Publications Board elects Pointer editor

UW-Stevens Point, Tuesday, February 25, 1975
NO. 29
Publications Board elects Pointer editor
'-rPe..,A.GUta..•, -
rtporta the newa ," ••ld
The Publleallona Board
~the" .
three applkanta .. the a=Uiemdater
o1 the
Tbe purpc:a ollhe board Ia
todetftm1Dethenat P""-'tr
aaid Dao KoWihan,
PU~tr Mviaor.
Board members are Mart
Kuruewaltl, Pol• tu ata ff
membtl" : Bill Witt, Po&•ter
adviaor : Keith Lu. fawlty
if Uwyasked
fdt their
be to ttw:
the atudents the """ they
want or to fllr"C'e newa Oft
Ouatir aaid abe fdt that
" throu&h ftedbaclt" frun the
ltudenta you would be able to
have a balance.
appaU!tee: Gecqe Rocft'a,
Tom 'Wojo' Wojci«howslti,
Student Government appointee: Lyiellpdike, Studtftt
" lbellevetherelhouldbea
modification betiii'Hft what
atudenta want and lhe Information tha t's MtfthrJ.
You have to balance It some
way," aaid Guenther.
" lfyouwearyour-blulhen
city newa paper . lt'1 a
d ynamic proce11 , " uld
woukt erlhaDce tbe quaUty ol
lhe papen a nd &lve more
Tbe board 'tOted four for
Stand! and three for ~-
Student Govera meat
that tbe motloa be
Polattr ata ff membtl".
The appllca nta , Stanek, Stanek. "Weshouldltlaway
Sally Dusll r a nd Joel fr«n competition and move
Qle\lhft" were lntervWwed towards cooperation. "
en maue at the o pen
~tbefonNit, ··u
the year Pf(llrftlel I would
" My bigest ls It be m•t open tochan1e," said
coul d be much more Dustir.
Guenlhft" sald be would
rudable." said Standi: whm
cnance and adapt but follow
~ about th1a yor's
the journalistic tthiel C'Ode.
P ..lltn'.
" Mj aplnionol tbe
is thatit~~trvalhee&mpuiU
a very laformatlve newa
bulletin," said Dultir.
" lthinktbet.sicfunctlon
o(theMWSpaper ultla, Ia
justthal.ll'll~. l
Stand! aaid be would like to
~~o-etk.Jy dutaalion and
le t everyone voice their
opinion• on contemporary
socia l luuea that le nd
themaelves to that.
" I think the university ,
paper sllould be evftl more ol
1M •
In this issue ...
·PI.obllcatkaS.n:le!KtiAibn1SIInttlultn.-71PUtn tdltor.
Stand, - a1 llwee appllcull, llka U. -j«ity - . • rtt«
Ualled Colmdl' t
Looking ahead ...
Wendy Ven Asten found • new fr iend
at the dey cere center.
Photo by ROt
PoQe 2
25, 1975
Winter Carnival in review
byCuotM . Martla
Winter carnJval week is
;&&ain i:~G!:n!:~
wa~Hall aa the 0\'eraiJ
vic ton
The Siamt Tau Gammas
Epsilons took fint with a
Dt\ta Zetas took JeCO!Id.
In tM women's divltion
Watsoa Hall took flnt with a
placed _ fint and secon,d
ft'5pe<:ll\"ely . In the women s
·~=e~ft==..:::~ lnthemen'sdivls\onofthe
a diltance of 39 feet tO inches:-.='!,': r: : '':a~a J:u
~~!~7~v~~~n 1:1e ':!:~
division wi th an OVft"aiJ KOre
Wauon Hall took firll in tbe
women's divlaion with an
~~~.:~:e~ I ~':c::~ ~vis!~ ~a~o;. Hal!u 1~
with a throw of II feet 8 Ind~a . ~ lot uw wu cancelled due to l ack o f
Wauon Hall took first in the
men'sdivis.lono!the lllOOA'ball
Winter CaTnlval , oft .W...a throw and the Slama Tau
tomewhat uncertain t tart Gammas took tecond .
with the cancellation of the Watson Hall took tltst in the
marathon run, waa oft to a women'• division 1nd the
the to«h. Ellie Last and Jeff
Lepley, from Watson HaJJ,
were then crownf'd king and
queen and the dedlcati~ of
Winter CaTnlval was made to
Gilbm Fa!Jil, rqi.slrar.
by AI Stanek
The Sigma Tt u Gammal
~ !ecoo1
coed vol.leyball game, the
Delta Zelas and Sigma Tau
Gammas took first and
Watson Hall took secood.
Winter Clmlval week 'A'U
completed with a semi ·
formal dance at AC -.ith the
group Heatherly tnd Farms.
Senate, 'A.ssembly discuss UC
head alart when they took
first In the laJoo bltkl Monday. Feb. 17. The TKEI
pu(Jf'd sec:onc1 in the men's
division and the Odta zetas
wen I«<Pd In the women '1
Sl!~ ~tlheF~~
Brothers Wft"e the maUl at-
The combined Student
Senate and Assembly spent
lime discusllng the United
Council's (UC ) lobbying
platform !or the UW System,
&lnday night, Feb. 23.
1be body endoned all but
to attend. Student AHem· current advilor to the
blyman Bob Shaver sald that Pol11ttr. Student Aftai rl
It wu uN"eallltlc to oppOM Committee Olairman Rkk
aid for studenll j~at beaUJe Ogel a.aid that he will welthey may not be Joingto a come student Input Into
the proposal. CopiH of the
VW System school.
"Re&ardleu of where they proposedplanareavallable
from Student Government.
10 I still feel the)' have I right
- to~vefinandalald,"sald
~~::Ss::~ !!:u~
Teaching award
nominations open
tw~teS:::·thedecision to
on anothe!' two.
~~tiedin~en~=~~~ ~~·~J'~(jl :~~~=kf:~~~
' to a crowd of over 100:.
!"} ~
percent increue in UW
System faculty and staff
talaries .
TheDeltal.eWtookflntln llamUton, a former UWSP
'the womea's division of the ltudent.
F!~: !titootcon~U:: d~':dt t~~~\.~d :r':iz:!':n~i:c=: f~ :~ tr.: ::t':;~:t:::~u:
the men's division the Pbl
Sigma EpUilontookfintand
Wataon Hallsecoad.
The Sigma Ttu Gammas
Excell ence in TeachinB
ln .olher action the body Award,saldVIceO!ancellor
f~ means ~~:~~~ft~lla
~d b:}:='a=~ to tpl il the opttaUon of
=~~::: ~g= ~
Epsi.lons eame In aecond.
requeslinl restoration of
enro ll ment fundi n g .
::w: ~~!b~s~
formula 11 proposed by
Wlaconaln Gov . Patrick
'lbeDdtaZelutookfintln ,Lucey.
the women's crazy halrdo
'the UWSP Student
contest-aDd the Alpha Si&ma Gcrlemment oppoHd ooe UC
Alphas placed second.
itand owe-in& an additional
procram for
lnthemen'tdivblonoftbe .llate ttudenll rep.rdleu ol
log throw the Phi Sigma wblch state .c:bool they cboae
ume budget. The proposal Ellery.
comes from Communications
lNU'uctor William Will. the Prouduru
'j eremiah
johnson '
at UC
Jeremla b Joba1011 1t.arring
Robert Redford will be
presented at 7 :30 p.m..
Wednesday throu&h Friday,
Feb. 25. n and a in the
1. Cril.fria : 1be atat.emen t
on teachina ability In the
Faculty Handbook t htll
2. Ellglblllty: ThoMelilible
lor the award are hill time
facult y memben with the
rankoflnstructor , aulllant
proteuof , au oclate
profeuoi' or proiHIOI' and
.,.,"hole assignment It at least
:.Opercent t.eachlna.
Is baaed on
lor renomination lor a five-
Novel in
film version
U you think of D. H. ,reduced form , an lntenlely
Lawrence'a novel , w-e~~ Ill :romantic love ~ abou6.
~~!~n~-ons shnuld be
the reported to my ofrKe by tbe
=~c!~u:!t ~ :i~d:;.an~ar':~e ~pel~~
~':~~~~of th~aew~ 1 ~~ebew=~~~!
A. Preliminary selections
for the departmental nominee
may be made In one of two
waya : Nominations may be
taken from the fioor In a
ckpartment meetlna or by a
rellmlnary tecret ballot
rom wl'lkb two or lhm
canclidatH lhaU be selected.
B. Voting thall be by those
members of the department
Dectlon lhaU be by secret
ballot. The penon with the
hlahHI vole lhaU be declared
lhenomlnee. lnclleoftie,a
run-otfelectlon ahall beheld,
including only thole involved
C. The chairman ol the
depa r tment s hall bt
responlible for admlnlslering
department mah t it
fealible, two memberl, not
Involved u candidates. shall
be appointed to tall)' the
~:.;ys~~ ~.du!! ~UYe;:.J;..,.a~~ ~=:~MC::~K~~r~~~~ ~~tl:tod followlna ~tir th~- ~~m:;ttc~e~_:
~~~!an., ~~•.
~ ~en:;:~:;:~: ·~~ ':!e~~atu!•!~ ~:' .!: c!·n~~d'!'7e: 11 ~".a;tob·~ :~~!ya;:!h111,:~;:;:
intelll aeat and wlsual butaadim, tceftltrk:ecboes.
the~tolther.Jm . reace 's rbapaodlc
polemk on behalf o( a aew
fonn ol C'ODICiOulneu. wbkh
would aUow man to fulfill bit
lh:ual nature II now, In this
::~':: ~ :ouc:o:..~~~ !!!i~~~!:. ~h~kld!p~~~~ :'~::~ ~'4:~~te,1!
:.V~w~':_can be teen -~ ~~~~v,:
Redford aaid about
nom inated from and by all .as they may decide, but
,ac~~m.icd~rtmenllofthe ltudentlshallnotvotelnthe
~eru::b~~c:'a'~L'd!::~ d:~=~a;;om!"t~~:! .election proc:est. •
'unden portray Lawrence's lheltneral feeling toda y that , candldtte . The candidate
4. St• d ea l n•l•atlon :
aettlna away frorri
need not be from the The student body ol the
The film will be lhcnm at 7
andt:t5p.m. lntheProaram • wanted to &how what It is mental procedure for Student Senate ahtll .bt
Banquet Room of the really like going It on your sei~Ungthenomlneuhallbe responalble for the selectiOft
Unlveraity ~ter tonlte.
own In the wlldtrneu."
u follows :
of lhele nominees.
Duck hunting
b~~Cj!:,~t s~:~~~s£.~:
Laat'l'utsd.y, F~. tt.ovrr
600 arta duck bunten and
~h!'lr't!!':!e:nl'::=:: t~o~~~~U:
the annual banquet sponsored
by the local chapleT ol OucU
Unlimited, lnc. IOU).
The evmina conalsted ot
drink$ and a steak dinnezo, a
duck-calling contes t , the
swappins of f1vorlte duck
million dollars atld Initiated
wetlands habitat projecll
res ponsible for over 9500
1.1 million attn of managed
The loca l group , the
Over 2ll!iO prius donated by
local buliness mtn, lne:ludlng
cam pln& equipment , hun t1n1
and rilhin& gear were givtft
away to the boldrn of win·
nina tickets.
Coc ha i rm a n
Blanklchieu W d t~affall"
organize the aMual banquet
and collect funds for th e in·
terna t lonal oraanlntlon ,
which h.u a membenhlp of
-11 ovrr 100,000.
Of U. membership dues
pr~~id by each local member,
50 pe rcent goes to the
~~fi~tte~ a"~
;:~~= ::::n~ ~
::!!!i:c!'.ories and door prbe
Between 19,000-SIO,OOO was
raised through the tollection
of membership dun, tbe sale
of drink tk kets, DU buttons
and variout auction itenu.
Arnone the iteiTII bid on
were a d~.~~:k mount ancl a
paintln& done by UWSP
remainde r is s p ent on
publicity, etc .....
"\~'hile DU is not a hWltin&
o r&an lutio n , we fully
recotnize lhJ,t without tbe
support of sportsmen , our
program a nd that ol most
othe r le&itlmate wlldHre
~atlon agmcles would
th~:t:r:i~~~~h~sruS:tt~ ~na7!= ~~i:m~':l:
will be
u se d for
t h e DU natiOI'laJ trustee.
Wildnemess trip bookings
up 130 percent Americans appur to and
;. wide variety o1 wfider·
wilder neu recreation an neas ttlvd II offered In tbe
antidote tor economic ~m· ns trls- scbeduled for thil
certainties, The Wildemesl yur. The trtpnary In lenJlb
Socr\:!y =~~oa-proflt ~uderour~~~.<t,':..t':
Way to the Wlkiemess" tri p and ski tCU"a.
procram . .. ~ !~! J:: ls ~~.!.!::'TC:
~~.;;=.•m spite taldn& put "t;tbe DGn-profit,
of the na ti on '• c urrent educ:atioNI procram.
~dC:eweare t30pu«nt rr!oc:::r;:.:r~~!,'~
ahead oltf74 aDd 71 pen:eat The Wllderous Society,
;::::d~~: s::.~Sl=~i ~~.~no:;,::
euc:uUve director.
Q)I . IIIJZ21.
...,.. ...
d b
by Joel C. GuentMr
1 will have to admit that I am surpr ised, and pleasantly I might add. This
Is because I attended the Ducks
Unlimited { OU ) banquet held at the
Holiday Inn on Tuesday , Feb. 18.
For some ti me I have been told how
hunters are a group of perverted slobs. It
was getting so bad for a while that I was
even beg inn ing to beli eve some of It
It was for this reason that 1 decided to
test these people's Ideas. I took an attractive young woman to the DU
banquet. This I did to test the reactions
of the over 500 males at the feast.
At first 1 was somewhat skeptical . I
thought for S\Jre that the woman wou ld
embarrassment. But then, the surpr ise.
The most that either the woman, a
fellow Pointer staff member, or I heard
was one man accosting the both of us.
His one comment was not directed at the
woman .
The chivalry was superb. Men bent
over backwards to be respectable to the
lady. They offered her drinks, let her
order first and generally kept the
language free of profan ity. In short they
were perfectly respectable.
Studenfl In offering kleas & '
.... ~tu~-=
Health Cent.r, con""''
H,alth Cent.r at U6...U-46 far mON
b "'."..
wtlh •tate letlslaton and
agencies In re~earc:hlng and
anaJ)'Dna popWatiOI'l rd1led
Iss u es , pol icies and
While c:ontlnulna to attend
rea:ular coUeae or I.Wverslly
couraet, the intern wW also
raearth ancl writ!na and
mak.lrc periodic: tris- to the
state ~apltol . EKh Intern will
arnrce for audemlc c:redlt
for the internslllr:- wi th a
faculty advisor.
GeneraUy, lnterr.hipl nan
from September througb~MJ;y
or JUne. Al te rna tive a p·
proachel to re1e1rch of
populltiOI'l policies will be
«W'dldered . •
The Intern Pro&ram Is
supervised by tbe Youth and
Studenl Dlvi1lon of the
Population tnstlt ule wllh
offices In Walhln&ton, D.C.
Thelr.tltute is a private,
non -profit or aa nh atlo n
co n ce rne d wit h th e
popul ation problem• and
related issues a!!ecti n& llfl.
Appllca tlon deadllnefortbe
Sept. , 117~ • May , 117t
~:= ~t~~30in '::
pl yln& 1 hould requnt
applleatloas from David E .
Baker, State Student lnl.ern
Pro& ram Director , The
Population Institute , 110
Maryland Au ., N . E .,
Wuhln&tOI'l, D.C. 20002.
1 sold, I was surprised as I had
, . .. . . ' tfl ·
- ·.. tGt.-1' . . IIOSSGII
.... -
..... .ou-•..~.a
c~ ICK
report that
I :;r..J:...:'!':•;!::.- 111rc: I
t '~:tte~•=l .:.:::: ..!!:.~: f
. ..
octlnt on the
lnteriuhiPI olferin& aranta
are ava ilabl e fro m ttj,e
Popul ati on Jostltute for
a tudut1 Interested ID
wwldn a on populatlonarowtb
and environmental laues.
rJ--b--F--I 0 s or I
I ummer I
1 Look
ri=Biil:::BB:::::EI!!::::!!!r:::::I!I!I::::Biiil::I!IB:::::II:s;"'l p
. . I
t romiSzng t
A 6
~~ 0 . Specialty''
Just ForT heHea lth Of It I
grants offered
thought the situation would be different .
But In my surprise, I have reaffirmed
my faith of r espectability In man, as a
hunter and In his social ways.
. . . . . .2441tl
Mbltat. prlriwily In canada.
Cor our declining miJntory
waterfowl populations.
~---- Poge 3
I ~~~.:"::.::":
. -:;; IJ
f ~~«UfiJ •tlldnl appllndou.
I ...~:'':~=;:":=:~ I
f ~~~:k.':::•rf:pl:;.,:•~.~ I
I ==~ ~.,;.r;:;:..H:~Pol; I
I fd•"•"""-..K' "- 1
l:;;;.::;:.::.-..:;.~;;;::::: 1
f ~~~~ ~~-=.~ ;o. I
t ::::;::H~~::w~.:·!::~ I
1rnnLopuoOppoflunilylrHarcll, 1
1~J:s·~~ ~?.=-~ 1
·:::....::::"""'::.....:::::-::::....:::::-~...:::s l!:i38:::13!:c::!38::::!!!ii:::!!B:Zil:::!38::::!!!~ t.:"~ .=-'.:="-~J
February 25, 1975
Day car~ cen
by RickCI&d
' 'Some pam~ts don't feel
didn't ha~ethe center," uld
Unh·crsily Child Learning
andC...e~ttr .
The«nterisl~atrdin t he
Peace Campus Center, at the
corner of Maria Dr. and
Vincent St.
II cu rr ent l y has an
enrollmentof:r7children. AII
eittw!r st~Ktents or faculty
members"'' UWSP.
" We know more people
could benerit from the care,
many children in this
facility ," said J~lelo. She
saidshtl•oouidlike to move
the center to a large r
The «nter 's staff consists
of J aaielo as full time
di rector,SueSprouseandSut
Kallft' u
time IHchtTs.
In addition, many volunleffs
~~owkasauiltanll .
" We depend heavily on our
Scott La r rick discover s that biscu it
dough Is hard ' to handle .
Photos· by Rick Cigel.
Beth Fossman Investiga tes
domestic role - washing dishes.
vo lunt ee r s t aff. Without
them, we couldn't IM'e( tbr
stateslandarcls thatOA-edotry
t~ meet," Jagielo said.
How ever, ''coordinating
lhe vol unteersls theharck>st
" Mo.t of the pamats fl'd
very confident In the ~t,'f
u opposed to going out and
nnding a baby li ner: · Aid
The center provittes more
than just a babylltting K 'l'·
vice, said Kaiser. Besidl'$
e n co ur a g lnc IO t u\
development , "'A' e hl\'t
diUerent equipment than a
baby li tter miaht haH•."'
ThedailyiChedule lncl~
'free play', a greup IK'th··t~ .
out&ide play, lnatk timt and
art, laid Sprouse.
"Basically, we jll'll try to
he lp them arow. There art
the four areas o( &1'000"\h ;
IOCial , emotional ,lntrilt"C!ual
and phy&ica l," uid Jagirio
Ptly&ica l 1rowlh will OttUr
will be aided by IC'hool :llld
the 1taCf doea not ha\'e tM
February 25, 1975
guides growth
b~clt&round to dea l wltb
emotional growth. 10 " our
&r~.atest emphasis is on the
social (grcw.1hl ," &he uld.
the duldren aslt, Spf'OU!it
said . "'WetrytobeasCJPf'nas
we can and ansvon- them as
~~ we 'can," she added .
" MO&tollhe activ\Ua ~~o-e
planansolhatlhe kids can
tnteract with each other,"
$aid J aglelo.
"Mo51.olour~renu feel
that this Is the only thing the
uni\'t'r'Sity doel that they can
use," said Jagielo. With the
" If you can get a long with
your peers, star tin& at a
use ol the ei!nlft'. many
Youn& 13e, then it's loin& to
be easier as you grow oldtr
because you do most of your
.,,,.orlr. v.ith your peer group,"
campus activities, she said.
5.1id J aaielo.
Thc ~nter is funded parti:all)' tbroua h ae&regated
fees, nid Jagielo. ln addition
to this !'e'Yetl~te , each dli ld is
dlarged a re&i.ltratiGn fee
:md an hourly fee . 1be center
,., u bt increasing both for
nr~ar~:,.~~~ ~Y
rt'al diffiCUlt or embarrasing
moments 1robile wortdng with
the clill~. said Sprouse.
·· Kids do run n y t hlnas
501Tletimes •. jt's funny to us
but il's not funny to them,"
The staf f has
able to
all the questions 11ohkh
There is a ooed fOf in·
creased day eare in the
country. Sprouse said. "Day
careis oneoftherirstthings
cutlngO\·emment s pending,"
5he said.
One of the reasons that
.more marri~ couples are
returnin&to school is da)'
care. NidSprouse.
The tfl\ter provides good
practica l e xperience for
fut.ure employment , said
KlilSU .
" l'mreally&ladllla\·ethe
opportunity to v;or k here
beca!JS.ethereis suchavaried
age 11'0141 · hi"O to si:c ." she
said. " I feel like lam getting
a lot of self-conridence
.,..,'Orking here. It's a real
Monica Hagedon and Wendy Van
Asten try to calm frightened Fluffy.
Volunteer Oebble Habeck entertains
Gwyn Davidson (lett) and Andrea Page
with a story.
Poge 5
PoQe 6
February 25, 1975
1'allloli•loo"" llke
taltlngas-tllttinaon a warm toilet seat
-n remaood
but you can't help wonderln&
who wu there rlrtl.
1 Doxcator'l Wall
Did you evtr wonder why
whet! a woman tells a doctor
that ahe'l all tired out,
the nr~t thin& he aau
il to tee her tque'!
Mankind is alclr.
Do you think
the illnnt Is
laclr. ol brotherhood.
Pope Pnl VI
U God wanted me
..._l?e bern In the army
I woUld !\ave been born
:~nJ:"~~~ aonn1 shrink..
that you want
wm tuttUmb at the font ..
The happiest folks
must be those who
don't want very much ...
and. rt Jy on themselves
to provide II .
with grHn ballY 1k:in .
Doll.ator'l WaU
that you fftl
will suddenly heal ..
or that well
thoucht. out line
Cou•t.ry h,...
; •.
There II no odor t o bad
There are those.,..mona you
v.·ho seotlt !h.! talkative
Wdl , foraet lt-
from goodneu tainted.
cause you're just
wh~ startina to drool,
when I'm watching
you crawl.
think before you d.rinlt !
~fUrofbrin& , alone.
Glbr. .
Don ' t WWT)' about what's abud
From there you can seot futhn-.
1 Ala"t ~thad• .• ,
JHI l.alr
~1.\llf. ll
~~l;; ~~~~··~:::\~::;\~~:::~:::-..:...
.,.. c.ou..-,
_,., _,,.,,
. . ... (CII-IIC)
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tzt .,..
lOTI'. . •.•.
c.ou.- . ..u.l'l'
•••n , ,., (-) · · · ·
llll " - To ,. ,.. . . .. -.un.u!, 10 o . e . •l • · • · (OHICI • • • • • • • • • •
c.u.c....-n-n.oto""'•' ""''hiUo o OUico"ll l
'"""' u • • - • t,l•ll-•lolotulo.U• • ...u
1.e oM ro~ll& " "" •••lit.._., .-,. •• .-o.ol•
1ouo... Plea. . .- . , _, ,.. ..
c.. .,. ,,..,..t..,,....,,...,.
=~! =-~·
_1 ,,..,_ ••
1 • 1 - . .. ...
II.U.r"D'T•Ioo l t -OI........... hloo"MI.e . . . . . . _8
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February 25, 1975
BSC and PSE undefeated
The Open Dlvi.aion ol the
lnr.nmural basketball leque
with un· two te.anu
At half-time, PSE put mort
def~lve Pl'ft.IW'e on ROTC
to lTy to blrus Its .sbootins
JU.Uds. The ploy worked and
PSE came away with a six
Page 7
po int haU· time aduntaae
and aetmecl on Its way to a
The pia yen who will play 1
key rol e when PSE and BSC
defeated marks , Bl.c:k point vktory, 48to 42.
square ofr Thursday nl&ht
St!.adent Coalition CBSCI and
Hustle was directly In· 1 Feb. %7 tbesidH the three
Phi Sigma Epsilon CPSEI.
volved In PSE'alast win over mentioned ) are Jtff Erhardt,
An abundance of h'--tle, ROTC. ThrH of the starter5, John Jo1eich ud Doua
mbed with &ood team play nm Murray, Diet Krutttr Kr\atat!'. Othtr players who
hal enabled PSE to be In a and Mark Wolf, of PSE will see action are Jert
po5itioo to upset BSC and couldn'tnukelheaame. Ma We i land and M1rlt
sneak the title away.
result, ROTC jumped to a 10 Samuelsllld.
Cagers lose
record 19th game
by Jim llabeck
and points and Charlie White'
Co1ch Bob Krue1er 's
Woita led Pointer se«1n1
cqen tltd and then broke 1 with 11. followed by Chuck
schoolreconllut week, for Ruy'a 11 and Dave Van Der
Geest's 11 point totala .
Saturday, Feb. 22, the
Pointers trailed 36·33 at
UW Laa-oue lowerina their halftime , but !oat Tf-64
record to 3·12 In conference, larldY due to LaQ-oue'a
&-II overall.
D-ie HaUl .
At Oshkosh, the Polnt«~
Hau&. the conference'•
ltd at halftime, had a &0-59 leldirc scorer, poured In 15
lead with t :%7 remainin& and first half points and finished
loet by If points, 14-68.
th:·wt!1l'?~•• ~t:ff~;..~ The lncUensscoredtherlrst
"We didn't &et any offenalve
rebol.mdinl and they made
Matt Smith's buket
their free throws near the brought the Polnl«< to within
5f-54, but the vi.Jitora were
Dahlr.oah tallied 21 free unable loterioualy thruten.
Act i o n d uring t he co n f er ence
throwa to the Poln~rs· 12 and
The Point«~ finished with
committed only If foull to the
wr estling meet, held Satur day, Feb. 22
Polnten' %7. Tbe PoUlter~ II turnovers , II in the IK'Ond
In Quantlt Gym. Photo by loren Zell.
Wft"e outrebounded ..,._
half, shot 42 percent to
TheTilanlbuiltanurly2t· LaQ-oue'a 50 percent and
ttllead, lhenuwltfadeuthe
Pointers, paced by Paul ~=~r:~~f~o~th~
Wolta,~ted with a 11-4
ac«lng bunt.
Mike McDanieh led
" We started out taklnc Pointer acorl n& with It
&oodabots, llhou&ht the first points, while Bob Omelin•
halfwuoneofourbest thb and Woita finished with 10
ltyR•ndyA. P eUla
Alltr IO&ing to eventual Tim Nelson of Lac::twae W . 1e11on," said Kruqer.
Rich Hughea uptu r ed
With 5 :20 remaining in the
conference champ Gary
The Polnten end their
Pointen Rick Neipert and Zizzo, 111 lb. Dan Sevick of fourth place for the Point«~ hall, Olhkoeh, trallin& 33-:25, .euon at I p.m ., Wednesday,
Feb. 211, In Quandt Gym
Joe Johnlon uch umed UWSP umtd ~am points In andlostthirdp~to UW called time out.
Within two minutea the ..ainlt Superior. PreviOUIIy,
individual ch.ampionshiPI In the consolation bracUt by P1atleville.
The remainder ol Point'• ntan.~ltdl&-33.
the Pointva beat Superior,
their reapective wel1ht pinnin1 Jeff U oyd ol UW
cluses thla put weekend In Stout in I :.W and de:featlng scoring was done by 158 lb.
The Pointers rMitd off 10 67-57.
the 20th Annua1 W"11ron1in scorlrc 1 major cledaion ol Bob Kanara 'a win by forfeit
State University Conference IH over Bnre Tonsor ol UW
With 8 :20 remaining, the
wrnlling tournament.
River F1llaln the ~eml-finab . Gelse"a 4:.0 pin from Eau
Pointers Utd the1ame atf+.
The UWSP finished Rxth In Johnson then rq~Httd hil
the outln1 11 aix Point dual -meet performance or ~~:1· ~efd~~n~e:'":: 64, befOt'e bein& outscored »
grapplers ~re involved In ear lier this aeuon , by Oshkosh by a 6-0 mark.
The wins
~am scoring ; with Ntipert defeatina lhe 1974 conference
"oahkosh waa
and Johns«\ netting :n~ of champion Fred Boakovich
Neipert, Johnson
earn championship
the5t•,; teampointsbetween
t%3- t lol UWYt"hitewam-bya
Neiput ( »>) urned Rmi· . &-3
-- -.' - - - - ,
~~~ ~ ~~:~ne';::
Th• admluklna oHic. Ia
In of on• atudent
bracket, t.bfo st.qing a 7-5 ..Jgltlte lor emP'oJ'ment
upaet of hi&hly favored und•r 11'11 work·atud.,
Mickey RlppOC UW Oahkoeh. program . T.,ping akllla
In the championahip bout .,. ••wntlel. lmmedi·
Neipert defeated Mike Wnt at• empio.,ment: poali·
ol UW LaQ-oue 7·3 for fint blllt., of aummer em·
ployment alao. PI•..•
Huvywel&ht Johnaon con~ Mrs. Jan Jlnakl
pinned Dan Daucette ol UW ldmluklna oftlc• 346·
Superior in f7 I«''fldl or hll 2441 ,
quutes".final match bdore
In the 177 lb. quarm--flnal
: · s;.,·~;.:.;~WCAT~-~-• l.o.... lon\Tftl "-otlon
·v......... ~- ...
I SifW-St.
,__ ,.., ....... ,..,
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·-·--lff(;tJTtltEAifL Y
POQe 8
February 25, 1975
Student sites
communication problems
To tbe tclltor ,
· 'lbere hu bern a question
r aised concernin1 com ·
municatlon within the
Student Government .
True enou&h this mlcht 'li'dl
beap-oblem, aproblemthat
must be dralt with direcUy.
But I would carr to so a.bil
further then wittlin Student
Government .
Ythat I point to is the
communication or lack of, I
s hould aay between the
stude nt s a ttendina this
univenlty and S tudent
Government : obYiowly the
Students are consta ntl y
asltin& not o nly wha t Ia
Student Government doin&
but what Ia Stloldent Govern·
m e nt ! Let 'a hope the
members of Student
Govemment can 11'11\lm" lbis
Au um lnl lhla to p ·
tlmlatkally ol CO!.nCI) where
doea t h e problem lie!
Students seem to put the
blame on Student GoYern·
ment. I often hear students
say "Student Gover nmrnt
doel not let ua know what's
going on; they don 't rrach the
s tudents! "
Several repretentatlvts In
Stuctent Government, In 1~.
brlleve the fault II• withbl
the students. Studenta don't
lcare torK'OIJI.izeboth
aspects. Yet, ltudenta are
apathetic and yes, Stl.ldent
Government does not reach
the atudenta. But what I care
. lnwritinltbla)etter,Iflnd
mysclf wondef'illl ~ many
stWenl.J wiU rul.ile that thla
Ia an aurmpt to 'reach the
studenL:, to put an aid to
~tinJy.~wo!!::ifte ~~.:
a student arr, and you u a
re presentative ar.e. about
representing atude nll.
La st year Student
Government required
-aton to send nft'Uetten
to tbdrconslitUftlll. Thil waa
discontinued b«ause of e of response by stuctenll
tothele~tten .
PresenUy there are article~
Sivtnl Student Govrmmrnt's
i~Maeslnthe ..........
y th1J II not enoup,
lithe next step? No,
1~ to iJve you I
lniWen, what I live you Ia
the question , LD hope that
~~~concerned mouch to
Execaive Secrdaf"y, SIMnt
Gonn •r•t
Future hol}ors
Michigan Ave. Guard
OPe nletter.
Fktion : Feb. 14 , 198$.
Can d i d ates
fr o m
throughout the country arr
rigorously screened In an
The Crolsing Guards ol attempt to pick the· single
-Jmeric:a will hold its an..W individual who has extended
dint~~!!'" uu Saturday ~·enlna the boundaries ol his duty In
tohonorthisyear'snational an attem pt to maintain safety
nominee for outstandlna
~:;;.~t:n~~mmunlty a nd
Grateful of
re : "Slr Joel
Gue nt ."
Blesled are we indeed now
that Joel Guenthob' haa ex·
tended his rantinp from the
Opel'l letter
cam pUito CityHa ll . ~he
has now joined forces with
thOR who ailvocate ''pavina
paradise and putting up
freeways ."
Truly ''Sir Guenther" is
&Gin& to be aM"ed of a
po1iUon upon araduation. U
not wit h t h e Nationa l
9wlotlna Sports FoundaUon,
then with the man y
oraaniutionaand map:r.ines
lbat auppott " bloody con·
servatlon ."
For tlJoM,who would like to
!urn more about the ''Sir
Guenthtrt" of this world may
I SUUHI; you read the new
booltMuKlad ncrwavallable
at the campu~llbrary.
" Ba.altl lAver"
Mar:r -"'• Krwter
l:ZIIWdsllly Ave.
Thla yur'a nominee Is Lee
51\erman ol Ste-le,. Point,
WI. For the past 10 yura Lee
has maintained atric:t safety
standards at his comer on
notorious lUchlp n Avenue.
The slg)lt of Lee In his
of pedestrian trafncfromthe
veater east side, radiates a
tremendous feellna of W1!1l·
bein& to ~-by . Lee is
very popular a mon& the
y~er customers for hia
quick wi t a nd n ull)' amite.
At least
they voted...
Opo . .....;.
Congratulations to the 12
Neale Jl a ll reslden u
represent\na the hi&heal
vote r turn · out of any
residence hall on campus
Including the Vitlage Apart·
Yes. 19 students livlna ln
=~~:th~~;i:! ·~kJ:
that it was worth flfteet~
minutea to a half how: of their
time to participate In the
drcision of who will have a
chance to be Stevens Po!nt's
ne•t mayor ,
you? ll'a where fO'tc"eaolna
to park your car. It's how
:r~a~~ ~n~ !~~:.
condition that housin&ls ln.
It's ·~her you're a otna to
have • atrin& of bambuf1er
joints or a woods north of
campua. ln short, it 's the tone
of the community you live ln.
'n\estrictsa fety featurts
If you don't vote, that
on Sherman's corner have
enabled him to accumulate c:omm~ity and ill leaden
an urunatcbed aarety record can fqet you exist, except
of one mishap in tO yean. for your p11 rltin& ticltela and
That Injury waa inDicted occasiona l a rre sts f or
disorderly conduct.
~ Leehimaelf.
ltert«ivedabrokentoeu 12. the Smith II , t he
he tried to br~ a ny lpt('lt 13urrou&hs nine, the Baldwin
from the chrome of a pauin& aeven, the Knutzen five, the
Pray Sims four , the Vl ll ase
lbere is noway a dinner four, the llyer two, the Roat h
un express the extre me one, the ThoraJoG one, the
IJ'at.itude " owe Lee for hla Watson one and the Ha..en
protection of the pedestrians
I would only 1St lh•t on
and future citi.ze,..
Tha nk you Lei Sherman, Apc'il 1, you bring a friend
you are a p-eat cn:uln& Ilona.
avant •nd • swell American. & rb SUefvater
Sl 1deal G•vu•• e•l •Ice
Sc•l Harcn.a
Upon looking back at Tuesday' s
primary, a lack of UWSP Involvement
becomes very clear.
In this community where over onethird of the potential voters are connected with the university, none of the
candidates In the primary had any
connection with the university.
Few of the candidates In the April
general election have any afflllatlon
with the university.
After rereading the prom ises Student
Government President Lyle Updike
made last year about having a student
candidate In every student warp1 an
obvious discrepancy comes up.
With a string of such broken promises,
Updike may have become the ultimate
of the ver y '"politicians" he has been
blindly battling .
Apparently cut off from the student
body he Is supposed to represent, Updike
Is no longer seen by many as anyth ing
other than a voice of his own opinion .
It Is time for responsibility to be
brought back to Updike's position before
the student role In decision making on
UWSP Is set back five yea rs .
Fast day editorial
lt ~mstomethatl n your
editorial you are being U·
trrmely narrow·mlnded and
headed down a one·way
street. I guess lbat In the
newspaper bus iness, one
Indeed everything, where a n
your column of !•eb. 11.
f'1rst , whatu;actlyis your
definition of " human i ·
ta r ta n "! Let me auea a .
It tounda like yo~rr def·
lnitlon of hum•nitarlan Is
tokeepa ll thehungryfolltaof
they11 die , which puts them
out of their misery Cthat'a
humanitarian, ltn't lt?l and
the world population wUI fall
and welhallallmjoyplenty.
I hope you are not la UihJna
at thia beca~.~~e this Ia what
you,lneffect,areaayin.J. I
wu tau&ht not to crltkhe
~les1 I had a solution, and I
admit that I do not . But I
cannot see why we s hould not
gi~~.'hee.!'~fo7 ,.':J ~d~~~
such bull sittina In your chair
with a cigarette and a aand·
wlc h and coffee but how
v.-ouldyoufeel If you were on
Let me tell yo u. Mr .
Guenlher, astarvlncstomach
is nothing to scoff at.
I don't think the students
our minds, a!r, but llblnk you
do. Some people would aaree
..,.ith me , other follta might
Anyhow, what makes you
~~kg~~! t~o !~Ffo ~:
children into their ldnd of
hu.I"CJ"Y work!!
There arr other methodl of
copin& with overpopulation
them . So don'taotellir11 ua, •
or at lealt·me, that we are not
Bnlce Se41.n
11:2 Ballwt.