Fifth Grade Reading Challenge To encourage independent reading in our class, we

Fifth Grade Reading
To encourage independent reading in our class, we
will be having a Reading Challenge! There will be 1
Reading Challenge per trimester this year! Students
will fill in coupons for every 20 minutes of reading that
is done at home. For every hour that is completed a
sticker will be placed on a chart at school. Any
student reading 35 hours will be invited to a party at
the end of the trimester!
All you need to do is monitor the reading done at
home and help fill in the coupon! I encourage students
to read a little each evening to promote healthy
reading habits. I hope that this is a fun way to
motivate students to read independently. Please sign
and return the coupon as soon as it is completed so I
can track progress regularly. I hope to see everyone at
the party!
We are aware that a Reading Challenge will take place each
Student Name: __________________________
Parent Name: ___________________________
Parent Signature: ________________________