News From Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Miller

News From Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Miller
We have had a great week this week. This week wrapped up the second
trimester here at school. Report cards will be coming home soon. Please
note that the Dublin Difference Showcase will take place next Tuesday at
Jerome High School (6:30-8:00). Everyone is welcome. Our class will have
a few students presenting/sharing some of their wonder work while there.
We hope that you have a wonderful long weekend with your families (no
school Friday- teacher work day)! As always, if you have any questions,
please feel free to email us.
February 25, 2016
Reading & Writing Workshop
Mrs. Angela Rowe & Mr. Dave Miller
Math Workshop
In reading workshop this week, we spent some
In math workshop we have been
time looking at traditional literature and
working on order of
identifying what parts of the text help us
operations (PEMDAS). We
comprehend the story and get to the lesson
have also investigated
of the fables.
patterns within tables. There
In writing workshop, we completed our
was a test over these
informational writing pieces. These were
concepts on Thursday.
turned in and will be graded. Once students
completed their informational writing pieces,
they had some time to free write. There are a
variety of writing styles happening from
narratives, poetry, and comics to new
research writing and newspapers.
Word Study
This week in word study we completed our Greek
and Latin root unit on super, sur (meaning over).
The test for this unit was on Thursday, February
Social Studies
This week in Social Studies we have
focused our learning on trade and
how countries are interdependent on
one another. Students are working
on creating their own business plan
for a made up company of their
Important Dates to Know
February 25: End of Second Trimester
February 26: No School
End of Trimester Teacher Work
March 4: Bingo/Family Game Night @ IRE
March 21-25: Spring Break