in something for us to estimate and we wrote a sentence about him/her using interactive writing. We sequenced the lines of our poem. We read Day and Night Diary and Day
Light, Night Light. We did a Time for Kids –
Outdoor Adventure. We wrote a ‘journal entry’.
We had recess. We had literacy workshop. th to April 1 st , 2016
We wrote about our spring break, greeted friends, sang America the Beautiful, said our class promise and did calendar. We counted to 100 by ones and read our popcorn words.
We did our ABC charts with digraphs and reviewed the habits of thinkers. Our kindergartner of the week shared a science image and we wrote a sentence about him/her using interactive writing. We read
Mrs. Toggle’s Class Picture Day and had our class and individual spring pictures taken. We learned about the suffix ‘ing’. We did speedwriting of our popcorn word. The PM class had library. We read Sun. We had recess. We had literacy workshop and watched a brief video of the history of the
White House Easter Egg Roll.
We did ten bean addition, greeted classmates, sang
‘America the Beautiful’, said our class promise and did calendar. We counted backwards from 20, subitized ten frames and read our popcorn words. We did our blend cards and reviewed habits of thinkers. We practiced for our program. Our kindergartner of the week shared something for social studies and we wrote a sentence about him/her using interactive writing. Then we each wrote our own sentence about him/her. We read, highlighted the popcorn words in and illustrated our poem. We read Finding the Moon and What Makes Day and Night? We learned how the Earth turns to create day and night. We did
Literacy Workshop.
The AM class attended a brief dodge ball assembly. We greeted each other, sang ‘My
Country ‘Tis of Thee, said our class pledge and did calendar. We counted on from three different numbers, read our popcorn words and reviewed our habits of thinkers.
We had Family Friday. We highlighted the popcorn words in and read ‘This is Big”.
We watched the second of five growth mindset videos. We practiced writing our first and last name in D’Nealian handwriting. We had fitness and recess. We read Where
Does the Sun Go at Night? and did a day/night sorting activity.
Voicemail :
E-MAIL: letostak_vianne@ dublinschools.net
Homework Due shoes for
A DAY: Library Books
Wear Tennis
Book Pockets
(beginning in
Dear Parents,
Many students have written their names on the phone and /or the house indicating that they were able to recite their emergency information . If your child hasn’t quite mastered that information, please help them practice this weekend. Even those who were able to do it should continue to practice. If they don’t keep it fresh in their minds they might forget the information that could be critical in an emergency.
Upcoming Dates:
April 16 th – OSU Spring Game – optional field trip – details to follow
May 11 th – Kindergarten Program 7 p.m.- Feel free to invite friends and relatives.
Thanks to our volunteers this week: Mr. Combs, Mrs. Weese, Mrs. Smialek and Mr. White.
Have a fabulous weekend!
We’re on the Web!
See us at: www.dublinschools. net/oldesawmill