tle lr1a,nd to 6ttEacag. It belag not eloudy llttle thct *ae tre6h of tbe lalard tsr to be .GGa. lqrpuently a young :ubucrgrd corelt, plcnttihlty g1aclat6, 1111 enfficieatly deacrlbc lt. trrL ?bc otbar rl& of Qao# Irlaad EeeEt aa ctoep . alrat cc tte rsuth alde: that I thtal lr tbe togosrapblr Enly tblng freeh topcgrr,phloalSy. *tlterou, lcabcrg: hare bean pe*sed thlc aftat:roor; rad onc rwrll petet ol paal about 8-BO0 yd3. Ectrata, rouaded in fhe aree and csnelattng of sttall tlgbtly -pacled fleer. afternoen prcved, not ec bad: there ic a nedlur srell; and etare are ahlnlng to-nlght. 8oup, blreults a$d cheeee *ere ready ln the wardroom by tbe tlpe re ce,$e ou boardi but nearly everybody *a.s too GIslted to torisfr theu. ttan about 5.0 p.Er. &u excellent dlnaer las Frovlded, the Ltaneard belng Iriah Ster rhicb *e all foqht ehy of,ercept the potatoes- finned peachee and whlte wlne doeerre mentlon. Tle r&tdrcoarrllch I euppoee aornatrli, hol<le four, is qulte crcrrded out; ttt dlnner ;as aucceoofully ueneged ln three ecrvlnge. ?hen Huesey brouglit ln his baajo. ?obacco ar:cl clgarettes clranlate like tater, eEpecla1ly ttre f oraer, try orn tobeeco ra.e juat abcut petered out; but the uer had fi.nlehed ttrelr atoct tro aontha gsor arid tere rerelllng ecr ln eometlhg different frea tbe ecrld fures of Senna gtrtgl. I dcubt very rn:ch if the Chll ie-nc could s.ppreclate our coneert acquainta^ncc rlth Englleb le very llstted. -thelr An e:ceedlngly Eerry eyening ras speat Bf', &t lhlcb apparently the reeoued f,ere eole perfcmels. Here tere lcard all the roldt latouziteg ernd tbe r&etr toplcale cf tte hut. And Eo, tltl droraineee and eheer tearlnese rron the day. a elolle Eoon end Ealsrgey,Eg$-Seg!. tnl