Off..COmpus 15 cents October 10, 1975 Pointer bodmouthed Allft' '""du• lhe paper, entiUtd "followina~Sfrvant ',"Odobn-1. 197$ I ~mini)' must quetlon the ___ forr~at used In publishing the tam~MR ......,......... . rotWipllptf. u................ IIUial CAIIIDY6'rUIIIJIIDAII(ZKID. !low un y01.1 pauibly r ram all the .,._ =-"=~a...u.c. athletice~nta!Mt~rin onelldlool. •ed:.Lntoh.:lllapajjtoltlneiCOI'm! Vou r~ the pt,_j aide ot C'Om· pelli!Oa. or lohoWd I remind you lhlot theM sai!M! pftiJIIe do auelld and =: .....~·:.-: R'flr~lthitinstitutionatts'I\'SP. V.'hy notlobedahtUeirullluintothein- divldu,llswhoput farththel r riforll atnlcUOIIf:lt-t:. . .. . . . . . .~~ ··edt ! . t.o.wH~.C. lf l~ thllmodeol rwrununiationlsmponslveiOatudent nHds and intetftls. you would be hard prHifd 10uplsin lhe atmloe COIII!NIIf:, at belt. UWSP athletkl ~~-- Oevo!lfllmOI'tlpi« IO tile ~ footbilll point ~p~Udl than to ::.:.=> ~...:--= rampu~sporll~ft'lltisludicrouJ . ..aeu w studtnt body hua Jimmy the Grf8 fb•·Griftc. ........... ftlln. atto~~a . The ~af)'OIIIIII!WftandW­ ...-...,. ~·· InvoiV«i in all pbaln: ol Poi111er athlttics ~:-=..:- ~· ·:• should be allattfd just rmJ8nitlon for their tndHvon. Thou$&11ds of yean qo, the Gr~ks { ==-.::.......... ~ ............ .... ,.. ... :;':.0~~ 111~:! of~ m:=~J sen;~onlylopft"pttuateihismyth. T'""S.• lM'SP Hoth)' c.. - ......,. ..... u t~ Circus bod mouthed . . . . . Get-. 1L e.tlllll Mt Ta LIItPcUI«, Gte\u. BelrinJ'•Idl«ll$l•·etkaboul ~~~=~~.=;,;~~t.! ara.". plrpaM ol tbf " Atrial Atriii C'in.'\llll~mplyftOt Tbt Jnttndedto ~tt UWSP onttltvilianandllltht~prnWffl! win 1ames ·I \I. purpoM II to ~~"'~t!'·!~ "No. 1 Puairc Tam If IIIII I IOW!ds more lih tht apprwdl ' ollmeclia -manlact.hlnofaNorochota team, plnM rrmtmbrr who ptrSON.IIy pkktd Coach Cha rla~ lot tht job : 0!111ttUorl.ft~yfua. Ofcou.tMU!t playtnthtlllJtlvtsandtllecu.dl, IIIII ~blyeVftiDreyfv:~, wouldlihtowln -pmestGa. Buttbfa.anteUaria hllrdlylikdJtorftltlliapriaritlftjultta ltil' ...iiiiiOIM· IOM-"lftllll'dllb EM! O.i re'f. Arltt I ll, Point II Orey/us'1 mol tld!et and only Glenn llflvlnl '•unlvr"ll y ...,.._...- Sa•e •l~tloll loy /fqwol Don't reod this TaU.• Polal«, TaU.e P ..a kr, Tb!Jye~~r,lllnlhes-ft , theatuckall never CNM to 1mau me. Apia, llwJ don't Mml to li•e mlldll~tlltht WI)' they ckfJC:e tbtif fll'l'lp.ll 1 ... rderrillt to _..e ol the 1111r ~w lhll lrtlproutlft&upaUO¥«. llllundtrstandablt!thiiJplltl.tiOUid occur whm It Ia 1 more liJi itll ..,d mucllahcrterwayof lelllng lrom. OI'It r:.: ~;: =~~w~ it'r!:: w~l.-atudtl'lllcutlluqtlt lkr pieceolll-to ..vennor lm ...,._• ~ntren•e~«~- OnttrplcaUrllJc&lale-M IIIPI""• the w•r .audtl'ltl lnaist an cultlal lhrou&h between the Union tl!lllllf Gesell Bulldl na . ll~etml to be mend an dfortandjldtJJUme-con•uminll;' atrpovertbl~mmtretalnlnC"Il" ~ wouldtMI tojull walk1round il. Tlle ..J)'WI) ' , I l -. lclloll•ttllr :,"'!':'~~S: r:.':!,,..~.~~ RtJOUrtftBulldin&hlllallr!! IUt'lll !!:i. ............. ......... .,..... . u.-..-.... druUc•~. Perlulptthf)' ln• thrtN/ tmll'tonesonthllampus WllaldoDI.herpeooplelhink• J'dtlr Wtr""edinlettnlitinthtl'tl- Write to me ~. !irr.A:=t!•••~r:: --'L--· TaneP...eer. l'mitiCirttr•tedlnfritoa '-"d•.W litetocOJTapond wi th cotlrcr,........ l'llatiiWeraUietteru~• possible. Write 100ft pleiM ~ KH8 1¥atler , Bike safery Tello.e P"'alft". On my way to school tocby l...._w 1 bik~ rider 1\lt a ca r on Retuv~ Slrftt, Th~no-•·assericlu$lyinjur«<, tbtblteriderr~IYedtbegruterpart ollhe damaae. Tb~ unfortunat~ a-.pec:t WU INitlbe bib rider WUII f.ault, Tilt ridlttwastnl\'tU..onthewrorc llideol the stf'Ht and ~n a uop si~Jt. Tilt ckiverolthelutodldnot-tbe bkr<list while b.lmin& lftt. Ai;aln, It wufortunatethatno-wuserioully illjurtd.. llll!ftnllwe'releilin&aoewbrerdol " Rolod H01" in the farm of bicydiaU •'ho own not only the ro~~d but the $1dtwa1U u wtll. With the rKklnl auitudeofmlny bic:yclisU lt'a a wonder more of thftll , _u well u pede~Jtria111. u pclAible weapon~ IJ&[Nt certain · IIIUI&lMdladlvlchiabllldWIIUr«enlly had kept aU of theM blnb lllaptlvlty. H~e:r. they •·ere reoeenUy releue:d whi!n II WSII found lhlll tbse binla eat nothiJW but Kentucky fried chld:en (UIU.I llyutracrlspy). lt iseasy to howM.lMPutfe:r made:thismllt.ake:a• both crut~rn b.lve the .am~ calor •ya andare:tbtrei"-~te:ofte:DID!slat.e~~ foreadlotbtr. lbope:thilcle:an up~ny dilcre:pancy !n tbe:matll!r . l)qn t Ka110m Earth thoughts M~tll'tbftnseriouslylnjur«<. l lwult wiUjllll be a matter ol time before: it doetbappell. My ronmm is for the pedatiiao and the bi('ydill. I 1611!: bkycliltl to Willi tbeirbike.onllideYo·aUr,:~. ~walii ­ ' WI)'$ are for l)f!destri&nt and they shouldbe alforckdthu:ourte.yofbein& ableto•·alkona sidewalll wilhaut fea r vlbeiqhitbylr«kles&blker. Onthe strftt. youaresubj«<tothetnlffw: Llws.lf youareOYer si.l lftftytaraol ~~. you un be ticketed the ume u an op.-rator"ofamotor vrilicle. \1,1th the ((ll\ftlntda,.erola~tccldent· oa:WT'in&bec.luaofplllncareleuneu, thl$ e:nforcl!ment ma,y bl!come ~ .... I fl!ri bicyde usa1"' lhould be til· ('(lllnJtdonthis tami!U', butuuup increne:s•·emustbeaware:olthente:d foranordet-ly,ufe:flowolbicycle: trafrtc Tothclse:whoride bteydesfor transportatloa. I only ask that you pndk-e: c1re 1nd llld)' for )'OUndt ando\hoe:n. • Bike reg istra tion Tello.e P"'elft": The: 8ilr.e:. Re:&ialnltlon Law is DOC -leN. I plidilburlcUI! formybilr.i!and il's nlcetohan-proof,b)'wayol rt'l ir.terina lheHrial number wftb the polic:i! depanment, that it'• mine. Othe:rwlle:. il'l just my word qal,.t thatollhe- "owner". Ld'•a:et \l:llelbtr il nd try to .top ..n"' bilr."' stNii111. Ate: you aware o1 the ftct that the: Army eo.,. ol Enginetrs is yet 51Udylna the:Crou-f1oritl& Barte Canal Proje:ct; lhlltJI)eclalinte:ratiJ"'UP'an thratenlnllo cutt.all EPA '1 1uthority bygiviJ!&theUSDA•ve:toove:rbanson peslicide:UM; thattheAmeric:anMe:lll wants tobulkl a lluny C1imaJtCom~ny pipdiMacnu20mUesolthe~ ~...!':~~tow:= .~;~ you too damned busy •rsulna about i'Aintin1 to be aware ol tbeH •od ather ~liOIUthatc:ouki.Jdvi!n!IYactect both " i'Ainte:n"lnd " non-hunte:n"allke:1 M111:h hal bet!~ written irl this publlcaOoo abcut n.t Ceu Oi' ,Uiaaa. Tot.hlsfire i WiUaddnoflldbecaUHit is a Walti! of tfte:fll)' , About \he bie~rin&lhllt~~oa~onbl!twee:n "i'Ainte:n" and " IIOCI·huntera" I N.vemuch to uy, forUU.Ienae:leu~bble:('(lllld very well indlrKtiy contribute further to an .llrudy damllfti injury ~~nr.e:n"and"nm.f!url~" whoh.lve,iolllteclon thlspa.ceand i!I.Kwhe:rehave wastecl tlme:ande:ffort , lorln the:rilll l lnal)'Jist.heylhlrel common Inter-at. •·or ra:.on or anothe1-. aU are canoemed with the continue-d prOp.llllion of q ullity Wikiifi!andthe:protectioaolhabitat. Unforllllllttiy, mo.~ involved do not ' apptar to reco&nlR thla, 10 the arguments ~tlnue while more: land Is kltt tothe:~•ndprot!Liof priva te lnlft'nla. Tbe re. l " e:ntmy' ' t.hen,hulllwbere: hewanta~&.n-thatvalui!t.he:world o1 Mture camot effectively deftnd It a ' ( Oh goshlho wks ogo in bec.luset.he:fCirC'ftaresplit.ndbatt..lin.a; . a mong themselves. Unl- ..,., w:~ke:upto thil fad.,more:wWbe loa\ and only I few wWI!Ven ~. Ralton are alway• looltin& lot 11)01'1!: land toHII, tbe oil indwtry alway• Series 9 , Vol. 18, No. 8 nee:dsano&Mplpe:tine:,andlhe~ls FOC" the put thrft Wftb I haVI! wu:loullyawilitedtbe:publlc:atlonal )"OW'"~pe:r. Uponrecl!iptofuldPfo pe:r, limml!diltelyturnto"Ce\tlJWiothe: Pllint" fort.hel&tettrtl:ll.ntaloftbe gre:o~tdel:»te. Bythialdot:Qlme:.lrltbe debate., • I ~ IJIIcol.o·Dou&iu tlwywerell!tlied.Jfi!W)'UI"'badl. Jnste:ad l rriertothe:~wk-manll Ni,.,k , antdope-wlll~r . deb.lte. lalncere:lyfiti!l that l l!.l~ke:pt mute: about thllmlt11!rfot lonae:f10111b. sana 1ft upa-tla anlithaki&J .1nd otbtr birdie thinp , l fHIItmy dutytobrb:woutthe: loleta. lDt.hetirstplacl!t.heblrdlnquestloo ls nti!Mr .1 mlnll h.lwk '*" 1 pblwk bu t is 1 blm swal.Ww with • PnO.Ila r probkm. Of eoune It take. • "l!rf ~rapdve tye to ditctm the ditfe:rtna! bl'twem tbeH llu"el' birdl, .ltld ul N.VI! sliD alOKtecl witb .1 dam buiklin& t yndroml!. All af thfse 1nd other lnte:resll. like :lpO!Ied children, wut e-ventlllllyp: t tbeirwaylfthe:ratofu.s donocofte:ru.nltedrealstlnee. lt is lon&~•tthetirne:fot "hunl.l!rl" and " nort-lunte:n" to stop bombaning each other With iMII.IItl and ttriMUlta. u tbU foolilh baule COI\' tinlltl, the: " w•r" WiU be won by tboM who\ove:thelandonlyfortbe:dollarslt eanprvdllee:. Toreuin:~ndrep.~irwb.atlsld"loltbe " natural" environml!nl.we:m\llttaki!a unlte:dstlnd. tfw"'donot.wewlll-.e: much and~. wi1Jdelene to do 10. t. ror-. wlllnatpltytbole:wholarni!nt lhe lou if they were occupied with lll'lulfW.Jmonl the:tnae:IVI!II, fot they w\U belivinslnaworldthattbe:ycrutecl li mply bea- they did ll<lthirJ&, .J!Te:ad)'Uid.,lh.IVI!I VI!I""Y~iVI! eye. - Se:condly lwuluckye:noughtorie:w t.he :~~me: a-ellure: that Mil& Puffu spokeol, triWUCIIIIDYO'WTipenonal tripatlhll! time: t No comme:nu plua!) lbloll!toNiowoffmy upe:rtiHon ~ lubi«tbutitwunotaaaatelope:Mbl Puffer~o~~•but inad.uallty ltwuapant Jllllhlowtl. nu variety Is lltlle kMwn u the:CIAhllbe:tii~YiflltirWU!i!m more letters next page Oc l.aoHrJ t, 11'75JII I "l P.&"'« ... more letters No nu's is bod news T•lk Ptlaler, 1 wu C\lrioul u to 11illy 1M Grftb, fnlemiliet and aorwillet on ctmpu:s, do not hlvt 1 C'Ohunn ia U.Pet.ter - . p e r. A fewptOPieon the Jl.lff 111'bom f beve !JPOken wilb ~I t wubtocWM:GrtotbOonotcontribule mouct~tocempuaendcc:mJIIWII tyUfeto rllt~llllr Po~M«publldty. lfiadttJ.iadiJtkWttobelic¥e.Forthint, the Grtotb lt't I lfOWln& COCII· rnllllity lhenlJe.IYH. They orpn!H and· orf*11kelaM'V'tf'llpbUI~. =ef:pl~:~~btl~ orpni&td. worked. ard mntribuled • put dell of time 10 OperltiOD Wbttk:hllr .C ltieyrtlsedrnoneyinlllt SUII<illtobu)'twhttlchelrfori!Mftiy ~. IUNI CEP,I tH.I UOweell lime,it 1 d11rity purtUtd by tU Greek oraaniutior'll . En r y yea r the y vol un tee r thtlr t ime anawerln& telephone. for the loeal te!ethonl. On um pu1. Uornttomlnl and Wint e r Cimin i ' " Important evtnll, allo. It ~tnnp ltllt 1 campuJ newsp~per would adude 1"1'1~ 10 involved 11'1 e.mpu:s lift . I _,eel that their dett.kln not to eover Gl"ftk IC· tlYitittlsaimplylrltloni.IIUtiODwblcb ~u'- Jcwal dilcrinlllllllan. l1!.k 1Dc:riml111tion lncludn otber 1"1'1~ oa e.mpu:s M wdl. For uampM: : Do you of wtlll the KbtoriCIII ever Dixount Sodtty doH. or the Spanlah Oub or the Uai\'Wiity Chrilt!al'l ' -ml -.r NO¥eiNRI.'!Notlnthe~lllllmlll iaaomespedK\IIa revtn1..1be~of our ~~~~W~p~oper CO¥tn 111.11jor blppenipPliktKomoe<emiae.~ard stucknl IO¥rmmtnl.. l1!.k II ltllfllr. I fetlthattheeampu:spaperiiUmlted. ll Ahould (O'¥ft" .u UOfCll of llftlftnity life. I.Itnotl.htllllleevmttthltmakea campuslnterest~, JIHildlaracter! wa,-btlllllnotJKII'il»eiOallowtbt 1 tolwnn now. H-er. the P.tlltft" mllht emlrlbul.e toiUINI dtYOtedtoalltbelt\ldnltorpnluUont onamput.. fo:ach""-.k-w«<ldan-Greek~~ :;:e ..~~n:":~~!:t betler thlnp lor our campuaand Ill newsp~per . C. RI ..... U Greek to me T1 1.1!e Polller, f"ralemlty, Yet Alph.l Phi O!Mp Ia 1 frela'lllty butnotlnlhe lrlditlonal · While your t , ,l fret Is :ru~::..~a:pu: ::c~ wlthl.iYinaofOW"IoDY•tobelpotbers. Tbllllt tbedifffl'"eii(Otbetwetnour kookt fnl.enllly u COII'I~red with tht nrnl• trat. Alplla Pbl 0mtp II today !be Wstst andlnOit~UIIiY•Widtrp'll\tale =-~~~~~~ln~on'!~~~ lledtnhl pand f~p willlaiftlllfeKI!Vitythe)' m\Jhtha_ve othfi"YiiM' puM'd 11'1"11'1". but four n"tdits foews.Mriockia n~aboutyou. artYery First. you mUll bt a female ~I UK I don't know eny IU"fl who carry pink tcatty tiaiUitS to wipe 11111111 with ill suc:h nM. .ncia. S«ond conskkringtbt:incrl'd!~ olfactory. prcpa:tielofthat~rtiNiar pile,ltuo•·e dt<dui:Nthat)"OIIeollalol:ol ......... After ot.rvin& 1M mlin! siw.tioa further, I f<MKI a &n'lt amount of humor in it . F'int,considtrilcthenumberoi!IK'd pink ICOUY u-- 0111 lay Oft tht p-ound. you m111t luove fhlt in your ,._ntstoo. Setond, tbepi.lelaysilltht lrnmed!lteproxlmityol•C'OIIple~ iyYplanUI. =~~ lnl Wnt tbiM•t ~ont<ll wlthllleblodclr..UbUityofplakKaUy Point pigg ies? T~t~"v:~":J how 10me men woul.d rather be pip. I have ('Ollie 1«01-J thll phcnomtlll only on this cernpr.ll. So me menwlll51101"tuthtywa lk bye -.."Orn&A. ApillnOI'tdenolHI pi1. Tht mansnorts ·he m111twlstrtobtl pi1 Meanwhile . tbt: .,·oman ptlltt -'lmtl)" by -int.hemannerofahuman~. ,_And the man jill.! continue& his pi1 style - •ill'l·anortlnlhll•·sy dolton the street. Je-y J•~;eos wonted 1:1 { To&aoeP. . Ier, On Septfmber 211 the OYnnllor ~SII.IdtntGOifemrMIItoatht Sllteot tM Ufliwnity . In hiladdrnl heouUinednrioulideasand concerns of IU. I -.wid like to prnent- of ~isluntOJOU indllkfor)'OW" ream-to them. I ) SecurityF~Thertillpropolll our Sftlmty For<'l! and to iuutthem •·Hponafor seUddellill'. I 111'¥11'- seriowl 10 giYII' an-at powe1110 ~•boutthil ' iuut. ll our HCIU"ity prol)lemb«om ln&thatp-c&t thatwtmUIIdlln&elhellr\ICiureolour Security For<'l!! What is !.he lludtnl· Security Officer relationship now~ 111'111 thii'H two propoull chlll1e that rtbtlonshi p! l•the"•nyaltft'TIIthu to tbele propou.lll~ I need your re;r;:;,~~~&ould. student be able to tape any dill or lhouldlhei"'truc:tor havetheri&hlto ""copyrilflt"" l«tutet! Dott the r.,::;:ce~~:=-~~n~a!:tu~': do they IHI about this! Sl HOUiirc-How mudl of & crisis rmlly ulsts! How m1ny lbldenu d~~=~~=~~r. Areyoubril!l ~Gndhifllopenlup! rippedllff! Wouldyouprfter-.ethlna; betw"t'(,tnif lt<'Oitlll'!l:ft! ltiil ll • veryim~nlilsutlnd i !W!ediOknow ::;=:,:=.ebelnammchMby Ol'lthilamp.llaomtof ourprojec:taan: the ride cuide. bof* ucblae•. blood· rnobik, endllllldrallltl& lorneedy e.~. Lui ye..r CGD!nlcted • Tllll'ltwertjultl lewoflhe'-uesthe ChanctUorbfvu&btout lt ilimpnrt.lnt ........ w. alto purdiMtd pii)'IMMICI equipment for 1 dl y Clnl cenler for retarded dWcftn II tht Y. 11lert Itt m~~~y mort pro}edll we -ud like to like on onoe we illertt~lt WI" mem · be~~~lftotl ~ fratef'lliUts, APO doer~ notlnduttllanew mtmbet~ln ~«ret ritualt. Tbe" Ill 110 luodllC. 110 r11o r out l n ltlttlol'l. Reiher , new mcmhml tpend a thut week p\fd&t perlodnmplell.. lti'VIeeprojectt that wlll benefi t the ampua, communi ty. or natlon . l naddltlon.p r oa pecii Ye membtn mull \elm APO'I llbtory , to.IIIOI'II, ancltdliev"emenll. Jl• Cllrbt•.. APO P~nWeoot Woste nor- wont not TI IM Pll•ler: l st.epptdlnthltpi.. ollhityouleft in lhewoockOIIINIIolR.ewfwSt. l don't "-wtlo)'OI.I&rt, bul l hlwmadt a '""""" ..... ~~~ . ~!:~"'..;~&':n~ Affairs Commillet to billy tl"}illl to ret•ln !he l our -rre d lt P . E . l'f'qlllrll'mtnt iJ they 11a1·e"'er found !!me IOCOIISidtr& Lfi.CcourH! \ "M\1..-.I•IhHI'.t:. tllbWIIIItll« 'Flying' low INIJOUrespondtotbeq~l 'w rllled. If 111·e plan to ICcompllah ltlythi. . UU.~uyouril'lputiiYitll I am ~Min& you to eontect Studtnt Gowrmmtntto let your oplnioru; and CCIIIHI"!IIbtknolt.-... 11M 11-Mdtlkl ..$tlldutGoo-ttnmntPrn.ldut hobrioul ,ncllloiM$!. lf lsadortW itllissfr&idtcony.)·our ~-te.·fl"isalraidlllla!Ch ~br,- KI'H'I Going the dislonce lt"llood llltee tluotsomeoneisli'lin& credit tothelre&tunknOI•in disl &nce runntflpteiCIIII)"-' IJ\II"SP. · Theartkle {eaturtdac:ouplcofwHIIs IIJOCOnthel'l:lintnX-<"Oifltrylfllm•·•• load t~poe;ure for these dtdicettd peoplel "msureany~ who lw !"'lnll tometlmeinhllllfe t im rt{tmlll io dist~nc:._ runllinllknOIO"Sthep;llinln­ I'Oh-ed.bottlph)·•k& lly lndmii'II~Uy. SobodybutadUUncei'UIIMI""k11C1111-. how lt istcobe runnlqlloniiDIIIeltretl &nd hear IIOD"Ie -100 lb. t,.key yell from l'IJur , ""runf&ster ""or -CIIher I IUpld rtm&tk .US.. y_. artkle ., "!ol&ratboa M&nla"" •&siOOdand lla compl1meftl to Tom Jmstn •ho did &atacellent job loronlytoha•·ebetnrllllllini• Yea r . 8utlttri'*!{YOII"""OIIIdblvtloaked aroundcampu~a li!Ut.youc:ouldluovt int«Y!t111edane:~pertonthemaratboa t'\·tc~t l"ou•·~ba•·tfouldlottJII'UO lb. Due Eller. l'mwreyou,likttlperttntofthe otherpeopleone.mpusdoo"lknowthat WtyurDal'eplacedtlllrdln thtNAIA Mlionab v.IIKII 111"H &oad f!IOU&h for hm IOialnAII·Amtrieln"-"tlor the maral.llon Al110, 1-..11)"HIIIHO Dew platfllllintb&t tht ~tionab He luis only one ye& r of dilbdrty left and prcoblbl y h.asuloor'lt~nc:eulnykl -..In thenatlollabthls )"ll'&r. ' Abo. 1M Pointer X-c:ountry tra m hal agondr~nettowlntheeonlerencethis )Ur . •hich-..·ouldbta' lrtat{utslnce ~CTO!olt has clomin.~~ 1M cro-..11 fcor about theputllvt)"t&rs. llul•nY"'"&)". lhankllorthetOYtrlp on~~~ untw-ralded spor t. fn• II SIIortt-r More Sogo sogo T•tlot I'Ma~<rr : l too•ympalhln•jth )l Rye.11 ln his lettn rtaard•n&Sap lood.Septcmbtr lith ll&vrncutenLII ti!II'UtUonformy M<tondyea r ,_, lhl ve~ apoorfood ~doec::hneiO&mudl pnorerser· Firstwmestf!"ollhe74-~athcdya r llleantht~Pf"Oirlm""hidlwll initl.attd ~~ that tune 1 hscl both ldequattloodt.en"t«&ndanedequaw= Nlmbrrofcaup~~ns tNt semester. So, thene•tseme;terSaladl.artedmore lorcwpont;andreducedthequalityllf tbelr~tanclproduttrinvervly Pf":J''rl lanedtothepnHcluorJed!l. '<~'dl. th11 M'melltr I &m ~Yill& & nd!C'LIIolaamotll'ltol moneytanlylour ~ th.ln 1 fu111M11 plan at tM ttniCfSI&nd&tiiLIII Pi'tbet ic.ery~ LRC not PE Poe POTpourTi T~~·:·if'v.· ilffurlffl>lal is a..-{ul ' T~r. a hmny book-pinraqull'. tlssonaiNittwpoteooU. lllfe-.,.naltH m""'-pabMIUtlaCIL im~nl~rtlofourowerallpro&razn. pii~IIIWhltla&foraHe..du.att ~~rr: ~~:!ion thlt-weabould have a malldatOI'}"ta~• pu~~-faol bilJUI) one-f!"l'd!I("OIIrMiotesrh J.tudeftllbnw to T•tloePolaler: Wh)llsll i """M nevermadtaw~real the{tctlha t Sherloc:kHolmttmsinllntd a:M'I"enper«ntiiOiutlofl.three ti"'" d.:lily. ol elthtr morphine or coca ine! IShl'l lork ll olmu Dti«th·t SWW., 19:!3.papl.l Wily is it I WU lleVII'r mtdt IWirt of thefacllhall'otr. Edgar A. PCie IO"U I:Jut 1 rnanofOtthanclblood,aub)r(:lfodto mnrmous 1mounta ol 111"11'11 rrom 111r all·lrnp«ll nt lleofdlyoneOfl! l l a.sll t rNdll're tth lapotntlort'tlli NW dli ps~holoRY. l Th lowinl all tcmcnt by Mr Ar ll'Lur II Quinn IMMts thr II· lcnliOfl ofthcotewhodftm Mr. l•otto have been 1 dctlcnet'lle. drunkii'IIL, .,... · 'The mylleryaoolten NIOtiated 'll'illl l'oe"l liftencl!lllu relaunjuitified lb.Wd, In !be bll'&innlnc. upoa Grllwokl"a Mr•lfr, full of fabthoodl :andhalt·tnltht. lthubHn •\III'M!IIed byconjHtu biiJCflphenmorelnttrftltdin tumnc a phrue than In IICtiUirlllw fac:ll llr ...... inrealitythanl-worklncmHif letltl"l""""-pDII'IMinclltnries..-ert above the~tlolthe pe.rlodlnbalhll !by. upon wtikh ht dtpmded lor 1Up- pori. II L$edi loria l llbon.IU«<I''Itlll u theywere. wereill-p~~ld,andhillKt.ol pDWft"{ulfriendl kepthim frompol•l!nl ofrl("ll'. llil mu of none or~ paid him Utile nr MthlfC, and his rearleu lad 11 tlmn 111 -Niurfd critic:ilms mecle: him mcmin "" ll andlcepptd bJ Vl rfllni•"sillfftl enclbyaninherilll'dt.encle:neytodrink. LI """hK: h M{oundtemporeryrdie{frcom llis troubles,he mll(de• lM"•vtltf\IIIKlt 10 Sl.l«ffd e nd fina lly t~.~ttumbN It roncll~tha t MCDtildnoiiWCfi"OIIIt lie wu hwnen. end whcfl lie Will al· ~cktd he itnd back , notalwa ,-.wiJtly :atLd in 1 few tlltl, unf1irly. Hut h11 ..-ork has ~~:rown 5tNdily in tlw rstimatlon of the best cr•hul ~mtnlll,hereandabrold. 'lt'ilhDut thtaldofanyc ult oladmlrtn•hobuild upoahisuhltwemenb• r..pulal10111.do5crim in.~tio<l. or wlthou\1ny lltanl popula r appe&l to 1 dtmotn tk audimt?, he has woa his pcai~ bytbe po-..·er of M lmaK!Nitlon 1nd b~ tht htaulyofallylt-thathlvtt.ftltdtht manylmit.ltorswhohawtrifdin.-a.. IO ruch thelhinlrcltvelwhrrehr rt'flllii,.H<L'Vfe." ITllr C1101 p!.rie p..._••• u StloW..ol t:dpr Alba Pw, AUrl!d A. Knopl. lllll lrcfer lherndtr ttthitllmtlo- "' many or:ellent bMJ&r•pbkll. that ht or t.hf mly penona lly bear Wttnesi iO thr traum&tk eYotnU whldlilced 1M loluf t:dprAllln Poe. One ll&t point of lnterut. Whtn )._ •·...-etenynnofiBtWen~)'OUttudYIIL\t t"renrh. Latin. and literature. 11ndillll balrillll. ordolla! n ....,.,n F. . WI.._ T•tloePal•~ : Sometimes " &tludmt I quation the fourcrll'ditaoiP.E. whlch&rert"quired loltadU&te. I luo•-e two re110n1: 11 Are lour credilll needed here! Notx.dy el&e reqllirtslour. tl i QUDilonthii'Pt:. courtes themuhu •t •umed rldicu\0111 tometowatdl my V f: 1n. atnaetor dtm_..,\11' the rilht·hand IUm tip l &nd ask if - - touJd dtmonstrite the ldt·hM<I t.. n 11.,._1 lor eydil!t. l lllok . i1 11 the job a1 a callqeprafeuor or 1 k•ndll'r&ardtn tcodm- to clem-lrah. hand 11111111 lt.~n lftlhemll'nll olrrqulflrlltwo coUe~le'lei PE. tow"'fttoeqamtoae Thursday is dead!! In order to expand our technical copobilities we will be appearing on the newsstands FridaY mornings insteod of Thu~oy afternoons. A team ol atucSent an:beolocbll and their instruetor..Jctm Moorehave di.koveTed thlt Jordan Park !Seven miles east of lhe campa on hiJbway 661 has been occupied off and oa by man for the last 4,000 ye.ars .... tleut. uJ:~~Pt;:~ ~~me;:,~~ ~~~~ ~d~"~.~~ :.r:~ ~ newni~ thlltman hu tbouundl beef~ around thiJ ara for elf, yean. Moore described thla yea r 's neld school as "especially productive" beca!Jie of the large amount o1 materiala found . The dip procluetd projectile points fan-owbtads and Sttapenl, and artitac tr; such aa potl..:r~-!~U!'!~ :~ materials ~ted to date can be idealifiedtoevtryperiodol aeveral hundred yon bet'lo'ftl'l now and 4,000 years aao. An arcient coppn knife wu found thiJ aummn- that prnum&bly belcq:ed to hunten and ptbers. Thit knife II eatlmated tobetheokiestarWactthattbedip have p-odlaeftl so far. • Arclwoloey dip Involve more thin diging into the &J"'UDd with a sbovd. It requires that you know wMre to dig and what lf.a:nall to look !Of'. Anthropoloo major Martt Varney , who has partkipa.ted In the Jordan diaa. said the toll strata Cbyenoldlrtl andabnaptcha n&es in wgetaUon are tome key ai&ns 1o watch for when lookina: f« a 1lte to VICIVII.e . In the case of Jordan Park, almo.t au ol the " hot apote" for diggin1 are on emt.nkmenll near the water'a ed&e. A T..naped IQol with • lq, hollowed pipe il used for eXImlning lbe JOiJ 1trata . The pipe Is pushed into the ground and thtn rtmoved as the soil slides out oflbtpjpe. The dl!!ennt layen of soil ue studied to dete r mine whethefo or not the lite is worth diUina up. Varney said, ''The dlj:s were monotonous for some people. but I enjoyed it; apedally whm we fOWJd topptr. Tbeo everyoM Wtnl 'spesblt.' " Varney was cndlte<l with findlna asa-aperpoint {kniferivuaJntlat • Jorda.n from South O.tot.. The Qint, unlib anythinc elR found at Jc:nlan, Ia bdined to ba~ beta deposited here throuah trade betweea Indian tribes. 1 -nt alcq: on a rte~d trip to Jontan with Proleuor Moort't environmental ardledOI)' clau. Some of the cJul; bad beta I# oo the dip th1s summu. They were easy to disting\llsh from lhe oOwn: Iince they woere always pok1111 around I# the dirt. =i pr1)~~ ~~~er~u~ uau . aut wMn 1 abowed it to 111 ooe of the veteran digen, she barely batted an eye. II wu then that! rulized that quartzite cblpt, are ··a.&m--dc:lleft" at Jordan. Tb«e Ia a problem for ardloeokiJlst5 at Jontaa that ia not always encountered at normal diiJ1111 siln. Tbe IOiJ Ia blaJ!ly addle aDd tmdl to IPft'd lorP dderiorttkla of acme materials, indudinc tneta]s . Tbe addk IOIJ, ia tw1:1, complkats tbe proce:. for au.bllshlnt Information about when man first aa:ucried tbe area. Tills sto.e flnpl.ce '- •e of UN ,tac:a of eride.c:e UWSP researdwn bve ,....-art.W at oeany Jtnla• P•R. Thearcheo!Oiyprogramisonthe upswinJ htre despite' the fact that Moorelslheoniy~iall.stinh!J field _on cam pus. His program, e:spectally the summu fitld study is becomlna: widely known and 1~ •ttraclinlsludents from othe r parU of lhe country. A laboc-atory for areb@o!Ofl)'- =~~best~n~n~ of~ Science H•ll complete with mier scope , special stonae ueu , cameras, and so forth . One of the :.(ftaa'~~o!:t!:i reconstruction." Tbe procea lnvolvsltudyinaalayerofsoilstrata underneath a microscope aod • ma~ cooclusioa.s about wbat Jt1nds of dimate and mvirollmellt lhe Steven~ Point area had down thrCJUih the Homecoming schedule aces. Upon first sulna It, the laboratory }oob like a mate of roclts , s.blpa, aDd Rinla . Tbe arUdes a re clusified and labelled by location and type, ledlous as tbe job must be. One of Moore's prize acquiaiUoa.s Ia a new link rtcenUy installed In the lab. "You can't imqinewhala terrific diffa"mCe it makes," he amiled. The lab will make it poaslble to involve mo r e students In anthropolOfD' and srcbeology, M<ICW'e saki, and will be aootbtr way of enhancinc the displa)'l m the UWSP Museum of Natural Hlstory. Jt will also bmefit the minors in anthropolOfD' and museum techniques wbkb the university has developed in the last couple ol yean. Beaidelsteadyinterestwithln tbe student body, Moore sees community support for Uw:se punui~ . too. A Ceotra l Wisconsin Ar· ~Society bas been formed Monday AC ' UAB Football Follies, 11 am· 3 pm, ~Cill"ret-housi-U:c . and Allttt Center Snack Ba r . Tuesday AC 'UAB Footbl.l.l Follin 1J am 3 pm , Coffeehouae-U.C. and Allen Centt:T Snack Bar. UAB Hom«<tnlnc Kina ' Queen VotinJ, t lam·lpm,4-6pm(AC ' DCI , lOam · 2pm !Gridiron ' CCI. rr::~.!~~~~dqu~~p , :~~-J.t: Thursday Homecomi ng Ga mes : Toss, 3:00 pm , Allen Ct'nter f'1eld ~~~Race, 3:30pm , Allen Cf' Loa Wednesday AC' UAB Football Follis, II AM-3 pm ICoffeehouse-U.C. ' Allen Center Snack Bar I. UAB HOQlecomlna Kln1 &: Queen VotinJ !lam· I prn pm lAC '0CI, IOam -2pm ,IGrlditon,CCI. '4-6 Homecomlna Games : Molules Drop, 3:30 pm , Col· fet:house·U.C, Tricycle Race, 4:00 pm, Cof· feehouse·U.C. Gfused Pig Contest, !1 :30pm, AIJtfl Ct'ntuF\eld Wbedtw-row Race, 4:00pm, Allen Ct'ntt:TF"ield Pyramid Build, 4:30 pm , Allen Ct'nter F\eld Rope Pull, !1 :30 pm , Allen Center .,.... aDd i~ mtetinp have au.-.cted many peo ple from tbe areaJOrDetlmel10 to 80 people are in attendance. Orcelon- II, InS OUR BUSINESS IS BUlly .ON CONFIDENCE. YOURS. And we're proud to ~Y we've earned it. But rel!abllity Is only part of our story. Our sales atal1, trained and certified by the Society of Aud io Consultants, will help you select the audio system that best suits your very own requirements and budget - right in our modern, completely equipped aound room. You can buy with confidence, knowing that our _reputation lor continuing service stands behind your purchase. And best of all, you pay no more. Check Out "The System"· Wlseo"sinRaPidS Stevens Point The H~'l!l.~~Ms~!!!~~~ 3308 s199. 95 2 Ha,IJ!Jw~~.,~~~~to,~"~·K20 Pioneer PL120 Msnu..l Precl1lon Tumt.ble . s120. 00 5 '1'00".00 Shure M55E Mlgnatlc C1rtrldge "" 5 449.90 Sale Price on This System Now: $359.95 OA Char~ part ol " Tha Sy1tem'' bY u1Jng I Harman Kardon lnteg11 ted amp, or J8l •peeket~~ . Pion- •eml·automalic: turntabl1 , sm111 Ach•nt :~=:::, ;.~:7"d lurntabl1. Choos1 what 1ults your needs ! This 1st Jump Course $50.00 INCLUDES: ground training all necessaryequlpmenl . llfltjump Subsaque.nt statJc Una jumps: $13.00 er Jump •ncludes everything. Ask about special student group rates 10 or more $40.00 20 or more $30.00 open 7 days 8 mile• wast of Oshkosh on Hwy. 2 1 809.6 Omro, Wisconsin for lntorm•tlon call .uc-&85-5995 lnsllucllon uhlbltlon 1 eq ufpma nt sal.. Chanc:eUor Lee- S. Dreyfus bas beftl de<:ted to a four·yur tenn on the board of cUreo<:lOrS ol a national or& anhation .ervin& publldy· supported schools ol higber" lear· nlng. His selection to the 12-member board of lbe Arnef'ican Auociat.ioo ol State CoUq;es and Universities UAASCU ) wi.ll be ratified at an annual meeUng In Boston next month. Dreyf1.11 has been affiliated with the board sinc:e Last year when its members selected him to fill a vacancy whic:h expired this falL wa'f:'~u':.'::!'n; '!PC:,~.~~ ... two and one-half mWioa students which beionR to AASCU . ~-!;f!C~nnao.anc:m The thlt aU residfn<:e hall students who .were temporarily without a rea:ular room will receive a S30 refund. HousinlreportathataU sbl:ients without a 'ftlular' room have now been nlocatecl to either a room« a wing IOUflle. :ti:!~ '~:n!.i~~':~C:: ... 1,220forlhis~emester. Forest Manaaement and the LawAll Analysll and Prognosis of Aaency 'Response to Legislation." Further proar•ms will be acheduled and open to the public wlthoutcharae. .... :!t;.e;t..tothe~~ty c::=~ Dr. Monica E. Bainter . professor of physics and 11tronomy at UWSP will address the UWSP Physics SOCiety next Thursday night at 7 pm on the topic " What's New In D'lgineering?" The meeUng wUJ be held In Room AIOiin the Science Building and the public Is invited to attend. Or. Bainter also rec:e:ntiy spoke to a group of professional engineers meetin~t •t the Holiday Inn . The Bi.(;enteMJal Youth Debate orientation meetin& will be held on Monday, O<:tober 1_ at 4 pm In %18 Gelell. Yr. further detalll contact Sandy Bainbric\ie at the Dtpart· ment of CommunlcatiOIU or phone .... ... Batch Cau&dy ADd Tbe SWldaace Kid. will be shown Thurs. and Fri., O<:t . g and 10 at 7:30 pm in the f>rolram Banquet Room of the u:::zM~t~ Tbe Sundance Kid were outlaws who hed the shrinking American West In 1!105 to rob blinD in Bolivia. Butcb Cassid y is portrayed by Paul NewmanandSUnclanceisplayed by Robert Redford . They, are accompanied Of\ their adventures by Sundance's mistress (a school tuc her named Ett• Place), Katherine R01111. ... ... All students and faculty falm enthusiasts 1 re invited to the N icolet -Mar quette Room ~ . University Center. on O<:tober 14, followill8 the sbowill8 o1 1114, for a reaction session on the film . D. Pattow an d R. Dost1tor will initi1te-.tlmulate discussion . LUTHERAN STUDENT COMMUNITY Sunday Services · 9:30 a.m. Open House 6:00 • 10:00 p.m. Sunday Thru Thursday at the Peace Campus .comerCenter-Lutheran of marla Vincent St,..t Dr. & Wn t of Tempo Pltklng Lot Scandinavian Seminar is now accepting applications for its sb.Jdy abroad program In Denmark, F'inland,Norw1y, orS'II'tdtnforthe academic year 1916-71. 11tisllvin1· and4earn.lng Upef"ience is designed for collq:estudenll,graduates and other adults who want to become part o f •nother culture while acqu iring a second language. An initial three weet languaae c:oune, foil~ by a famlly stay whenever pG5Sible, will give the student opportunity to p-actice the language on a dally ~sis 1nd tn shareinthelifeofthecommwtity. Fr. the maiOf part of 1M year, the student il ~rated from his fellow American stude nt s , living and studying among Scandinavians at a "People's Colleae" (residential sc h ool fo r continuing adult educatio n ) or so m e o th er specilliz.ed Insti tution. For fl,ll'ther informat!Ofl please write to: SCANDINAVIAN SEMINAR IMEastiSlbkeet New Yorll, N.Y. IMZI News Notes An organ:iz.ational meeting of COUq;e Rt'publlcans will be held Th~rs . O<:t. 13 from $ • I pm in the ~sement of Papa Joe's Cocktall Lounge on Oiyision st. Featured speakenwillbeStateSen. Walter J ohn Chilsen of Wausau, and Stevens Point Mayo r James Fel&elson . There will be no l d· mission char&e and •U interelted Penom are invited to attend. U the man on the street doesn't usociate politics with geoguphy, he'ssorelymistaUn. The subjec:l is more than the study of we1ther and land formatlOOiaodthatfac:tis borne out in a new book written by Donald Sletzer,lgqraphy p-ofesJOrat UWSP. He points out, in part. bow politicians are able to bypass 1overnment1l reform and pe r petuate, undisturbed, the slr u<:ture of general purpose governments s uc: h as c:ountlea. toWnShips and mwlic::ipalities. UWSP will show off its new an· thropology laboratory 7 pm Monday at a public JWGgl'am sponsored by the Centr•l Wisconsin Ar· cheologkalSoc:iety. 'lbefac:Uityisloeatedin Room D314in the new addition of the Science Building . Parking for members of the publk Is available withoutchar&e in aU adjacent lots. The first program was Wed· nesday O<:t. a, at 7 pm featuring a dlscuulon entitled · •aear CUtting, infonn•tion and aalstance to the committee oo how they are proceeding. w:ebe~~~~~~~~ O<:tobef' 20 to receive lmput from students about the c:urrent housing si tuation. Tbe open bearin& wi.U be held from 7 p.m . to I p.m . More details in next week's 'Pointer'. Official enrollment figures have been released indic:atin& an in· ue&Se ol I'll over last year. Tbe A sixi)&J' t leoc:ture series has been scheduled for this academic year at theUWSPoncontrovenial iauet In ~!.~aiement of natural State Senator William A. Bablltch has been appointed to serve on a special sub<Ommittee of the Joint Finance Committee to study comparable budgetary support for different university campUSeS. The committee Is ehu&ed with atudying the exteot to which dif· ferences in cost Pll!f" student support and faculty compensation preently exist. The UW Board of Regents ,' at the request ol the committee, is For the first times~ 1972, the campus experienced an enrollment ~~e:~~ 1-ti ~~~~~ !~n)n~onf~!'o~~!!n~ daues - 229 more than last year M<Nhe highest numbtt since 1971. 0f t!Je\tptai numberolt& inthestale,t.95percentenrolledu freshmen at UWSP this fall . 1 All stude:ntswlsl\ingtobead· milled to the Professional Slud.ies program who have not had thetr speech and heath!& test ma y tllke the test on one of the foUowing dates : Wed ., oct . 1$ between 1-4 or Thurs., O<:tober' 15 between i-11 :30. Report to the front desk in the Comm un ica tiv e D iso r ders Department in the bottom level of the COPS Bldg. The University F'ilmSoc:letywlll The United Residence Hall Association (URHA> and the United Council ol uw Student Govem- :,~~m~:!?; !t!J:~ == provld.irw a 14 hour donn visitation option. ''111is proposa1 that now is bd.n& ~=~~~::.u~of~: of stude n ts," ui d Mic h ael DeLonay, president of UC. Meanwblle the Council of Olancellon 1\u r~mended to the Board of Rq:ent.s that the issue be left to the discretion of the local campus . Recommendations for the propoN I are to be considered 11 the Octobe!' meeting of the Board of Regents. ' ~y~~~~r;~~!::~ pm in the Program-Banquet Room of the University Center. A totalitarian State which hu estllbllshed complete control aver the Individua l, • nightmare world devoid of human e motions and love-this Is the world of tomOIT'OW brought so vividly to the ·screen In Columbl 1 ' s dr a m atization of Ge<qe Orwell's best«lling novel. Here is the epitome of a Pollee St•te with Its ca utions ("'81& Brothrr is W•tt:hing You"), Its sloaans ( ''War Is P eace", "Freedom is Silvery"'), and its com pulso ry " two-m in ute hate ". Alalnst the ~ck&round of poUtlcal horror is woven the story ol two tragic people who dare to feel human emotions, their llriving for freedom, and their ultimate belrayal. PIZZ~~~rn~~w!~~N DRIVE IN-CARRY OUT-WE DEliVER BEER ON TAP! Open 11 A.M. DAILY - Phone 341-1414 Here Are This Week's Winners of A Smal Cheese & Sausage Pizza • Lori Cuper • Robert Waterman • Sharon Plttser • G r~ory Groene • Marc:l1 Strykowskl GOOD UNTIL OCT. 16 1975 Records Hundreds of records! Classics included! Many • many selections in this special Stca.·l-iOI'Ary "' 1'edt, {""lts,~ 61\vc/Of'"S) I ,__,._,. . I UNIVERSITY STORE • UNIVERSITY CENTER (71'5 ) 346-3431 Meeting the neighbors CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK TEXAS TOAST HOMEMADE ONION RINGS CHOICE OF SALAD ctw.M:c ofourfllnOU.j bommudc d~p BAKED POTATO& SOUR CREAM 1 98 OCTOBER 14 PROGRAM RM 7&9:15 P.M -.$1.004 • The com1ng of • Homecoming Harry Chapin next Tuesday Vi llage Gate for thi rteen weeki, where lhey teuoned quickly. By the time Chapin 1lgntd with Elektra Records , hll lf'OUP had developed a star U\ng, com pltll live sound. ' "J'ui" pulled from llar ry'a HEADS AND TALES debul. album. then followtcl, ptnet ratina AM airwaves delplle Ill length lover twice the time-ftonored three-minute limit for single r«<rds t due to the dramaUc: Impact ollt. ftln'SUv e. FM lettptance was ~dln&Jy two.der, and 0\apin achieved the unliktly t1IUp or pt"Drring braid pop autte~~ with a IUbtly-lined fully del.alled dramaUc: blll..Wd. in ~~.';·~~~;'~1:f!u~.~:~:-edto'~t ·~t~::: THAT -M ADE AM ERICA FAMOUS•• " The 1bow became I ~~~~~.~~~=~;:=:~ .~-:m=:n:!; Awa rd nomination•. lie hu recently been ~tnc:ted to wrlte 2:origlnal screenplays for Wamtr BnXhen FUma and each ol the last 5 yon bt has wri tten 3.2 orislnal aonp for the hl&hlY ac::d ai med ABC-TV &how " Make ;. w~ " whkb ata,.. brother, Tom O!a pin. ' In addition to 1 study I.OwitC IChedule of .orne 100 eon· certs each yea r and recular key net wwt Lde¥lskla abows. lbrry has also become involved In beadlt concerta aad hM allblished a foundation ''World Huopr Ye1r" dedicated to solving the probleiT\J or hwl&tr In tbe world. ~dety ol Amerkaa FWftCna ; Mart Huem pfaer u4 Sue ~:,Y:ru~~nd-~ some extra work put Into ll Bdtn prizesWffeoblained. These a~ : lsi prize · a .175.00 Educa tional Gr-ant for the King lllld Queen each, 7nd priz.e · a ll5.00 gifte:erUflcate from Golden llanger-Tocelher Shop, and Jrd prize . a SI O.OOgift certm cate ~:. ~o::J~ ar:a~~~~f: ~ ~ ,.••II also be attendins a dinner wit h the chance llor and Mn . Baldwin llall : Pat MtDonald and S. ll y SpMrl Drey f~ . Winnlna candidates will be at· ten d ing lfomecom inl even t s lhroughout lhe '4'ftk. They '4ill be Cf"OIII"ntd at lhe Wednesday night Coffehouse , fea t ur i ng Mi ke Sullivan. 1bey ,.; ]1 also be in· troduced at S..turday's footbal l game . Alph;o Phi : KOOin \'a n Stot t khrage and Dl~n Delta Zt'ta : IAir; h RalliS Pll Sc:hntklrr ud 111$ llome-to'lllog CandldaiH SIJm• Tau Gamma : O.le F1tw')l a.lld Lyo.n Soanaenllle Hall : Tom Heq: a Dd Und.a ttand-.:bke Phi S11m• Epliloa : IMd1 Knaq:tr and Shelley Canna Sclnaeukltll.aU : 5ce¥tWennlar;n and Car la Kl-&trbou Alplla Slpaa Alpb aDd U.A.B.: TacW Dill••• . .. &.•le Sonb VOTE FOR KING AND QUEEN WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY OCTOBER 14 & 15 ALLEN 11 · 1 4-6 DEBOT 11-1 4-6 GRIDIRON 11-1 CLSRM CENTER 11-1 MUST HAVE I·D· AND STUDENT ACTIVTilES CARD TO VOTE· COME AND WATCH THE HOMECOMING GAMESI COFFEEHOUSE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15" u• MOLASSES DROP TRICYCLE RACE ALLEN CENTER FIELD WEDNESDAy, OCTOBER 15 "BO GREASED PIG ALLEN CENTER FIELD THURSDAy, OCTOBER 16 AI MO . LOG TOSS SACK RACE · ( WHEELBARROW RACE PYRAMID BUILD ROPE PULL HOT CHOCOLATE & COFFEE WILL BE SERVED c The lncNdlble • lneo.-t -Field- Un~ 1. Find someone who has a freezer. 2. Put a bottle of Jose Cuervo Gold in it. J.Goaway. ofWIKonaln-Stev- Point ,.._.,, Oc:loller 14, 11175 8:00PM 4. Come back later that same day. 5. Open the bottle a nd pour a shot of the golden, viscous liquid. 6. Dri nk it with grace and dignity. Or other people, if they're not around. Tickets: S4.00 (UW-SP students) S5.00 non-students S8.00 day of show Outlets: ~ c.nter lnfotTMtlon DHk: Alen Center: TheDec?oi: W..t~s;K~'• ~ COrrmon Howe; n. M!Aic Tr• (WMUu); r .. snop [Ma-ahfleldJ: ctucn 0n9 {Wllconlln ~): Stevens Point's by Ike LtaJI Ch ua Aggressive and eager, with an insatiable drh·e, the children of Vietnamese refugffl attempt a specia!Mucationprogram unique in Stevens Poi nt, the State and perl\apsthenallon. When South VIetnam fell , several families In Stevms Point becamespon.sorstothe was the beginning of a long and difficult road tor.ssimiliation into 1M Amtrlcan ma\ns~m of lire. Tile focus was soon directed to twentyofthechildrenwhowereof sc ~ool age .. ranging from elementary to senklr high school leveL Photos by Dave Zuege p....- Oc:t.Mr II, lt1S -. . rl ·Plan special eurriculm CO«dinated by parents, the superintendent of schools, Dr. James Sammon and a VIetnamese consullllnt, Kin h. Duons Min The goal or th is curriculum is successful malnstreaming , but what does lhls mean ? Dr. Scammon ~plied : " It ill . ada pted from a general term· MainstreamoflJfe . Achild wilha specirlc handicap, instead of being isolated, it placed in a normal tnvironment. At the same time. he I;eceives remedia l training to oven:ome his handkap. Ukewlse, in the case when the handicap is nol knowing English , the s tudent• attends regular classes with his American peen while incrusil'll his language proficiency in a. Special Studies ~ - " ~ Scammon cont1nued : " As ht' min&les with hia Emgllsh speaking :::y~O,~I~~~ht: atmosphere , the student is en· couraged to speak English In order to communicate. Hopdully, he gai ns self-confiderice and his ha.nclkap diminishes with the ex· perience." In Social Studies, the students are taught the structure of !he Federal governmen t , the Constitution, American History. It is suppoled that the knowled1e of these political , soc ial sn d economic realities will aid them in f'romthisansv.·ercamemynut question : Don't you think tha t such :::~c~~::Y ~~lif~ture, ol the In math and science, they an: guided in the trarulation of formulas and principles . "Our students a lreatly have a good knowledge of math and science, the problem Is in the communication, a nd not the un- an exprrience will be e'\'tn mort traumatlcandcause the student to wilhdnw from the environment'! ''The cultural difre!'eT~Ce ca n be quite bewildering. In contrast to his noisy and boisterous classmate, a Vietnamese, being more ~ed in lliltu re,la shy and may exhibit some embarrassment. To talte the first step is to a«:ept one's handica p. There is some hesitancy among the younge r ones to resDOOd." said Scammon . ""with the older ones," he con tinued, " this maimtreaming has been ve!'y success.rul . as they are extremelymotivatedandenergetlc. Their par-ents were leaders in the var ious fields ol education. with a highly developed sense of penonal discipline, were achievementoriented and bra ve to face cl\allenges," added Scammon . To ovm:ome the lack of language proficiencY, a lt ud ent first undertakes a S{ledal Studies before being mait~~treamed Into regular clasu:oonu. ~ Min Kinh is the supervisor for Spec:ial Studies. A ret usee and guest ot Or. Leonard Gibbs, chai r man of University Alwnni, he was a high school su~int.endent In Vietnam and is now employed by theStevtnt Point Board ol Education. With two teachera.ldes, forthreehoun: s day in the mornings, they tutor lhe students In Socia l Studies , Math and the Sciences, u well as English as a second lanauage. ~~:~~=~~lv~0~~~'!k~ t:;: feels! ease with the language, and not be frustrated with it , Kinh added. '"'be olde!' s tudents have bad En1lish as second lan1uage In Vietnam, but seven hours a week is insuft'ident bacqround to Callow the regular class StSfions, during this curriculum," continued Kinh. Accordinl to Kinh, the students . attend regular classes in the afternoons. They select such courses as mechanics, physics and chemisti-y,dri\•ert'ducation,home economics, art, music, and physical education. These subjects require the l~asl English and most of them ca n be learned by imitating. The moreabstractare.a.sofEnglishcan be attempted once some prollciency is attained. A5 I intervirwed Mr. Kinh in the elepnt living room of the Gibbs rnidence, lcouldnothelpnoticina: the beautifully crafted mementoa that Gibbs had brought baclt from Vietnam while he ...·as there smq ag.roupofeducatorsrepresentina: UWSP. There were porcelain ~lephants . laqu~rware inlaid with ~~~~m.,:~r:!Lr~.'!n!o!:i toaslt Kinhthenext question : "How , far should lheassimilistion ofjhe Vietnamese people go. and t~· much ot your heritage ' a re you ..,;mng to sauifie:e in this endeavor '!" P ri«" to , this, I had asked ~~m:'~W:::~~e~:e ~ make the deeision whethe!' «" not they want to be Amerieanlud, whether this Is a temporary ex- I:~~~C: :~rm~,/tr!~c!~ " My advice to the parents is to malte it easier for the children. To hold on to the past may instill conllicts in thei r hearts and minds" added Scammon. Scammon alao r ecommends th at the pa rents convene with their children In as much English as possible. Kinhreplleci : ''Themajorityolus Vietnamese realite tha t the chance to return borne issmall . lt would be more pnctical to forget the war. Mostofuswillmiss ourcountry,bwt there is no oeed to forget our herita1e and culture."' Kinh felt tha t it will not be easy foranyAsiantoauimillatelntoa Western culture, esp«lally the Vietnamese people who come from atypicallyOrienta.lsociety.Hesaid that even with french and American presence in thei r past , this influence was not eflOUih to changetheirmenta.lityanduprool the deep traditions. . Kinh estimatesltwilltakethree 10 five years for complete read justment, to understand and accept the new way of life. This may mean sacrificingpartsoftheoldway. "But we are nexible people. and conditions require us to be more nexible. nus is a democratic society and we are free 10 retain some of our dl(ferences as long as"' theyarenotcontrarytooure-fforts in r eadjusll nl to the present . Eventually, we hope to contribute to American society ," conc luded Kin h. for the Vietnamese rerua:ees in Stevens Point. this program , specia ll y constructed for the education of their children, is the bqinning of their future . [ ~~~~] Riden 'em high Thurmaier ga,·e statistics to bKk Helm's statement. He said that ridership was three times greatt'r thb September than laSl. What about the bus service's coverage? That has grown in the f'riday.Oc:toberSwasalfeatday torldelhePABCOc:ltybuJ. It was a clear, balmy day , just areal !Of' a ride . last yea r too , said Thurmaier. A But more than that, anyone c:ou.ld ride the bus free bec:aUH the UWSP Envi r orunentaJ Council picked up the tab. Normally, an adult fare COils 2S cents Hhrqh a contnct agrHment with Student Government, university s tudents ride the bus free anyway I. Or.RolandThurmaler _.chemistry professor at UWSP and the head of thebusco-opteTmed lta beneficial pt"Oiram both from the standpoint ol environmental and promotional concerns. He explained that a Jot of people wouldn ' t ordinarily ride PABOO nxne map shows five differ~troutesonthf:north,MJ\IIh, =· soutbtut, east 1nd west aides of Ji'~V::~nd ~a:a:n:: One aeclion down !~~n~:;!ot~e·~e~~~ It rna~ me feel like we '<l-ett r t.eadint: out on a resources rield trip thee:itybus. The . wooda wen thick down the 1'\rDpib. As we moved down Whitirc Avenue IOWard town, my "tour r~~lhtrthanriding ''Someofthem .a Jot of them, 5tart ridln& the bus bec:aU&e of these days," Thurmaier aald. The free day appeared to be a succeu. Acc::ordln& to one driver, GiD Halverson, ridership on the 1 f~~~e;;o~W:i~ ~!td;r~~~~~ WIK«&Sin riven. Wbo rides the bus? A««ttina to =-~~-JwP~y:f:.On this particular day , the majority c:ent . "lt'sa&oodidea", saidHalvtnOG. ' "'"heco-ophasc:omealoaa way." He added that the co-op Is t<lnlinuing to grow. Hdm , a driver- on the sout h and 10uthnst runs ..,..._ "Last year I'd find myself rldina aloae a lot of times", Helm said. "Now. it's rare to make a run without someooe aettlna oa or olf." Strffl lfoundlhesouthside~lally beautUul. ....... northllde wu up tOO per 1 r:~~C~~~:. ev~ important rather PlY the 2S centa than aee the ~~~:h~~::=·~~.. lUi", rtmarked one older lady. wouldcometolheco-opifGovemos- =- Lucey 'a transportation bill Ia paSRd. He 11id lb. I if the bill is "::.:'~!iu~[~~ ollhe riders were older people. ln fact , Kloaowskl aald the free day okter people actually put in two would Improve north o1 town to aid st udents In traile r parU and apartments In that a r n . monthl . He alsoot..rYedthatthe elderly are a proud IJ'oup. He said collapu. N far as the future of PASCO, inc:ludlna myaeU, witb a valuable ser vlc:e tha t kHpa on IJ'O'A'ina but 5!~~ ul.;o,::d':;~ ~~ , that m1ny of the older people are shareholdehinthe~andwould ~!1~"!-~~:m~~~~ Thunnaier said thlt 10me ol the ~;':!{!!~ ~~~0.:~ =11i:. ~:~~e'::d= aa:~':t s~eu~yl:e:qn~'j'[ted~r::r:d~.a ~!~~~=l:ts~~~lns un Man and His Environment the environmental council educational film-lecture series Two Films ." Flooding"-- on basic river ecology ·· ond flooding "Planning for Floods':_ fond use policy ond flooding Tuesday Oct. 14 Room J J2 of Natural Resources 8:0(! p1 ~ ......._Pointers pigout What started out as a quiet ..,-eektnd a t Porcupine Mountain SUitt: Park in Uppet' Michigan ftlded up as a food cqy that would ha\'t made Henry VIII envious. Originall y, fourof us had plaMed to ma ke the trip, but by the time 'o\"e ~tn on Friday atternoon we had t,..elve people. Friends kept asklrc us if we were with the Trlppen . .. No." We replied. " We have our O'Wll lOO-" Mmtally burned to a crisp from pulling an all-nlghttf' on Thursday, up to the the four~~ drive Porkies was little more than a drum to me. Waking up oe· casionally to exclaim "Look a t those tree colon!", l·guickly faded back into the 01one:. We finally got to the part around sunset and cam ped (or the night in an old sand pit tha ttheforestwu inlheprocess ol rKiaimlng. The ntJ:t thing I remember was wakinc up in the middle of the ni&ht ttl a rain shower. Scrambling around in theraw,l managed to get my s l~ing baa unde!' a sheet of plastic bdore it aot soaked. Even in my bewildered state of mind , 1 kntW wetg001e down was about as handy as titsonajackass. Next mor-nl.aJ the weathn- had im pto\-ed to a light mist and a crew commeo«<d to eating breakfast, a meal that ex~into SUnday afternoon. Only the11 did 1 begin to rulite wbat it take. to feed u hungry badpac kers. We didn'l exactly bring )'our u enge backpac king -food either. Our Jighlwti&ht list Ineluded : 2-1 lb . water melons, cheese--$ lbs., summet" saus.age-5 lbs., apple.-3 lbs., ora riges-3 lbl., panca ke mix-2 lbs .. granola-21bs., 4 dolen eus. $loaves of bread , 24 packets of oa tmeal, _l quart of eye chilled , damp ~~""'.J!b\i~dJ~I!!.., '•i)~*_i~.,.I.-~A,!~~~/11), _ _ ~ v.·hiskey , etc... If Colin F1etct!H ..,..ere dead , it would 'have been enough to make himt urn O\'et"inllis gra ve. Now there art two ways to build up a n appeti te to ea t all that food , and we sure didn 't do it wi th exercise. "Obvi OID victims of the munchi es sy ndrome . ' ' I rationalized. Around 11oon on Saturday, four of us took off north along the Pi nket"ton Trail .,,;·hiie the others took the Superior Trail. The t....-o tra ils mtrge where the llttle Carp I.7 and htft, was •lien! we decided to camp. It just 50 happened that the river was full of succulent looking salmon (or trout) heading: upstream to sp.awn. Being: an avid fisherman m}'lelf, and ha ving left my fishinggearbackiD Pointtocut down on weight made this an ill · fa ted~-enture . ' Taklns off my bools , I strode forth into the ml&hty river with only my trusty walking stick to aid me. I was_Joing: to dub a Great Humped BackSalmon, aswehaddul::lbedour :~k~ f~~o~'l!i, ~~~~~ cross':country Skiing and oc:c:W'M to me tha t what I was doing wu not only illegal but very stupid, or that we needed more food like Sleven~ Point needs Orf'yfus Loke. Mother Nature was quick to rem ind meoftheback packet"cr eed lake only pict ures , leave nothing but footprin ts' . But In my teal to find a Great Humped fOf' suppn-, I found a slippery rock irtStead an d pr~to fallandbreakatoe . l c:ouldn 'tfeelltatflrst bec:ausethe water was so cold, but I knew somethingwas deflnitelywrong. It bledfor awbile. ~·ellingupli ke a balloon. and turned an ugly shade of blue, bu t a t least it clidn't fall off. Now l really had an excusetolay a round and pig -out on food . Everyoneelse was dolngthe same, but the lousy weather was their excuse. I don 'tthlnk anyone left the campfire for more tha n an hour the entlretlmewe..,.·ere there. lneverclidgettohlkebsckonthe Superior Tra il as I'd pla nned. We ~~i~~!~raSot:: ~~~: ~!!"l: bat:konthe Pinkerton Tra il , luving two hours beJOf'e anyooe else (I wasn 'twalkingver ywell tha t .day l. It's not as g.lamorousa tr ail as some of the others In the Porkies but it's beautiful none-the-less. I've never seen such huge nJaples and hm'!IOC:ks in my life. And 50 many m us hr oom s, a myco l og is t 's paradise ! Hobbli ng through this enchanted forest with my tr usty "walkin& stick and feeling: rather anc:lent, lhalf expe<:ted to see little munchklnsdanc:lnga long: the trail. l thi nk 'enc:hanted' is agoodword to delaibe the P«kies, « at leas t thesm.U portlonof ltthat I saw. It gives me a S«Ure feeling knowing tha t someone at ill has the common se ns e to prese r ve s om e of Am e r ica 's natu r a l h e rita 1e : espe<:lally wi th allthe Sentryinsanitygoi!llonnor th ofcampus. So when )'OU 've had it with university llfe , and you need a place to unwind fpr a few da ys, remember tha t Porcupi ne Moun tain State Park isn't fa r a way . Broken toe a nd all , I'm anxious to go back . (k~lt, ll ll Even before the ptlnt had dried on EPA't declsion to allow use of sodium cyanide for pndator con· PRODUCING YOUR OWN POWER trol, the Domestic Council lthe Praldent's chlef adviiOf"Y body on domestic· matteral, was actively eoosldering advillng the Prnldent to lift the ban on 1om. Confirmed rqMHU from lhe Vt'hlte House In· dlcate that at least two lt'Cret meetingsha\'ctakenplaceinrecent ...-eeu between stockgrowus and th e Domtt tic Council . Unlike sodium cyanide, 1010 is a RCOndary The College of Natural Resources is h os t i ng a c onfe rence on " Produdng Your 0...-n Power", today t'riday , Ck l. 10, 9:00am to 3:00 pm in Room 112, CNR. The !heme of the conference will center around indi vidual con tributions to th e e ffort to co ns erv e a nd rationalize the use ol eneraY· Solar power, wind power, and methane povoer will be disc uued by va rious :/!:tlv!Pt~itd s~:ti~~:. Yun~~fd 11 spea kersof imprts~h•e credentials . numbers of non.t.arget a nimals we re kill e d with th is en • vironme ntally huardous polson previous to the ban in 1972. - fr om Sierra Club newsletter Sept. The afternoon session bellns at t ·OOwit h aone hourseuiononv.ind power for individual hom es apd communttits, featuring Steve Paul 'Of Environm~ lal Energies, Inc. ol Ne<:edah . The 2:00 session feiltw-es a discuuion ot methane as a POWer soun:e. featurina Leon Romatowski of Mid-state Tech in Wisconsin Ra pid&. General di5cussion_ and dis plays willbefeatw-edaRer3 :00. 21i, t9'75 ANTI·ABO RTION MlENDMEI'II'TS DEt' EATED A.ltu more than a year and a half of heulngs on abortion, the Senate Subcommittee on Contti1ullonsl Amendments ~f~ahd ei1ht proposals whic:g~ou l d bave ~~~\:~!? i~. ~~;~~~ TAPED SEMINARS NUCLEAR POWER ON In order to help you better understand nuclear power twbat it is and what it means), Univenlty of Wisconsin-Extentlon hat drawn lcJBether a gr~ of the moet cbtinauisbed scientists available wbo will lectwe oa tbe Educatioaal Tdepbone Network t ETNI. Six cme-bour..and-t~ty-mlnu te semlnan will be av.Uable from the Environmental Council , whose members are dili& ta(liQI aDd addin1 to the dileuaion of tbe lectures . Some ol the speakers include ; Dr . Norman C . Rasm\151otn, ProCessor and Dine lor ol the Department ol Nuelear EnJineerin&, MIT, Or. P•uJ Erlieb, Profeu or of Biology , Stanford University, and author of many boob includina Ttle Pop.laO.C. Bomb and Tile F.&ut Df .un ~~e~tee ; ~: ~~ in=~i~: \i ronmental reporter of Tile Capital 11mn. ~ - Whltnev Gould. Eco Briefs ( SOLAR POWER BREAKTHROUGH MORE F'ROM THE SUN Plan~ A new "sandwich" panel that could make It pouible to tum more ol tbe 1110'1 rays into heat for makift& steam bas been devdoped by metallur&ista ol the Interior Drpartment 's Bw-u u of Minel, ' 'l1le chemical zirconium wu" oxidiud and prodldd Ux:reued capac:lty for tbe collec:ton in tranlfor minl tola r energy lo elec:trlc:lty aecordln& to Bureau of MliiH press rdeues. The work wu done at part or a lar&er mdaiiW'JY p r oject aimed at developlna stwdier. more etncient materials for la r;e'·scale so la r -powered steam-generatin& planta. · and lnformaUon for "do-it· !~~~ ~~ ":~~':faab'1e ~!~ 0 ~"':b~q=.~-.I.- i7=: Zomeworks aho publishes a book ~~!;.:!din:nu~edhl:."'r."a collec:Uon of tolar t'nt'I'1Y " fad:: , fiC'Uon, and soda! tommmt&ry with ill~traUoos. " . The Solar Eneru lnduttrles Associatio n Publishes a much smallu Solar F..llerJY ladustry Dlreckwya ad BuyusG~aWefortwo dollars and can be obtained from the SEIA, 1001 Connecticut Ave .. NW, Washington, DC 3XD6. -from Q-\tical Mall September 75. -- IJII Qrill v.idely available In the 1J.S. The proposals inel uded dec larinl a fetut a penon under the Con· stltullon , prohibitln& abo r tion unleJS ntc:t'ltJry to save the woman's Ufe, and retumlna power tolq:islateonabOrtlon to thestalel. The Subcom mittee's action ef· fectively ends consideration of thne ammdmenta, at least for thls Congrt:ssional Seulon. -from Slerra Club newsletter Se-pt. t~. 1m · CAR STA.N DA..RDS STA.~ D V'IC'tory for the SirrTa Cub c:ame on September 17 when the Houae dec:lslvely deteated,by more than two to one, an amendment to weaken the auto fuel economy section of · Repruenatlve John Din1ell't tMlchlpnl Eneray Polic:y and Conser\lalion Act IH .R. 70141. Repruentallve Cla rence Br own tONol failed by a voteollt7forand 214qamst , In Ills attempt to delete the 21-mlle per galloa futl ef· fielency standard for 1!18$ autos. - from Sierra Club newsletter Se-pt. 28, 1m ·~'".""" .. Cll'Tt:Jl • C'arl !bJ!••- " Exploratlon af Space" • Slallll')' Kr iJJIII'r- "Do C'tlanifi in Consdo!Jinesa l.ead to Cbangea In Sod· ely!" • ttobrr1 'n.robatd- " New Dlalottfora New t' uture" • .1. ,\llr• ll y••ll- '1'1\.e UFO t:llprrienee" • ttl.-h r d t 'ano n- "The F'uture of the A.mtric:an t'amily" • :>trphanlr ~11111. Modtntor ~ concerned with OVtfPOPU· latlonl • - Tvoo-day p:ant'l di~~eu a ion . ..,,llhrap ~ions . twofta ture hl msa nd ot her aclivilita de-siltlltd tol"'lpillfelhequeallon nr ...·~we bll ve beenand where ..,·eart: Rains. Future ~ hock b 'today. all ' Conrad llillon, Chlcaga. ::Z·· Nov. '""· STUut; Jio'T PEE: m with this cou~U.Center, ll E. Grand. Chicago 00611 , • t l1 21266-0033. · ~J Sweat before ice byPete UU«<kl TedSitorWMt. to brio& a wiDDer to Slevftl!l Point aDd he means businesl. His pla)'e"' ean attest to that fact . Since the beJinninJ of the semester UWSP '1 new hodtey mach hu bid forty hopdul staten •U'tiiC out, In aDd arowxl Quandt F'iddhoule. pr~l~~ ~::~l~e c=Jt:Z,''n: 11 prosram which he learned from a Swectish team coaeh this awn mer- at hockey ~ehool.. ~c~~of:~d~~td; in artas where It is strained moet while playinJ boctey. In par1l o( ~~!:.:::SON~-: the ice only with ext,.. wti&ht earrifodbylhe:pla)'ft'. In aU, tbt proJraJn consisll of twelve statloos with dlf · fer-tnt uft'dses rangina from the familiar jUmp rope to the oot so common Ruulan Sd·Down Weicht Drill. In between Jtations, which arelocattdin~nenlpointsaround Quandt, the playen {or ln)'I!De ) might be prone to wallt, but the coach '• ortltnaresprlat. After loin& throt4b the stations the team JtiU Isn't done because a~·~~': ~~~~-n~ ~~e::j~t: with a mnimum ol two miles and a maximum of abc mil es. On the other days the ska ters do Interval with push~ . Whel the tumdoes hit the Ice for practlc:enextweekthtcoachwant.sto be ready 1o1e1 ri1ht to business on txet'ution and teamwork rather than llo'Ot'ty about conditioninj: . In uaeuina the effectiveness o1 the new prOIJ'am Sator said, " I seriously doubt it there ~~oil! be anotberteamlntheNUntryas\111-dl prepared , physically, as we are:' But the has higher 1oa1s T-b v;on !-fw:ir matches. 1n doubles, Kathy JliiRt and Bartl Kobishop ck!feated tbtlr pPpOntnta as did Mary Splitt and C.rol Weslon. On October 4, the Pointen travelled to Eau Cla ire and dtfeated the BIUiolds 3-:2. Mir· man, No. :J si nales, dduted Susan Sarles &-I, 7-f. In douWes, Janz. and , bUI t Undl 5ersoD and Kathy Eifler 6-4, 6-4 while Weston and Splitt defeated Judy C.l"penter and Jean Ftr'J111 ..,, 7-5. Also at EIU Claire . uw. Milwsutee de!ested UWSP J.2. No. I singles, Nslllie Anctrews wu the lone singles winner. The No. 2 doubleste~mofWestonsndSplitt , Swl111 mia1 The UWSP womm swam by UW· Stout 72-49 on September 'l7. First place finishes incl uded Karen Slattery-200 yd. free style; Kathy OtGroot-200 )'(! . individual medley : C~l Cuzman·SO yd. free style : JeMi!er CUmmins-tOO yd. butterfly ; ;~nd Deb Verc:auteren-50 yd. butterfly. Points~~o·epttheJOO~d . freestyle . Cummins, Gutman an d Jome El lefson pla«d tint. econd and third respectively. Guzman. Ellefson, Dorothy Steuer and DeGroot \lo"On the 200 yd. ~:r:a~·btc!t~'t:m~: Pam Mueller and Veru uteren finilhedfint. 10 am Sahrda y, the Point«s meet UW·OJh ko J h snd UW· La()cue oa home ccu-t~ . The Pointer womea'J r«<rd il 4 • 2. Marcy Mirman 11 tennll player ol the wed:. ResultJ ol the October ... d&flt· meet at Madi.on are uw. ' Madison 457, UWSP 2152 and UW· Milwaukee %215. Also competing \lll'ft"e UW~hkolh, UW·Eau Osire, UW·Whi&ewater, UW-Slout .l.Dd UW· Parbide. ... ~ ~!1':-::~e·re openi~ up Sator also stresled that lftiOD tickets for home llmts or the hockey team are on sale. The price is 18.00forfourteenvarJity1ames plua an intenquad exhibition pme on Novembec- 7. Rta:ular ticket~ at tbe1ate...WbeSI.OO. Sports Shorts best UW· Milws ukee 's team of ~mke and Patone a.t , a.2. Ohio iJ in the tame hockey con· Sator's alma mater BowUng Green wblcb ended up fourth In the naUon ln the terence as lhantohsve~te.amlntop shape; lbe womea'J tennis tum came back alter lbeir P<IO'" showing last •'ff'k to sbut out Clftn Bay, s-4. Sin~ playen Natalie And.rt-ws, Anne Okonet, and Marcy Mirmu photo by D1ve Zurle 'lbe Pointer lkaten lace their toughest test when lhey face Ohio State University In their first 1ame. training~~o·hich C<JnSiltJolaseriesol 50,100, and %20 yard sprints laced ~ehool The swim tea m takes on Whitewater October 11 . at t pm here . • · ~· CronCouatry The Pointert finished at the top in Stevens Point's si x team In· vit1tlona t, September 27. The Polntert totalled Z7 polntl, ~ond place Eau Cla.lre finished with 63. Whllewater notched a 17 total. Also compeUn1 we r e Micl\ia.l.D Tech, theStevenJ Poin t track dub and UW Stout . Pointe.- Don Buntman wu the meet champloa, finishing the five. milecow-sein2S :II. Pointer. Mark Johnsoo, Mike Simon aod Jolin f\isinatto llnished fow-th , ftfth and 1 ~J:,~O:e:!in~ ~nt:fJ an elevenlh place ~- All times \lll'ft'e under 35 mlnuteJ. "Pointer ol the meet " wu Stu Pask, who turned in a Ume ol 25:51, although he had never broken lhe 'l7-minute mart ~owJy . f1eWllockey UWSPclde.ated UW · OshkDih3-Gon Octobf!" 1. Dee Simoc IC'Of"ed rlrJt and SUe Br<caard .deled two more 10111. The next game iJ SUnday, October U, 11 am at home aplnlt the Mllwa.ukee Cub team. 1bdt record isH. V~)'ba ll Scores tor the October 3 pma ~~o-ere UWSPover UW-Eau Oalre IS. B, 1$-7. UW·LaCroue over UWSP ls-6, 15-S. The Pointen travel to Platteville, Oct. 11 . The record now standsat<l-4. t' ooi!lall Bob Hoffman , placeldcker for the Pointers booted a 53--yard fieJd 1oa1 to .eta W" State University Conference record in the September 'l7game q:ainst LaCroue. 1be old mart wu held by Don Rysltolti who ldcked a U·yard field loalforthePGint«sinal1151 game q:ainst Plattev!Ue. Hortman also kicked a 2t·yard field 1oa1 and 2 utra pointlln tbe Pointers· loss to defendinl champion LaQ-oue. For tbe season, Hoffman bu kklced tour - Geld lOili and fourteenutra pointJ . BILL'S PIZZA 1:r THIS MONTH'S SPECIAL 1:r BILL'S OVEN TENDER BEEF SERVED ON OUR OWN ITALIAN BAKED BREAD! WE DELIVER - CALL 344-9557 · Superpickers to atta~k Ph illy by T11n Sulllna, Randy "'1eu:l, a..:l Mille HaHt'maa Does anybody out there know if it's pouible to impeach a city! The rm~klna his move with his 1·2. To use the cUche, we think lll"e got It lOittheroow, sosUckwithusifyou want to rmd out who's got111.1 win. Supe r pickers are completely We're maldn' the b!J move. Urtl"' OVER ATLANTA ·Tbe Falcons never seem to be able to win In October. For that matter disgusted with Philadelphia and have decided lhat the town just has to go before it drives us totally nuts. In the first place, Philldelpbla has never been oDe of our favorite they're not all that hot In NovemtJei. and De«mber eitMr. Frisco wins by to. ::d!d~~~fi~i;~'h:!: VIK.INGOVERJETS · Wehavetwo reason~ for picking the Purple run slua:ers, added Mr. Dick~ to get ,.us a ll excited, and still ~:!~~'S:::.:!I, '!:·:·~:eau:; · anythinabulhaJllaround !:e";,~~~~~~~~: ,It busted Vikings even li lt was at New York. MjnnKOta by 13. BUFFALO OVER BALTIMORE · to startwtth. W.C. F'ieldlu.idonhis tombstone be'd rathet' be In the The rumoraroundtbelu.gueisthat you can't run againat the Coltlii . The grave than in Philly th;oo~~j,'~~ef:~i!~-k~~=~grhe . another one of the town's alfts that ~t::~~~.pu~~j~~liy tMmselves, destroyed A PER~fl' F~RD fiX' the Super- =~~-a=~eibt~~ ~~~m~?' BuHalo and the Juice by 14. DETROIT OVER CH ICAGO • Barrina a tie, lhe only constructive HOUSTON OVER CLEVELAND • 1bere are five billion Otinese who couldn't care leu about this one. We11 take tbe Oilers due to their better record. Houston by 3. BENG .-\LS OVER PATRIOTS -·No problem . Cincyhas ~n Anderson and Iuac: Curtis. The Patriot's main threat Is Randy Yalaha , the ex - Snow White ' s dwarr of Disneyland fame . Oncinnatj by 21. OAKLAND OVER KANSAS CITY We've been tellllll you all along lbe Raiders will make It to the SUper =~ ~r::!~ ~~~l!v~ much to worry about. Oakland by "· LOS ANGELES OVER CHARGERS • Thl.a one'a In San Diego, which means the Rams can fiy in, have a quick scrimmaae, and then get back to L.A. to cootinue their weekend practice. by i\UMIA OVER PIIILADELPIIIA Thisgamelsaneasyonetofigure out. The Eagles not been winning too ma ny games this season, and Don Shula would like to keep It that way. Dolphins by 14. ~ REDSKINS OVER sr. LOUIS- Jim Hart loves to come out throwing, and we rigure the Skins ' front rour shouldg1vehlm plentY ol time to ~:~:r~~~:n~~~~t-~~v~~~:~ Washington pulls it out by 7, In the Monday Nighler . ~e:esfia~t'<!.!a~t~u~!:ea~~ ~E=~;~ATN.E~I~:r'ee~~ looking forwa rd to operate out of kicke d The"l>ot.nters got lbe baU back wiul2 :411 to go In the first haiL Giordana , with the hel p of two pass Jnterf~« penalties, moved lhe ball to the Bluegold 25, where Hoffman kicked a U yard field goal to put the Pointers ahead 11-16 u lbe r.nt tuolf ended. After an excbange ol punts, the Polnlfflaot the ball on their 29 yard line. Seven plays later, Point had a 31-ZZ lead as Doua Ktueaercauaht a Z2·yard aerial rrom Glordana.. E.u Claire then put on a drive tu the 15 yard nne, but Tom Ruah On Eau Claire.'• first poueuion o( the second half; the much maligned Pointer secondary picked off the rltSt of four interceptions. Tbis one, by Tony GeU, wu returned to the Stevens Point 44yarclline. J1'1ve plays later Glordana hit Jefi Gota with a 16 yard touch - the drive. The Blugolds nut possession also ftlded by an In· terceptlon . 11111 one, by Al Drake, at the one yard line. Glordana't 2.3-yard pa n to Krueger f!K another T.D. wu jm;t icing on the cake, u the Pointen fint win came, after four ddeati, have ning sneaky ways to win " home" "· ~~~~:n~r.~n:e~i~~~: thlst~e around and "!;' rigUred the Pack-..would win, but Pl~~:lhee:~~~i:C~~willplck up ooemorewin. Uonsby Wievel decided to side with the 1 ~e::d;:;~~ l~i:f~rs:"ie~!~ !~· r' ·--;;;;-----------------..:_ ~ ~;,~h~~'~:;::C~,ci~,~~.!~~~d'-oi!:'(';:! ~J:. _"_'"'--.. Vikinp. ...-on. We s.ald they wou.ld. ll:~~~: ~b:~ =~~ ~~~ Other wins came rrom the &n, Bills , Dolphins, 11nd Cowboys. We picked aU of them, too. We picked the Falcons to win by 7, so the Falcons won by 7. Mere child's play. Your Pickers told you the Rams -...'OUid beat Baltimore by 10. So l..ol An~eles beat them by eleven. CIO&e eoough in our book . The Benpla match with Houstora looktdtooscaryrorustoplck,IOwe tossed II up. Not 11 bad move, rlaht? Cncy won, 21 to 19. So the super w-eekend wound down and we were gawkins at our spotless 12.0 tally sheet. • And then the Eagles ... the Philadelphia Eagles ... the G-2 Philadelphia Eagles ... showed up at Veteran's Stadium ... Philadelphia 's Veteran'a Stadium ... and soundly thrashed the un defeaU;d Redlkins, 26-10. We rest our case against that city. OUr record aner three weeks is surprisingly good: 2llwins, lloaes, a hot .771. 111at's better than3outta 4. Three touup weeks find &lllivan at 3-0, Wievelat 2-1, and Haberman by a,- aa Thil time, 11 was the Poinlft'l who came from behind to win. ~:~:t~'!d:e~"m~ fh::: rerence total offense leader, scored onaoneyard run and Mark Hause:r ran 31 yardt with an intercepl.!oo u quarterbaell: Reed Glordana scored • Steve n a P o int POINTER , . ~ FOOTBALL Pointers vs. Superior {T) 1:30 -PM '~e afl~ ti~e tht!n~~~ :::,-:: 13 Poinlera ground game broke the 100 yardbarrier. lbeytotaled myarda with Mark Schoon plrilna 48 yan:ll W185 in steree ... for all of Central Wisconsin . 103.3 J;M • ..,•FREE SEER 3 5 103 .3 FM o PfWO Nit NIE l...~ KOSZTWE•~~ Shrimp i I BonCinza :ij ! EYiry Tuesday Nl"'t a: ~ ~ . ~~elusivelY"' oq <k!Obotrlf, 1'15 the Bluaolds back in the game. lie threw a pass to Phil Zahorik whn Theft OennisHartnearercovered :e~ybi!O:!d ~ ':.10:: u!:·U~ ya rd line . Three plays later, utr, ' piiJrH d~~"c!:~~: ;f.~:,;:;,':t int~inlbemdz.onetoatop maneuva-.d tus way -u yards for :~.CIIdretoolla13-71int.quarter r--"''"'"-'"'-==·-----___.:"""::.;"""::;::·::!''!..!':..!':::oud>dow:=~'·--.J University of Wiscorqin 103.3 FM ~er~fJY 1 The 1 l1~ar~yean findtheri~ht'bailpark. z ;; ABounty;!:~nG~NF~:~IfShrimp ~ ch~ewcc:!;~~~~~,. babd , ":,~;Do:; ~ADSfNndl , _ WISCONSIN GRADE A BUTTER SJ95 ! Reviewing by David ~The Servant~ KH~ra him into and out of more scraps lhan a stick of cold butter. Dick's Is fun enough? Carlo Goldoni's ability to control himself and his lor was it?) Sen•ant Ol Two audience was as sharp as ever, Mast.ers was a fun show. The actors wer e obviously enjoying what they were doing. And even though the Sunday night crowd was a little slow. they seemed to be having a good time. The play, directed by Dr. Tony Schmitt. was all for fun. Is there anything wrong with that? Perhaps there were a few moments when the drive for fW'I hindered the effec tiveness of the story. but thas is a forgivable sin because if you don't enjoy what you do. why do it" However •. the pace was a little jerky on Sunday. At times I could see the players \lo'Orking to make it fun. This robbed it or some of the spontaneity a show devoted to fun requires. At some scattered places the "bits" cam e so fast and th.ick as to not have any rela tion to w hat was happening to the people on stage. And many things went by so fast lhat it was difficult to respond to it all and more than once I found myself the only one laughing. Perhaps lhe cast should have hollered ··schtick" not "slick" Dick Gustin. in lhe title role , was g.ven an incredible number of bits which, for the most part. he handled quite credibly . His consistant character ization of Ttutraldino slid eliciting a laugh whenever he wanted. Dick however. could not do the play himself. He was given some outstanding help from most or the cast. And with a play structured as runny as Stn-anl, the actor does not have to be good to be funny . Two of the best and funniest characters were lhe young lovers. played by Julie Le\'O and Neil Bernard. These two had such simple des1res and wanted them so badl)' as to make it a pleasure to watch their every move. \ Brad Bowton as Pantalor\o.-was obviously having the most fun , perhaps just a little too much. Pretending not to notice when h is hat fell off was only the ,.,.orst of his illogical actions. Fun is hm but it must aJJ makf' sense . It was for · tunate that his ability to have a good time was contagious. Lynne Ostrowski's Smeraldina was quite good even though, when she was out of sight , she was out of m!Rd . David Lamoureax had trouble being as old as Dr. Lorn· barcti. making me disbelieve his characterization. Brenda Backer and Michael McGrath were nicely believable as the estranged lovers most of the time and Chuck Hammonds was quite good when I could understand him . The rest or the cast ranged from totally unbelievable to good in bits. But the logic or the waiters' actions had me totalJy confused. I didn 't understand why they did haJJ of the things they did. and most of t hem weren't even runny. But laugh a lot and smile con· stanUy is what I did while watching 5e'n•ant or Two Masten. And to probably misquote Trufraldino, " I hope that all of you. for the good honest fun of it. wiU let by-gones' be by-gones'. " Writing the review by David Keuera I undertook the wr.iting or tttis to let you know why I undertake the ~Tiling of a review . First of all, I am a theatre-goer : a member or the audience. This is the most important aspect. In this I a m no different from you. I go watch a play and decide whether I Like it or not. All of you do the same thing . What then makes me think what I have to say is worth printing'! It is because I am a student of the theatre. Granted there are people available who know more about dramn than I, but often they are Wlwilling to say what they think . I am willing and able to say wha t. and why. I think the way I do . The willingness to say what I think is more important than many people realize. Most of the people involved in universily theatre here at Point a re my friends. At the very least. I have to work with them almost every day. It is not always easy to tell these people in public that you may not have liked :in~~~~~~r~:n~t~,!~hs~~ guts . I am able to say what I think because of the extensive education I am receiving here as a drama maJor . But don't let this fool you, if 1t weren 't for Smith corona, I wouldn't be able to say a nything . I am able to say what I think because I respect your opin ion. And I want to make sure that you a re allowed to form one I am not trying to convince anyone there is only one nght way 1n the t heatre and mine is the right one God knows I can be ~ATong. But I accept your mistakes, please accept mine It 1s not 1mportant whether we agree or disagree. it IS the contemplation or a nother opinion that Increases the impact of the theatre. So go ahead and read the review. Then •f I make you mad enough, call me and we'll argue it out sometime. DON'T READ THIS!!! (unless you care about your status as a student ) Part three .......... 1_ _ _ ,...., _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ C:•lfiCIU.OO' ... _ O ifltOOI IO TINt.(000\.1-·YCIUtOUIIIII•OIIf ... UW .. !ft;~.-··=~::::.;~ ""'-·· . ··----..··- - ...··- ==~~.=.:.~:::::::~....:: ==·~:*.::::?=-!':...=,.."::.::..o;o.:::-.:.':f . ::.S~~~.::I.:~. .::~~== ~~.;s;.::.~;::::..:-::-~-::?.:E ~~~=-=.:="=?r....::=::.:::::: =:::=w~=~'::i:-~...:..:;=.-: ...for more details ori the student disciplinary code · contact student government at 3.46-3721 ........ ~~~~:.:~~ ~ sll~y lhe years my concept of what Umbo IS has Chqtoe~ p.a~r~~~~ ':d~ r:I:f:::; ~~:.•:t:-~ ~~~ !t those drill sergeants 1n penguin drtss (also knovo'!l as nuns ) that Limbo ...... the metaphysical realm reserved for those oi us who died unbaptized and cvuld never enter hea ven. 1 shetto fiH' lost souls, in other words. But as I grew ol~. and began rejecting lhe platitudes o1 ~doa:i~~m~~~~i:~ ~=-~~~~~tdw:~ a bwdl or doctrinal muskrat grunt . ~'hat it really involved : e~oO: ~ !!~dy lost before tbey (~ l ~~hln~ih;n,~:ea~~ocb!~' 1r 11 1s taken seriously. r My articles are not Intended to offend anyone. Like anything else in life, they are mu.nt to be take!! with a "grain ." Hurnorissupposedtomak.ethecwnersoflhemoulh turnupwardsinaamUe,nottonlseeyebrows. lt'seasy tolauahatsomeone dse. It takes a spedalldnd of he=O:,~!~d ~J!!'!h~~o~~~~~-pi~~~e or write about are tboce apeclal people. ~!~.:~~~~~:btt ~~~~~~~~~·W:!r~ne!·~~ died and how lhey Or-,tofinallydeclaremylntenllons: this week 1 want to talk ... in<Uvldual doesn't come through in a humor article, and Isn't Lying approximately 4000 miles east by nortbe.ut ol I'm also sure that Dreyfus does more than jult make ga r bage, and Joe ~~~u~n~~~~o~~~:anU:. Vietnamese rdU£ees and =~ci :fa~=~!~c:~~t!i~ ~~~~ C::~t atoll is Bikini Island, the site ol Operation Crturoads whlc:h n~~";.=t~~ethanjustglveup h is pa nts . Dulr)' does more than just drink and qage in various per1 1 veTh~·s ! ~~o';.~~':; ~~~~\~an~.:~f.!:~ttha~~~>t. ~v~~~ the dropping of two atomic bombs for test ~poses ~~~'4·~d~op~i~yu:!::J:!t~u:"C:~~~i~:.s Thebombs , equivaleatto~.OOOI.onsofTNT,devastaled the Andwlille I tha:ntthem fOf" that , alqwithefti')'Oneeise I've :C.:. 1sf~nd,~~~ in wr;t::;~·kl:!~!-::=ethf~~e~:.~.of:."f·, have ~tt.en In the past and what I will mt'e about in the future 1¥11 meant to make anyone loolr. Uke a fool . U this occurs, ~ ~i~n"J~:~~w:d:X~=~~b:~~:';'i: ~~~/=!.~in:n.d~~t~~n:, fl!nt"t!;t we all need it. their wake enOlJ8h ra dia.c:tive fallout to who migrated to Btldni Liter that year to The radiAtion destroyed the bird's homing lnstinc:ts. As a result, whenever one of them would ~·enture forth from the sun or key patterns in the waves and lead it astray, to eithe.another island or ultimately a state of fatigue in which Ita muscles turned to stone and it plwnmeted to a deathly baptism in thec:old. remorseless sea . Either way it was lost. Probably for'e'\·er. I think you c:an see the parallels with the Vietnamese refugees. They too have been C11f\tamin.ated by our~­ Granled. we may not have employed nuclear ;!J:: ~~~!";f ~~:~i:a:::~t~':~~eth~ many Vietnamesoewboc:hosetosideorworkwith us, resulting in their immediate estrangement and f~ exile from Vietna m once the Thieu regime c:oUapsed. What we did in otherwonls, was to make it verydiffic:ult, if not Impossible, for them to return to their barnes and thrir rdatives , lhen put them in relocation cet~Lerl over- heR, some toawaitevcntualsponsorshlp,otherstospe:odtherestoftheir livesu l05tsoulsinalien&hett01. Now sure, you m•y ste,A rew of the ltx:kierrefugeea on campus or in the communi ty or on the tube in network rollowups in various parts ol the c:ountry. ihlt's terrirlc:; I wish this segment of the Vietnamese people muc:h goodluc:k, and hope tuee them prosper in our society. But I also want you to remem~ somethinc else: that for every one of them who makes II on the outside, hundreds of their Its~ fortunate c:ountrymen will lie do-Nn in relocaUon centers at ltarilll at an !Ramlliar sky, and listenlog perh.ap5totheechololmutantbi.n:lsnappi~~&onthewinclsof · Umbo; adding just before they fall uleep , ny you sons-ofbitches, It's a long w;~y home. ..,. M•~ VoUnU.. .......- Ellll. I've been get tine a litUe bit ol n at lately for some oC the th:lngs talked about in my articles and would Ute to use this space to explain my feelings •bout humor. I've been writing hwnor articles for the P.Ukf' ainc:e the be&lnnlnt: of the tchool year. In thole artlcles you've 5eC!fl = ~~~ ~~~~~ ':~~~m~, ~etO:~ local TV c:elebr-iUes, and recalled puctic:al jo~. Some of you m•y even have lAughed a t my reviews of two CBSspecl.als : neG\ulsflfAutlliDa , andF..chonoltt.eGua~ oi Aatuaa eventbou&htheywer-esuppoRdtobeserlous. Hum<r ~ a stranae lhing, btcatlle what's funny to one penon isn't nec:euarily funny to someone else. I think it's funny for example, to wakh • buddy waddle out of a tavern after : 'picking up" t. sir! with the physique of • " M•c k tnJCt" U I were to write about it thOlJ8h, lhere is bow!d ID be someMewhodoesn't think It's funny at aU-in all probability, the "Mac:k trtd". • Mention the bust siu of a woman and, un!es.s you re a a~~ tom bra maker the terms " male c:hawmist " And« ' 'perVert" will be ~ped upon you. Ule the word "qu«r" and you11 have an ex -Air Force sera:eant and a few others after you. Come to thinli: of it, if yoo mention anything at .all that may offend som«Jne, tJieno are a lot of names that you I!OU!d be c:alled, even if you didn 't mean it. then I am the fool because I would be embaraulD& people 1 GodknowsthatthereareenouaJlsadt.hlnga in th is world . But while we should be aer ioua about the llftd for hwnOf" let's not take hwnor itself too seriously. ' Open · Channel A weekly from wdenr government Several weeks ago twenty-<~ne 1tudenta ran for the sixteen eleele<! po~itiOM ol the Student Assembly. The po1iUons represent the lourcoUtaes ; Letttrs and Science, OOPS, Pine Arts, and Natural Resoun:es . The total num~ of votes c:ut wef't! 5911, a small percentage of the total8200 UWSP students. To tb05e.•, we give the multa: Elected In th e College of Natural Resources Wft't three students; Rlc:hard MuuroWIId (82votesl, Betay Anderson (82..-otesl and Jell Thompson (Ill votes). Because of a rec:en t Appointm ent to a vacant seat in Senate, Jeff Thomp!IOD did not accept the seat. ln the Colltae of Fine Arts, although no one c:ame forward pr!OJ" to the electJons as a running canctida te , five stWenta cllose the route of write-Ins. Interesting enough, the courageous five ~red quite a n lnt<emt In the elections a nd the resulll showed • clo6e race for the two po&itlons. Dected "M;re Dale Loomil rtc"eiring 46 votes and John Jordan recdvlng31 votes. Thil wastollowed by Debbie Collonlc: k 130 votes), Mary Beyer (29votesl,and Bob Weber 124votes>. A dil.lppolnlln& turnout OC'C:I.Irl'N in the Collqe of Profeuiona l Studies. Once again no one ame forward to represent the c:oUqe as a runnln1 eandld.lte and in keeping with the mood , no one ran as a write ln . Although several nameswerewrittenin,noone recelved the to votes ne«Uary to oc:cupy the assembly seat . In the College of Letten and Sclmc:e, four~ studenta weJ"e runnin1 for the e\iht p05ilions. Thil is the one c:ollege thatdidhaveenthusi•sm and interat in the electiOI'II. Usted in order eleele<! are : Barb Frttacbel UZ3 votes ), Mart Brunner (112 votes) , KAthy Secor (lOS votes J, Mike MiakOYiky (104 votes ), Bill Murden 198 votesl, JAne KAminsky (116 votes), Pamel• Witter (98 votes), and Steven Sbeldon (II'S votes I . Th1a wu followed by : Mlc:h.1el Ba rry 187 :=~s~~~~~~~v:=.~=~.'Z!dv~n!; Kriha l57 votes ). Although the election multa went unnoticed by the student body•tlara:e, for thORtwelvestude!taelecled,theirc:areers u represenatlves are only begiMI"'- One ol the fww:t10111 ol each one of these s tudents Is to now represent you. Eac:b Is mpon&ible for &dlifll ln format ion to you .1nd to receive your, opinions. ltisnottheirgoaltogetthewhole s tudentbodyinvolved ln the. goverrunental proc:esl but it is their aoaJ and respon sibilitytorna.Uyouawareofiuuesa.ffec:tingstudenta . Know these people, know bow they're representing you on :!::r~~~~~f~~~!,~:in°r=f:~~::':' thefunc:tiontorepresentyou ! Ot'"'"'ll.lt75 UAB PRESENTS --::::..xm .nat OCT. 10, 7:30- PIIOORAM BANQUET ROOM (U. C.) $1.00 Quite possibly the funniest, home· llest, most insecure original folk singers you'll ever see. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 TONIGHT I 9·11 P.M. IN THE U.C. COFFEEHOUSE ·--- SIIrmg..IONIICIOff · IIUI'n'AOHOUlS · ~ --~~~~ TEONCO..Dfi • • FfOift._._.,_ A--~c;o,_, FREE · FREE · FREE ConPro Consume< news protec!ion from the college """ ...,... contractual relationshi p,'' he told me, but aaidhll citflce wu a kln& way from deflnin& the catalotlnlormation on tuition and course instruction at a contnct that the school must meet Evtnlfitsklrts the "collegecataJotlascontnct" Issue, which has sp~red aeveral ~ tudtn t sulta recently, OE will have to ''So•'hy didyoueome to ac:bool here?" Ever try to brulb interet into a p~~rty conversation with that HttJe gem of uvoir-faire'!' So havoe I. Ever work for )'al! P&!! Ddther ~only to "What's your major!" in l h appeal. the ~usually reaJIIa few Pit phnses,everythin&from "it wtos clo&e to home and cheap" to "the prolet.~«~ all had exotic degrees after their names" to "I lit«< the pictures o1 the campus in the recruiting brochure." Somtone eJ.s.e has been an inter~ In why stucltnts =.::::=lo~ed~~~~~L~~ months a number of moves have been made on the fede!'aJ level to IW't Jivlftc the cons~-mers of education at least some minimal protection in addition to the one option lhey~ had in the put : " U you don't like it here, take )'1)W' lariel.y DOn· ::::r.:-bletteditsand beat it ! And don't look for a refund lmmediilte relief for your conswner ailments Ia not In the feds ' prncrlplion, however. The earliest you can expect to see any difference in the way )'OW' ac:bool treats you will probably be .next faiJ-if , that is, student consumerism isn't toued into the ''poll elec:tion" in favor o( more voteheavy iNues. Here's an crvuview of the lal.elt action on severalfederallevtls : YeckraiTradeC-aaWioo C FTCi re(lllaUoaflldv~l by '1orprofit'' tnde KhoolJ. Under it11uthority to rta:ullte any business that affects interstate commerce, the F'TC has set up strin&ent new rules that ~~o'OUid require profit-maldng vocational sdloolt to: 4:1ack up a U advertising claims about employment pr111peCls and eamlnp with (acts based on a school's actual records or Jraduates and enrollees placed in Jot. : out pro&pective students with information about drop- -f= st~:Jdt:Ct! ~~1:! =~~c!,~~.! ~ned : -allow st udents to caned at any time and recdve a strict rt:fWld on the basis of Instruction tpey actuaUy l'fe'tived. Aftn- rmal public hearinp this winter. the rulet will probably 10 into effect by nut r.u . Beyond the rqu.lation ol trade scbooll, the new rulet will pr1)bably set the minimwn standards for the protection ol student conswnn"Satolher Institutions, an n"C staff attorney t.old me. The FI'C'1 IUC'«SS , he said, will probably allo in· nuence the followin& new rules which apply to all C'OI.Ieges and ~.W~iversities . Ofrlc:e ol Edacat.loa (0£) «JIIIadoe ol ca lalfll U! fon aado. and r tfalld polldes . Last sprin& OE issued rules requirin& Jil schooll-profit and non-p'ofit-wtticll Wlnt to luue rederal paran teed student loans to be men uplidt (tome mJ&bt MY honest) in what they tell prospective students. Stboob will be to release Cull lnformaUon on tuition and fees, =::!b~~·L~!::~~~!~r~a! equitable" refWld policy for lludenta who drop courses or drop out. On this last point. OE reasooed that loin defaults, which now coat the aonrnment about MOO mWkln a yur, can be partially traced to the ract that previously, if you dnlpped out mid-term, you still had to pay back y01r full loan even thoulh your sc:fiOCit didn 't have to refund any tuition money. Unlike the FIC, OE didn't cldioe what it meant by full · dilclolure and a fair refund policy. Accordinc to Robet't Ca nnody, director of program dewlopmtnt for tbe auaranteed student loan P"Jitam , his office won't do that 1.11UI each school fint t ubmits a proposa l to meet tbe gist of the~ulatioas,al)l"oceuthatwilltakeatleutayea! . " We will dtnnitdy look on the agreements reouired u a ~=~tl:!~::V:r.':~:;:tl~=:wus~~~~~~ ~-t;; ~ ~::/ 1 disclosure If the dlsdOIW'e changes the day 11 P•twc•4ary EducaUoe C.sumcr Protec:Uoa Ac l ollt1$, Besid~ providina fair refund polklet, full tuition In· rormahon and job placement data, under this pnlpOiotd bill a school must put up a performance bond to reimbur-se students ~:!!~ bankrupt... sort ol ed~Jeatlonal malpnclice lo- ac~~:.::::c~r:.~~d~~::!c:"~: he can be reasonably to benefit rrom the tninln& offer-ed . This 1uanb apinst the classic trade school abUHS by which, for instance, a student wi th a Utp Is enroi.Jed In a radio announcers program. The bill, lntrod!JCed by Rep, Alpboluo BeU CR-CA) is C1.1Tre:S!Uy lodged ln the Haute subcom mittee on P,.taecondary ed~Jeation and probably won't ditlodge itself onto the House floor untU next year. The Co1uumcr PrcKec:Uon Ac t ol lt1$. Introduced in various forms for the put sevual yean, this bill would set up an !'Ieney for Consumer Advocacy that would represent the Interests of cooswnen before other federal aaencln and federal courts. Althoughthepotbthadneverbeencoosldered ~act would"definltely cover" ICudtnt C1lftSWI'Itn, said a~ a~deforStn . Charles Percy <R·IL ), oneolthe bill 's spDniOr'S For instance, through this q:ency students would be able tO sue the Office o/Ed~Jeation for lu con~wner ptGtectlon rq:ulatlons or 1/ie National Labor R61Uons Board over whether students u conswnen have an Interest In faculty· administration colltctift barpinin& talks. Vet's Comer News for compu,s vets The Veterana Adminiatration <VA) has received question. abouf what the veteran is mtiUed and wbat he is not entiUed to. Some of these questions mllbt pataio to you or aomeone you know. Q. Can my tntiUement to a VA Juannteed home loan be restored i( a buyer uaumes my equity? · A. Yes, provldin& the buyer is an dllible veteran and agrees to use his et~titlement to the llltle extent your 1!11 · titlemtnt was used . Q. I am • veteran . Will the VA lfve me a physical examination, lncludin& X-ra)'l! A.. H)'«<areln net'dofmedlca.lattentlon, you may report to the nearest VA holpital where you will be examlotd to determine need for trutment. Routine ph)'lical examlnaUons are not «<nducted by the VA.. Q. U a vetn'an wants tochao1e to a school in anotherst.ate 'A-here should he rue his request! ' A. His rtqUett should be filed with the VA regional ornce ll}at c1..11"te:fltiyhasbisrecords. Q. I have a home that I could b\4)' under the VA home loan &uaranty program, but the aaldoa price is hilher than theVAappniKdprice. Can I pay moe-ethan the market value to aet that hnuse? A. Yes, if you pay the difference bet- the VA appraisal and the price of the home from your own resources fno borrowin&l. The VA cannot appnwe a Joan amount that exceeds the ruJOnable value of the home. Q. May I receive a VA auaranteed farm or business loan ! A. No, the Veteran~ Housin& Act ollf74, elfective Dec. 31, 1974 , meted VA authority to &uarantee such loans . Student Norm Oo:~ll, l tTS [ books Revi~ by Robert Bonk! Richf,fd Nixon, if I rfltltmbtt correc:lly, once sta ted 1\ls own in · vesliJitio n Into the Wattr&lte "" ~!~~ha~~l:o!~:.1"t:n'': lbe JFK assuaination. Cynk thlt I wasandam.ljustsortollboolt my head at the time and uld, SUre, Dick , a nd fish cli mb trees. But a rter readlng Howard Roffman 's book,- Pre... mr4 Cllllly. a nd Reina bow the Wa rren Commlulon con ducted itself, I want to apologize. !-'or once, Sir Tricky , you probably came as dose to teUina the truth as youv.-erea~ . Whereas other bookl on the ass;;q lnation, tspeciaUy the more popula r ones, have largely con- cerned lhemaelves with rank ~Illation U.e., who mipt have !tilled lbe President and wby they migh t have done so), Roffman choles to work with the official record on the assasslnallon, the Warren Commission's fincUnp, and show how ritbe!' the facti were distOC'ted or completely ignored in ~aching the conclusions to tta ted in Its text. Moreover, be wanta to prove the fiodinp were conceived inaprejudicialatrnoipba"e. ANNIVERSARY SALE SECOND BIG WEEK. AT ERZINGER'S MINI MALL ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER COATS CAR COATS SKI JACKETS REDUCED 20o/o MENS AND WOMENS SPECIAL GROUP OF SLACKS & JEANS REDUCED 50°/o GALS SIZES 5/ 8 - 13114 MENS TIE DYE·& PLAINC:Z SWEAT SHIRTS REG. NOW to $440 to ssso MENS CASUAL SLACKS REDUCED 20°/o GALS "KNEE H!GHS" & " TOE SOCKS" REDUCED 20°/o "To H t the record s traiaht is the • purpose of this book," he nota in hia lntrocha:tlon. " Here I I)«N'nt documented proof ol two pointa esHntlal to any understlndina ol the Ul.a5linalion and Its official invatlption' : Ill Lee Harvey Olwalddidnotfireanyshotsin the auaulnation: and (2) the WaJTen Commilaion co n al d ere d n o poulbllity other than that Oswald w.. the lone usauin, and con· .cioual.y' endea vored to fabricate a cue against Oswald." Roffman then examlnH. in turn, the nidence which allettdiY proves Oswakl's role ln the asaaulnatlon, as r««ded the Commluion's publlshMdi.sposltion . The results are enqh to drive tn ib~fnina the core or Medical· 8ali1Uea daUI first , Roffma n soon est.lbli&hesthelactthatnowhereln the evl~is there any CUK:Iuslve proof lhat the bullets wh:icllkilled Praklent Kennedy and wounded John ConnaUy c.ame from Olwald's rtne. In either case, spectocraphic anal yail, "hlc h m iaht have estlbllahed a more tenable con· nec tion wi th the WOWlds ol Con· na ll y · Kennedy an d Oswa ld 's Mann llc her·Carcano, w.. sup· prellofd from the record. ex~~{~a~h!heenvtS:::eee~1ht~h a lleJedly places Lee Ha rv ey Oswald at the s htth noor of the O.Uu Book Orepoaitory at the lime ol the usassinati911 with the rtne the Commission claims wu the ~e=.::~~~ctmentot the Commls&lon lts.tlf, and aU the ~~~u-:u~:;r~:e::~ atm~~of the lnva~aallon, includin tr.nscri pts which illuminate aelectlvity of the Commiaaion "oilihen It came to cidn1 or ianortnc eyewitness testimony, u weU as how II dis torted the ta raety circumstantial evidence to l'it the Kquence of events as II uw """'· cri~~~ ~!~ l!~ ;[h~f~;:~; 1 Oswald 's flreann capabillt'el and brinp to m!Dd the quote from the Comm ission's once-secret wwklna papers whlchaeenu to sum up , for me , a nyway, t heir scholarship •nd credentials •s a whole. ''The bat evide-nce ttw t O.wald could lire u fast u he did and hll the taraet" one mem ber auerted. "ls the fact lh•t he did 10." With that I knew Roffman had found the )uawar vrin . records a- Rktl..' 111111 Jffry Jrii'W&Ikr MCA.ZISI .... ...,., Dru•• Nluy Gnu, Oc•'-1 '"'- capla.& sr.~.•• .. Dtrt a...d U.hed Arlbtl UAU ..... day ," Now I've DeYer beard a W1.ona mUll)' day or art)' other day for that matm' but if It doe& lndeed -.&DC! like Kattkn' vol~ I hope to never bear ooe. It's not that be doeln1 try. He'• manqec! a couple Dllood vocals In theputyean,but foraUthetlmet be'1 tried, a ccq~le II a pretty poor tnc:k ret'OI"d. On UQ album KoUte mtmfully keepllbe vocals down to three··-of which oaly one Ia listenable. ll'llbepastKoltbbuH· perimeatfd wil.b a numbe o1 sounds to add to hila maD~ JV.II.Ir W'OI'tl . He bu, 1od forbid, at timet upanded b1J vocall and added more lnstrumeatl to live a rock :o:: ~t":i:~·.~tv~td-~ albwn which had a lot al mediOCft vocall, rock IOUnd and few 1ems. AslftoteetbeftT'OriDbilwa,., KottU followoed " Ice W&ter '' wi~ "Dreams and All That Sturr· wbkh wu ~ and limple luill.r HiJ fh breathed a ailb al reUd. won. :;.~~!tt!:'v~~J.~~ alauperior~ty . / Now we've 1ot ''Oiewine P'Uie" wbk:h appun to be a combination lood and the b.d, witb, for · b.IDateiy, the 1ood prevallin&. The f«Ch lpeltsarefew and far between c:onr:entntincon the effort:l. 'The inltnlmeatallare al their UIUII ~dobu;!-~~.J: aucces.dul albUma ba1 allowed JaTy Jeff tbe ffftdom to ipiUd bil m\llkal winp a bit-'"'l'bil album IWUd witb an ldt.a that if we mixed a few old friendl from Nub· ville witb the Gonzo Sand. we could 1et our counk 1~ with a litllamorequality." Tbll album baa only two Jf:n")' Jeffe«npoaitknbutthltdoela't detract from tbe O'l'tl'alJ liktablllty o( the I'K'Ofd. He hal cbo6tn hll matrrial wdl : the I'K'Ofd iJ well balanced with 10n11 by suc:b writen u Jesse Wlndleller. Guy Clarll and Ytillle Neboa. One JerryJeHIOftii, "Pillla' Wind" II destined to be a clulk al lt:aa pretty 1ood album . lt'a probably the belt since hll tint onMCAacoupleai)'UISIJO. !"Jt tbe album doel have DM sen01.11 drawback. to my . a new JUT}' Jdf to hear 11 rave ""'" from the voeall U. album Ll W!r'J aalill)'inl . As fu aaaatialylftc II coneemecl, tbe Dirt Band'1 "Oream1" II uotbtr atory. Now don 1 1et me wn~~~~.l thint It's aaood album but ;:de.u~ :~~c:u.~, ~ prtmlerelood-tlma kkii. A UtU.bU ~~r:k~~~~~~~J:· ~ tlrowft ln. Everylhln& the Dirt Band'11ood at. II~ my dluppointmcnt come~ from expectirw mor~ than It wu poalble for them to lin. You . .. it'l beea actually thHe yean llnc:e the [)(rt Band produced any M'W' mUIIe. They have rdeued the now da•k''WUitbeCrcle BeUDbrokeo" a lbu~a and a 1audy two· rtCOI'd Uve album (camplete with pc*er, kidd!et) thlt rather llrl· IU«ftt{ully tries to capture tbdT udllnJ IIve abowbutnoDeWmutlc since 1m. With three yun to come up with 111 albwn ol oew muak 1 upected more thao 1 JoL Uke I l&ld, It's pod aDd typkal aad but If you're \ootin ' for _ aurpri~e~ you won't nnd them here. 11M only lft'IOUJ dnwbad: to the alb!Jm ll 10me al the ucea added by producer William McEuen . likeable :r-:;r::!bl~ ~~ f:'tf: ~·~~~~; albumaadll tbecreatw olaU thole niRy album coven Dtrt Bl.nd albums come ln . But this time 1 thlnkhelhouldlulvek~outolthe music. He adds some non1e111e nolae to the slbwn whlcll aeems to cletr'Kt from tbe bands mutlc water sounds, wtnd harp aDd John McE&Ien doUic a couple ollet\leleu I>MTfm:O::· ::.~ ~nt. All I've 1ot left to talk about lllood old Leon Redbone. lt 'l damn near im~ible to talk about Ltoa wblle stl"'lllbt. Ltoa Ll tbe twilled ICrl ol Indi vidual you woukbl 't want to be locked in an elevator with. Olr!Jt, I ahould talk. Herelaitattbreelnthe mornift&, ballctn.nk, writln&record reviews and 1'm Ltoa Redbone twisted. Better 1et on w\tb it. Leon . Red· bone 11 not to be con!Uied IX' auodated with the rock IJ'OUP Redbone. Oilftftnt ltt'otet ftllirdy foiU . For the put couple yean thia Redbone hu been the ephemenl cl\aracler ol folk and old .)au. He ==dT.!~~~~rn:: a c:ommMt aomethln& to tbe effect allf be, Dylan, were to atart a recordin& cunpany, Leon would be one al the first ha would get to "'""· stumbled John Prine 1111 Leon aomewbtr'e lD canada and took him alone on a tour which II where I bad the plea-.- to hear him. Since that tour he'• been In Hml-&eeiUIIon somewhere nunorM to be playlna one-aiJhten to ahoe•hlne-boyl in Grey bound washrooms. Tbat nmor hun1 been verified . Leoa hu admantly refUNd to rtCGrd w revul penonal dalll (Jivina: hll 11e u ~ betWMft 20 ud 10). But now, f« aome reuclll, l..eon hal decided to record an album . Now I don't want to delude anyone Into thlnkinJ that thll album II destined for the top ten. I doubt that It will even mate Billboarda top 100. An album for the muMa It lln't, but a 1ood lime and quality musk It it. 1t~ofll ~:f:.lerm!~ oid spedlkally, o&d jazz . 11le mUIIc futures trombones, darinetl and Leon'a voice. It '• diltlcult to diltinluiah from the real In· .......... HiaairCinchuadiltJnctquallty. It IOUDdla bit like a wtno on the down.hi.U aide ol a Tbundtfblrd· hJch, butltlendlltaelltothetypeol mUiic 1..eon does. Soclp include " Polly Wolly Doodle" . "Ain ' t M!Jbehavln' "and "Lulu '1 Bacll In Town". A wont olwarninJ : ll you plan to nah ~~ out and buy ''On the ~~.:~~!~~e~d Hey, I'm doae. That calli for anot.htt'Point ... (k..,.. ••.•t'IJ ....... -- Just three years out of college, laser technologist Jim Carroll didn't make senior research physicist at Eastman Kodak Company by acting timid. So when he had the courage to pit science against a dread disease, we backed him. Win or lose. The medical community ()nlisted Kodak's help in training lasers on the war on cancer. We responded with a pair ol 500 million watt laser systems. And leh the rest up to Jim. In time, the lasers proved unsuccessful in treatlng cancer, but we'd do il again if we had to. Because white we're In business to make a profit we care what happens to society. It's the same' society our business depends on.