Document 11824602

Stereo proposal meets opposition
allocated to the ataUon to ~Y
a portion of the CGit ol conV'n'Sion from moaouraJ to
A propoulto grant am pus
radio station WWSP FM-10
additional funda eoabllnl
~ to JO &trreo met some
oppolition at &laday ni&hl'a
Studeot Gowernmeat
~. ThelotaiCGitollhe
coavenlon Is ullmated
rl&ure -.let come from fUDdl
allocated for the renovatioa
of tbe Genii lnatltute
buildina whkh hoUiel FM-to.
n. rema.lllin& $14,000 would
be COYtnid bJ lbe rdclcaUae
ol two stereo eontrol boarcb:
from tbe eamp~.a televisloa
Tbe Studeat Pro&ram
that u
acki.Ucmal M.720 be
staff wn-e present at SUn·
day's Student Governrnent
meetinato amv.w questions
abovt the propo~ed con ·
venloo . Stttion Manaaer
Tom Bedore akt that the
coovenloa to atereo ...
rtq\1111 for
''iMYitable" and that the
''time Is ripe" btca~ae of the
•at yur wu abudy an
funds IYaiJ.abk for GfteU
Jut yur. He critld&ed the
.dditionalrequest "lnli&bt o1
lhe budf:~ cull that many
.upttlll~ .
UW·Stevehs Point, Thursday, Mort:h 13, 1975
NO. 34
Residence halls coed or not?
UWSP'1 admlnlltnUon hu reques~ lhlt no mere hall•
knelt ckmandllhat a n all· so eoed .
• :-!~:~·~~~c::=~~·t!!
tr•n•forme.d Into a
Aa • result, Neale will
coedunlion•l faclllt)' for rn•lntaln lt1 a ll -women
mm~ben of both tHe. .
1tatu1 , even thouah. ac·
'nleinln)',pn-hlpt,re.uon c:ordlnl to hall director
the fact lhlt about one month Debbie Oonelaoa , there 11
~~~~~=~= ·::-.=t!'.trnent amoq tome
of ita aUndilll e«nm1ttee
It\~dent aff.lin, YOI:f'd to m.lte
lOUT mere c:ampu1 rnkSenc:e
haUs c:oed .
One of tbe facilities , Neale
HaD. hU houNd women alnc:e
it opened • decade 1&0 and
hu more tndi Uon than rno.t
haUs at UWSP.
The FS had been aaW'ed
there wa11ipiflc:ant lnterat
amona 1tudent• here for
mwe c:otd UYina with men
and wwnen oo altematJna
noon but tbarllll lounan
and laundry rOCXM. Rsulta
of 1urve1a 1upported the
propottd c:hanau. th a
senators wer-e toM.
Tbe ac tion l l"lrred •n
h nmedlale c::ampa i1n 10
re-verse that action. Unda
Stevent lad a petltlonlna
project that received ltl
sipaturn or about hall of the
Neale ruldenll . Tlla)'
But four other halla wiD be
converted, nro men'• and hrro
on the bub of
a~pport c1 itt
resldmtl ia • r«enl aarvey.
0\aDetllor Lee
and AuiJtut Chancellor
David Coller announced,
however, that tour halb will
ruuln for s l n1le sn
lftdenll tOPf'0¥1de that ltind
of alternative m Uvine lt)'le
despite u.e
throuahout mo1t or the
c•mpu• for the c::oed
arnncemmt .
1be boua1nC staff, meanwhile lnteodl to continue its
tfforta to educate the ~ic::
about c:oed Uflnl at a lime
whea paremta and penona
c:omlna to c:ampua for the
r.nt time llW have misun·
dtntancltlp about what it
In thi. iuue
..5P8AC deolel
"-* ..
o o o
t.r~ dwq
btaJin&l. Baddlllkl ..,..lf'(IUp"-td IIOtJii1w tod~Mrft f~
a-.... .. .audmal-.
, . . . ., ~ oppaRtloa.
Looloing ahead
o o o
-5un'f1 rne~tchel awdlrnt """" ol uw pnlll'aiN.
-NIIion wide te&.fWon lllow fn turn piM 11\N'tte and UWSP
...... . .
The tomblned wnate and
auembJ)' tab&ed acUoa ~mW
out WHit on a motion to
propaHd convenlon to atereo
wu Aaumblyman Bob
stt.dtr. Shader uld that
As some theories have It, high power
electrical wires tend to produce changes
in our environment that could be
detri mental to most forms of life. Does
the same apply to eledrlcal lamps?
Photo by Roger W. Barr .
13, 1975
SPBAC continues budget hearings
The Studut Proaram
Budaet AnaiYill Committee
(SPBAC) recommended In a
budaet hearlna Monday ,
Marc:h 10, tNt the Unlvenlty
Writen be aUocated no fundi
for next year.
Alq with otMr lludent
activity budaets, the
recommendatiOn for
wW 10 to
Studtot Goveniment In April
for ~r approval, ll.ld Bob
Bad1intkl, SPBAC chair·
requested $%,SOO for nut •
8acltlnW u;d that nolhiftl
1M aroup had done showtd
him that it, deservtd to be
allocated any money.
The committee aho
recommeaded that Activity
an4 10 be &ivtn $9.160 !or
nu:t year. That repretotntl •
subltanllal decrease from
thll year.
U the committee recom·
mendatlon 11 paned by
Student Government the
ume 10 v.iU be IRd for u
~ u aatl.ldeat t-Ontinuously
attends UWSP.
About $2,t00of the Activity
10 bud&et" wu ear·
m1rktd to purchase new
equipment to mike 1 more
durabl e 10.
A motion to raise 1M 1D charte to $3.~
,.,..,.. bnlke a tie vote
IJ"oup $t,OOO.
aJ~!aJrs~~&,o r:.h~~ Y::r~
A represenU.Ii\"e from t11e
qanlutlon ll.ld that the
p-oup had about 12 or tJ
active members and that they
ha4 told only a little ovtf' 1
hundred copies of their
literary mqulne PortaJe.
Phy. Ed. options
'" \1\"llll v.-e want to ~ 11
present differ-mt option~ for
the student to ch<KJNnrom,"
said Maria Alvarn. member
ol the Studfont Govemmeat
Academic Afhln Com ·
mlttee , conceTniDII: the
Physica l
Educa ti on
requirr:ment .
The committee will be
handina out a questionnaire
today, from I a.m. WIW 4
p.m., in the aollcilatlon booth
11 the Unlveralty Center.
Al varu ll.ld the committee
Wlntatbes tudtolltoquestion
" wheth'er the Phy. Ed .
requirement of takirc 101
counu enhances the
ltiM:Ient'a tducatlon .'"
The committee hu lilted
-..l!!!,lons for the requirement
on the q~Je~tlonn.aire .
decnue the number of
requirementa 1nywhere from
four to ll!f'O, to Include he.alth
co urses u nder th•
requiremmt or lhll any Pby.
Ed. cCVMthatdoean'tnetda
pren-qWite wouJd rau undes-
the Pby. Ed . requimnmt,
said Alvara..
" U the tludtot ctid want a
chanae in the ~mt ,
we blve to duJ with the
uptd. of row- utra cr'edits to
p-ad~tewith ,"said Alvarn.
The ttudenl would ha'oe
more fluJbWty in- lald.n&
ulte r ather than just
fuJOIIina any requi.mnent,"
said Alvare:.:.
, The majors and mJIIClrS in
Phy . Ed. would not be af·
fected, ll.ld Alvara .
''Ob'llowly If we aa tbe
requirements of Phy . Ed .
there would be 1 cut in 101
<:«rltl and tNt woUld me1n
1 cut In faculty, " said
Alvaru. '' If you do have cW
It !the money l coufd be
alloc:ated to other <It-part·
menll because they're all
GPR !General P urp ose
Revenue > funded ," a he
We are the only university
with a f o ur credit
requiremeot, ll.ld Alvare:.:.
the OQ!y ones
~lclerit!c this, abe uid.
tranquil scene In a south western
Photo by R~er W. Barr .
.PO ~:;~-;m•.
Education day
for women at UWSP
~ ~ ·' AaaodstlonofSodli
"'Womea'a Serlpta • llow ech.lcalion.
Women Learn lfow to be
The day . Jona eve;;:
Women" II the title of the
sponsored jointly b~ the
~~~;~~~c~ ,2~v:;
'Jhnucllonal Anllyat Emily
Ruppert durin& the fifth
annual ConUnuinJ U.Cation
Dly for Women at UWSP.
Rupptrt , wtlo ls maaaedin
the private practice or
Transactional Analysis in
Milwaultee, wlll apultattht
evenl'a&eneraltt~tion intht
llwnoon .
:_:;:: · :,~be~~. ·~~
~II examine the t ubjec't or
unprcwing 1 woman's self·
by rewrltina her
prewntllfe 'script ',
ThfOU&h her therapy work
Ruppert has found that
1M number ooe problem fw
many women, r..ardleu ol
Income Ind. appearance or
the AcademY ol
CHtified Social Workm and
the International Tran ·
aac t lo nal
Anal ysis
Auodallon and hll
published several papers in
her fteld .
~E~R~----· P~e3
Fee increase approved
by AlbtrtStanek
in policyof theservlce. Uthe
la test52 inae.ase1Japprovt'd
Student fees may incre.ase
by an .additional S2 per full
lime e qu iva lent t FTE > would be eliminated. A USf:'r
student nut year b«-auseol fee is cu r r e nl ly bel n1
.a recent r eYision in a
resolution .adopted by Student ds:~;esd ~0~ sre;c;~p~lr~
The Healt h Ce nt e r
The S2 lnaease would 10
toward the Unlven:lty He.a.lth C\lt'Tently~vesS215per
Center F'e e. It wu added to FTE student from s tudent
fees . The elimination of the
usf:'r fee and a n increase In
btcauseofpropoltdchanges salarlescauslngtheorigina.l
~=~=-u:e~~~ s!~i!
S21nc:rease would booat the
~=~t ~~b~:~:n::
The S4 inc rease for the
llea llh Center~lt'dwith a
req~tedS3inc:reue In the
Student Activity Fee would
booat the Student Fee to Sl!WI
per FIE student next yea r .
Each FIE student pa.ld Sl43
In fees thb paJt year. All
inc:reueinfeesare Jubjectto
nnal approva l of the&Ni rd of
Church announcements
Trhaily IAI.bena Cllarcb :
earner ol Oa.rt and ftoS:en
St .. Pasl.on : Jim Oliver and,&lndayServicel :
1:30 .and It a .m ., Lenten
Services : 1 p.m ., Thursday.
U11hersH y
Paris b : Newma n Chape l,
basement or St. Sta n '1 .
acUter O!.ape:l, uoo Maria
Drive. Weekend Maues :
Saturday. 4 and 6 p.m .,
Newman O!.apel; &lnday, 10
·: :: ·:. NCI':s~:r~~; ~~ :':
p . m ., Cloiste r . We~d ay
Masses : Monday ~ throu1h
Friday , 12 noon, Newman
Saturday,S:ISp.m., Newma n
0\apel. or a nytime by ap.
Student displays his artistic abilities
on the wall of 2nd South Smith. Photo by
Susie Hoffmann .
News brJels
The PhiiOIOSJhy 011b will
meet at I p.m .• 1\aesday,
March II. Barb Smith wil l
read a paper e ntitled
""Exorcism in the catholic
Chu rch : Traditional and
Contem po r ary . ·· with a
ciisc:usaion foUowinc .
Themeetinlwillbehelda t
the home ol Pat and Peter
Wenz, ltO'J Center St. The
public is invil.rd lOattmd.
T11edead.tlaclsFriday, ApriJ
11 . for purchali.n1 tatbooks
and setlliD1accounta for lwt
boob. List price will be
..:•• :...•• ..••:
c har1e d for a ll bookl
nport.ed:IOitafterthatda te.
The Ans aad D•U• Cen&er
the Unlvenity Center. has
-..;:;:;...... m ., ........ ,
The lbha 'l Fal lll meeUaJ: :
Puce Uaittcl l'lllarcll .,
tfiresidesl will bes held at Chrb l : 17411 DU:on St., Sun·
7:30p.m ., MOIKia y, at 2Sio.\ day RrYk:e at 10 a.m.
Warner- Sl. for information
Lut hern St11dent Comm11nlt y : P eace Ca mpus
Ce nter, Corner of Marla
The liMHE FeUowsblp IICIIU"
wtllbe hddat 7p.m , Sunday,
Ma r ch 16, at the Peace
=ewr:' ~~ ~tTh~:
day, 6 p.m ., Peact Campus
Sunday, IO:JII a.m.,
w;~~7:i;.ott!:t:l,ea~~':;:~ Ca~m~"";::""'::'u:.;::;:;;;"';"';;;cam
pm .• Saturday , Man:h 15, at
the Peace Campw Center,
~. . .: . .~
,. -·,~.:....
for aU couples who
A s pecial fo11r *••1
Th e EYa111clieal Free
leatMrc:ufl IeNlG. wi ll be Cb 11rcb :Rev . Fr ed Moore .
held at+-7 p.m ., Aprill4, 17, Pas tor : .141· 0031, Sunday
21 and 24. in the Arts and Servk:es 9:30 a.m . College
Center, UniYerslty Qua, IO:ao a.m. Worship, 1
p .m . Bible Hou r , YMCA
Anyone who wishes to make Building. 1000 Division St .
lutm mail bap, bocQ,
lhonp. hats or Mlts may Ran
up at the Ar ta and Craltl
Center for the area ol work
desired. Under the direction
of Don Pa l mqu is t th e
deadline is April! .
Hours for the center ue : 4U.nut H11u1 Snlpturelll
10 p .m .• Mondays ; 2· t0 p.m.,
BNt~-cn-. ~~Wt
Tuesdays and Wednesday ; 4lutlltJ Altil.acts-TH KMif
IO p . m . , Thursday• u d
1-We'llbkeiFridays an d 1·5 p . m .,
Saturday and SwKily.
I .
• Interiors
anc1 Wedoelday. 3-10 p.m ..
t :·p!.tw-tlay
_. _ _ _ _ _. . . . . . . . .
""' and
.... . . ._ _ _
~iseopal Cll urdl ollhe
Sl. Pa.U's U.iledMeLIIocUII
tnterctulo. : comtf" ol Elll.s O arc:b: 600 Wilshire Blvd.
and StJ., ~t Sllnday service, IOa .m.
followed by family brukfut ,
at 9a.m., &mday , Eucharist ,
at 5: 15 p.m ., Smday and
daily, F'ridays followed by
fa mily supper.
F r a me
Pr u byle r tan
Chrc:ll : 1300 Mai n St .,
services at 1 :15 and
Fin! Bapllll Clil 11rc:b Sllnday
11 a.m.
tAmerkan ): tMOnn:h St.,
Sllnday services at l0:45 a.m .
and 7 p.m.
M a rch 13, 197!:1
Ecology basic to man's existence
Th e chairman o r the
Prtsidnll's Oxanril on En·
vl rONM:ntal Quality uld lhlt
environm~tal J)f'Otectloa is
::i~~ ~~::~~r~u~"
anintegrattd,interdependtnt ~- "
system and ..ld. ' 'This In·
tetration s~pilies the basic C'CNI«rn ovt:r tht •mfi'HIIon
prindple or nalural la w of that the tnftJY crisis would
:!'~ · :~·ty ""'=~nc:'; e.~:~:J~:a~~!
meat and potatoes of man's euaau atlon , be stated : rdax
e~o'ft')'thinl dfects ~tr)'thing
" I am not at all C«<\'mced
'1lle P'!btic is expoltd to .,
m~eh emotkln and so UtUe
ccwnpensatory ~eience lhlt
I'm afraid «<~~ocx b in
dana e r of be comin&
sy nonymouJ with a soft
headed du lre to r e peal
technolo&Y and inv~t tht
Guden of Edu ," said
Russell W. Peterson In
The advance campsite outlined lo me of the
r em1 r k1 before the ~atiaflprocrarnwUibe pro«durestobeused ln the
Vt11m lnaton World Afrllfl expandedthisyear toinci!Jde c smpslte r eser vat ion
Couodl .
II W'~in state parks and prOifam .
\\'hen ecolotical c:-oncems forests , accordlna to th e
come into COllOid with other De par tment of. Natural
· · R ue~atlo n s will be
sodllneeclaor appdites, uld Relow'cel <DNR ).
the camping
h~ . ~icy maken In
th!J-not , atleut , inthe.sense
in ~~ohlch ~~o·e unde rs ta nd
ec onomic: Jrowt h or
Americ:ln Randard of Uving
toda)' On the C«~trary, I
th1nk 011" past pattems of
exploitation of the earth's
Reservations program expanded
for campsites
=·::~e::~ ~"!:~~~ ~:!~D.n~n~ei~c~:~
desirable but a dispensable
:!:!.up to 60 da)'l in ad·
,;,"'; ,""
o; ~';;,;,:;.,'o;'""
p,"'~.. 0..~.~~
• 00
-- Ad va nce
10 °'o
~rl': fa~~~~~~;:a:~ ~~Lu,.'::tc!~e~:!;':
=:~!~. avaih1ble Wllil
More than 1,«10 campsites The new reviled nu
::'e:'fi!~~teoff=tsca~ ~':'Ct!v=:a:toa:u':::!
......w .......... ,........ ""',...............
adva nce rue rvalion this informaUon cente:rs, other "
~t:~~O~'::'::.e':~~~ar~ ~~~i 1 ,:tr~e,n:~:~~ ~et~,:~nc:n~nda~~
on cash and cany orders
with Student I. D.
or forest
for which the
.............. ""'""'·
1lJt: '
-Cimplna fe es for the
enllre cam plnaperiodpl .. a
23g: 1 ~~=~on
Governor Dodge, Hartman
Creek, Int ers t ate, Lake
Wl uo t l, Mi rr or Lak e
Newport , Pattison , Penin:
s ula , Perrot , Potawatoml ,
Rock bland, TeTry Andr ae ,
W Il l ow R I v e r a n d
Yellowstone. Slalefornts in
.. ftesenstlonJ ma y be lo the park will kftp thdr PoUlt & and Nort~
assista nt director of the
Four Seasons Flower Shoppe
One olthe most important
chan&es in the 1975 rese"·
Vltlo n program II 1
requirement that the cam·
pin& party must check in
prior to II p.m. on t~ first
day or their site Will be
r eaula ned . However,
campsites at each park or
P'O&ram are Devil's Lake. April I of this yep .
'?r.fa~v:, .•
CNR banquet soon
Approximately 120,000 In
Kholar&hipe will be awarded
&:30 p.m . April 4 at the an·
MARCH 17-22
tCNR i at UWSP.
The monleJ are from
private sou rc es includ in&
lhfOUihout the Ra te. 1be
reciplenls will be persons
specializing In a ll phues of
natural rtSOUrces pl .. pulp
and pape r Jcle nce . The
dollar~ .
for contrlbullon J to en·
vlronmental protectioa and
Cieor&e Mead II, chalnnan
of the bl»rd for ConaoUdatl!'d
Papen, lnc., will speak oa
" Industry and t he En ·
¥ironmen t."
Approx imately 400 tk:UIJ
wUJ be IO!d on a nrat nme·
rirll a.erve basis for tht
banquet of venlson and other
wildlife delicacies . Tickels
are availab le at th e
Un l ver lty Center 1 UCI
Desir. ud In the
s:~r:=:.''tn u: ·r:-~r~
addition , seve ral
university and student Room , UC, fol.lowtd by the
be ~ banquet In the Proaram
presented to area residents Banquet Room , UC.
ipOniOr'ed awardl will
®. .
If you compare,
you'll select ltna:..
If you don't compare,
don't say we didn't warn -you!
John Ft Merrick
March 13, 1975
Page 5
Methane from wastes being researched
br Kathrlne Kowalski
" M~aneisaby?oductof
anlft'Obic decompoa!Uon. It
Manures, table ~Craps and
any ldnd ol oraan.lcs are
wasta. said Joe Wysoclti,
p-ad..-te lludtotirliOila. He
hal bftn doina l"t!!hrdd work
irllhe pnxluctioa olmetha.oe
fnxn orpnk waata since
last Sotmtslft'.
methane, " uld~ld .
whkb Is
trWlrol'lment whkh hu the
proper temperat\u"e , pH,
carbon a nd nitrosen rado.
This dl&ester could be a rtny
gallon drum or a C"OI'ICrtte
tanlr.,uld Wysoclr.l .
"We use a small scaJe
model dlaester wllkh bu a 10
li~~tr;·~=~=lhe dl&ester throuah the
displacement ol watft'. "The
111 Is approximately 70
perc-ent metbane, 29 ptffellt
carbon dioxide and lTICft of
~e~~:~=~ ::',~~:~:!ct~~~~U::
remove carbon dloxlde and
Olhuaues," he sald.
One ob jective of thi s
rt:lell"dl Is to "INJ)'le cU f·
f«ent manures and difftre'lt
IOUI"'Ca for the am01.11t ol
methane produced ," said
WJSOCII:i. Diff«tnl manures
will han different nutrlenll
and will be of different
nutr ient value to certain
bacteria; certain orsanta
will be higher In t heir
production Dl metbane, said
Wysocki. For example ,
cllicken manure ll a better
so urce o f meth a ne an d
nutrients tllan cow 's manure,
he added.
coma out ot the othtr end,
u.\d Wysoclr.l.
~ obj«Uves are to
research the pauibillties of
convertlna methane to
methanol aod to nt.ablish
tome of the optimiU'I'I t'Griditlons fOC'" temperature, pH,
bacteria and carbol'l al'ld
nltroa:en in a di&Hifl".
" Methanei.sacheapJOUrce
of eMrty ," u.kt Wysocki. " It
Another objective Is
1.nalysi1 of the efnuenl , he
sa1d A hi&h quality ftr"tlllur
cao be produced from the
ern uent . The dlaester 11
i.safud.achlefconsdt~Jm tof
uturalps. 10 It an be -..eel
u a nllural au. " 11 ll an
altemate ~e of enflW}'
wort h loolr.i n& Into an d
developina from a stand poin t
ofena""gyand a by-pnlduc: tof
fertlll zeri' heuld.
" Weml&ht try to po~~o't:r an
mtthanol . So far , we haven't
tried to pow« anylhilll .'' he
C"OI'ICiudtcl .
University Film Society Presents
ANon-Addictive Double Feature
Reefer Madness
Marijuana: Assassin of Youth
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
March 13, 14 & 15
· All Showings at 7:00 P.M.
Wisconsin Room - Univers~y Center
Wysockl,;a~n~d~m~e:th~a~n~e~c~on-v~ert-e~r--_ __ __J~===~==~~=~=:~~=~~
Joe by Roge~ W. Barr.
Winter fleas
Poqe 6
March 13, 1975
byRktt11 rt
" V.batarewetaJ.klacabout
w hen we t a It about
alcoholiam !'' uld Joha
Timcak, Baldwin Hall
" Are we tllk inJ 1bout
people who are on 'ikld row'
cr are we 1ctua1Jy. talldna
lboul people wbo 1ft 1bulir11
alcohol and are randin&alowly
but aw-e!,- that they are
Alcoholism , one of the
nation"• moat wldctJprud
health problems , h11 drawn
Increased attefltion of area
health and ' coun~ellna lftf·
vices .
MOlt people would loot at
Dwinalhtir IICetimes, 400
\.1\\-sP lt udent.s will become
alcoholkl, Dsenrath safd.
Therdore , the causes of
probkm drinldna must be
l<kntintd 1nd proper action
There are three aenn-al
reasona ,.fly ~ drink,
s1id Elsenrath . It ia an
escape from emotional
atreu, lalsion 1nd anxlrt,- ;
Immed i ate effec\1 are
pleuunblct and there II
aoclaHutlon 1nd socia l th1t occurs with the
conaumpUon of al~ .
"People do need an tsCifM:
from pruaure ," 111d
Ellenralh. However-thereare
:!e~11~ ~":;. ~~J :n~:fn:~f~ '::he~t::
a14. ~~~~ties~
:n:ann =~• art a.,... y
from their prtalrft. worries
and conc«m and haYt fun
without bavin&lo use 1 dnJ&
to ~ It~ to esc1pe.
Many times shldrntJ use
alcohol a a an attempted
eac1pe from prOOiems 1111lk h
occ~.r . " lf lll"t can deal with
tMm head on and raolw
sitUitiont then there Ia no
rut reasoa for eacape,"
Daenralh aaid.
ln Of'der to IOive peraonal
problem a , Tlmuk uld .
llci>hol should be lhUMtd.
"Do you allow an answer by
it 's
~= ~~ ~~~'o"ac·
thnn to cause undue ltreu.
··n-a aU ri&)lt 1o be YffY
human. Very hwnan people
are very imperfect, 1nd
that's okay," said DRnnth .
" Ptople who h1ve really
~led lhemte!Yn and CI.D
accept thdr imperfectJOPJ
and their naws and their
forced p-rtty heavily
One can lr1m how to lateh
at their mistakes from othrn a rip-off," 'ftmcak Ald.
have adopted that ItUtudetowaniJUfe, Dsenralh
h ~ "~
The third reuon people
driDir. is to be involved in
having o beei' in the Grid.
ot two-loki. You art
v.ith y011 friends and drink.
Ontheolhrrhand, lfyoudon't
10 alq, many atudentJ have
experienced lhe aomelimrs
'rail~.resproblblyareaolnato over t but mostly subtle
hawlesaneedtoeaclpelhan iJolation and non-incl111ion
lh'*' who haven't come lo with the social 1roup,"
l.erms with themKI,vn," he Dsenrathaald.
_aolviJII , .you · trr 1
you'Ye &ot a M:rioua
alcohol that leadJ to -becomln&llltodcated."
t:'!~arJ!ct~J ~-h:t
problem , my recom •
alcobolilm, aaid Dennla
Rattfer than hunin& to colnatonHd - yourrmotlons, mmdation is tocrtsomebdp
before it really becomea
catutrophic,'' El1enralh
A id.
Althouah the immediate
effect of alcohol iJ
plruurable , abu•e urrira
severecoruequrncrs. ''One of
thedra1111laclu 11 that the
Immediate effHt IJ
pleasurable where lhe ion&·
termconsequrncrsof heavy
de vutatin&, absolutely
dr vut;~ti n& In terms of
ph ysical and psye:holocical
functionina: ," sakl Elsenrath.
One common occurance on campus is studenb
k.eeptrc full
r!.:!:• tt! .=.
todaliution . " Ptople drink
11 a IOda.liuUon Pf'OC'ft.l.
JO to mf'lrt people and lnterrellte ," uid Mary
Krawircki, mental health
CGOrdinator o1 the Portaae
County Human Servlcea
Even thqh this student
waa comlloJe and near
drlth, h!J friends tbotcbt lt
was really fUMy, accordina
to Bill lletUer; UWSP Helltb
Center phyalcian. "He got a
lot of politive fred back
becauu of his &rut
drlnkirlfl," aaid Hettler.
Normal a low drlnklna
woWd CIUH I peraon to pall
ldU \Mm , But If the drinldn&
Ia a pme, or worse yet, an
athlrtk contest to see how
much a penon can hold , hr
can drink lhree times u
: ..-:,.!:'~~'him=.
Hettler ukt
"Alter he becomes UA·
conadou1 the alcohol 11 still
bdfti ablorbed and
dlvldual enda up klllin&
himself," aaid UetUer.
· ~Is a fair •mount of
Anytime an organ ited
soc:ialp-essure put on people IP'OUJI 1uch 11 9altfl has
to consume alcohol ; not only acllvllieaauchaa'drlnk..,UI
Ia consutnr akohol tNt to youdf-op'l t laverychlldish
behavkw, Hettler said.
"I think it'J amaJin& tNt
&ood boatua couldera people wW praise IOirltOM:
~~- ~~&.~:CO::~,~~~
for lhe YOUftltr s~tllhat
ck-inkirc il an adult activity,"
" l'vebacllitutions•·herel
have talked to atudmll • ·ho
-.-e troubled btoc.1use they
did or uld somettuna while
lntoxle~tfd lhat they wouldn 't
have done other wise ,"
" AI.altudeat U5t:15n his
behavior aflerwards, when be
IIIOber, bebvffYbelilallt to
ta lk about it with his friends.
He II personally very UJR(
about it , he may come in to
talk to our C'OW\Idor about It
but yet to KIUIUy confront
tU friend~ and uy 1ut ni&ht
I did aomethirc I doa't want
to do aaa~n .· he kizxl or reds
In the back of his mind tha t
won,invlteyou oexttlme.'w
'Okay. DOW you can't bt OW'
friend anymore .' " uid
11lere Is .- dirference ,
however , M/ween problem
drink l n& and occasional
~GC~al drinllin&. " I don't want
to bee om e over I y
judaemutal about oc casional
but what l am talking about II
patterned heavy drinltina,''
Ia a good numbft' or
peop le Ihilt ao out to • bllr.
to' 10me m~o~~lc , talk to 1011\t'
friendl , play some foosball 'slt. That is a form ol
relaution and mjoymmt,"
The probfemJ bflin •lwn a
ptrSOn is bec:omina more and
more olten intoxicated . lbat
is probably a sl1n that
somethin1 is not &oint • ·ell .
Elsewath said .
d!~st~nd~~ t~ a~;
akoohol~. MCII akobolia
•liWdtdlyou tlult theyc:ould
ltopdrinJdna If they •~nted
to." : EIII!nrath~ald .
"In the uTiy stages of
alcoholism , more tban a
physlcaldtpendenc:e, thereis
lOin& to a psychologlc:al
~ . Utheindividu&l
is bt&innina tort<'CipiJethat
his way of co p lnl wit h
problems Is to drink and that
dealirc with problems, that is
'II«)' lood s!IJI." said
huaprobleminlhllarea let
IMm know that you reaUy
care about them and that ls
•11y you 're bri.Qiin& it up.
Your hope Is that you are not
offendina: or ups.ettinlthem
but that you're just beiDa
\'erY real and you're doin& it
becauw you care aheM the
other penon. tlsmralh said.
"' You run the risk of
somebody Jeltin& very an&rJ
orevenlosu,.a friftld. Thft"t
issomeriskofo,·er-.reactins .
1don't know that there are all
that may p r ob l e m s
u.sociated with responsible
social drinklna," Dsenralh
"Some sense of Jucl&emm t
about just when is consumpCklnolalcobol becomin&
a problem d important . The
best an lndivklual C&ll do is
tallr. about hl.s tJ!ou&hts on
alc:ohol consumption. If we
to r~ulateother people we're
prOOOibly not lOin& to have a
kit ol~UCCH~. •• he added.
One ml&htsay , " Hft"t't my
thinklnl . l'mnottryinatotd.l
you•11attodobutinsteACI I 'm
my concern fo r you,"
One more p itcher odds to ti-le problem.
Photos by Rick Cigel.
PoQe 8
March 13, 1975
Swim team places 20th
lUll , Ryan and Scott Schnae
placed 16th and the 100 free
relay, whole memben are
Edward• , Schnte. Slaale
and Sl(,ve SchUller, plaM
Backstrolttt Grq Edwards
pla ced 17th in the 100 bllck
and29lhlnthe200back .
The third of UWSP's three
rela)'5, the .00 free Pyle,
~:~. ~~~·, ~:~c~wa=d
RyM .
Coach Lynn 'Red ' Blair Aid,
" ll'sthe best )~arwe've bad.
~r::h=,: c·.~
''~"Inpttitnee, l&oi nl
to alionalll beottuse now
fast tMy've
JOI to
I ,"
.!a SPoRTS
New• Analyt ls
by Jim JlaltKk
11 Will reminiscent ol the
fell Utuary Di&t:ll poll.
Tht poll that showed
Landon would beat FDR onJy
fttlu before the Prft.IMI\t
c:arried all but two Jlltts.
Vetthtre'wu the headline :
She and depth make Pointer
buketball CUJoot promllin&.
11 was !rom a Nov . 16
Ulolt.lng back, the article's the team bdore second
aeema semnter bt&an.l
SpeakinC olthe Jrcql .. a
•'hole, Kr\ltatt said, " We
aum to poaaeaa JOOd
buketball~mte and mO&t ot
the players are fun ·
damentally sound ."
U the fut break pl*lbillty
Is thtre, the
won 't
hesitate to r un thla season,
said Krutift'. <11le Pointers
""-ere lut In the conference In
~eortna 1verase. averaJin&
mO&t kluea In a aeaaon and
•'Ont wtnnin& pen:mtaae for
The low finishes of the put
three years In a the con·
fft'ence race may be a thlnJ
of the past, the article be&an.
Other sems !Delude the
followlna excerpt.a :
Vete r an Coac h Bob
Andit'M tudtoane•e<u·
por t unoton , relpont~b• h ·
you. C.ll S Sgt. Sta
Kent at &08·272·616
lhnl .,.,MI Itt-
. ,...., .. .-,.u
: ~~.....
jumpln1 ability 11 there ,
too." (Aftft 24 pma,lhe
~~::~;:~:,: ~~:
lhe\ropponet~ta . >
The o:treme youth of the
one conNrn, u\d
John Wooden, the 1JC1.,A
bltketball coach once 11ld,
"I'd rather have talent than
" " " astHitln IIIII dill!
Unfor t u nately for thli
P!Xnten, Ud.a put M.UOO
,th~~a~kt!:h . a d equat e
=. ~. . ':...:',:::..
comins close," 1ald Krueser.
" lt'a the beat IJ'oup I've
had In the lui W yean,"
enthused Kfue&:tr r«enlly.
• S.IIII ....., .,._Mu.
CUe- 11 ,...a. 1
. ,....._.,. . . ..._,._
~;~ !~·nC~~'!~,Ih•n the
wlnnlnl baaketball
prosnm1 . 'J:hey ' r e very
career off to a
ilying start.
Get your
Tr.lino"'. lfllco.ntneoJoof
Krueser lJ dttermlntd to
rntne the 1011111 trend and
haa autmbltd ptrhapl the
moll talented, promlslnJ
club of I!ln.
Not one to be overly optimlstk, Krut~tr nonetheless
ftds he hu the ol a
contender this season.
Six lettermen will return.
!~i:·b:~ ~~:.(MlnlaJ ~~ndr::~'i::.'!tr~}
He also said thlt hilaoals
fortherwxtfewmonthl would
be rettuitlnc. " Ri&ht now, it
looks Jood. The word has
spread. They all tnow how
~~>>tiJ..,-edidat the Conference
Meet , 10 now they are lllkinJ
tome," he said.
" We 're&oin&lnto It pretty
heavy. We lalow who we have
to&tt, .. saldBialr .
promises ...
$18 .00
$11 .00
All other equipment rent for a
one week price for the ten days.
Tents • lantern s - and other camping equipment.
March 13, 1975
Page 9
Athletics need monetary support
by DoD &:111'9t'der
and bi& c rowds are not
"Not enouah money to 10 nactly commoa m Ste---ens
ar~-·~ve ryday
surricienlly tum• up the
procram tmea and v.-omen l.
There simply an DOl enqh
funds f« all the tportl to
functkxl eHecUvely.
Why'! 1bere are le\'ft'al
reasons. Stevens Paint hu no
telf-l utlulolog IPOrll .
Neither baKetball. foocball
nor hockey : the major In·
come raisin& sports have
done v.·ei.J enou&h to tupport
The main reason IJ the
limited t upport the Potnlffl
ha\·e a tta ined In thHe three
areu. Strq fan tup,.-.ort II
...-nat It takes to make money
Hockey hu rmaUy come
tupport ittelf. But at the
moment the use ol the
lceodrome &rtaUy disrupts
any thouabt of ulfsustainirc. This year the
hockey pn:~~ram had to p;~y
Sf,OOO for ke fen at the
If Stevens Point Is to
onrcome ita: money shor tage
adversity, more student
internt has to be generated.
BiJJer turnouts a r e
neceuary at the basketball
football and hockey g.ames:
low but 50 is the caliber of
v.innina or kl&irc Ia the lm·
money SPBAC can aive
athklkl. Tfttnis, wretllln&.
aymnatllc• and women'•
fi~ld hockey are on the flrin&
line and fact pouible extinc:tion.
Suue~ted propo11l1 to
50ive the money pr-oblem are
few lncreasin& 1tud ent
Ktivity funds or the drvppng
portant ilaue. 1 think v.·e've
got to , .,..-out and tlart
producirc iatome and tbHI
out to tee a lack-luster
buketballl team tha t uems
to thrive on failure'!
Both the basketba.U and
football proaram t have
shown high de&reet of lnd·
ri<'~Y tbe past row« five
years. Neither hu produced
a w\Mirc ~e~SOP . f'ana can
only be 10 patient. Watchln&
you'll see a ttrorc alllletk
Unf«tunaldy Baddniki,
\lt1nnizl& and kl&irc II an
important iuue wl!in you
Wllnt to increaM Income and
have self4ustainlna: sportl. ha:~~!·'~:eil•ao~~f~n'!
fans IUPP«t winners not
losers. Maybe thlt It wron1 Success, l tuppose. Go 20-t In
buketbsll Instead of 1·20
but lhat'l tile way II 11.
HereatUWSPit lftmtwe and see how fatl Quandt filii
!\ave gr0111-n accustomed to a
losing football and ba5kelball
ttam. Howcsn thebaskelball crowdl a t Goerke F1eld. At
Bob Badzinsld , chairperson ttatn be sdf4111talninl whea the present time tupport II
at 12'1", aftt-r our man bad
~~ ,_-eft bdcn."
\lt"'tflt "1"011&·" said Trac:k
Coach Dea Amiot .
Lao-- and Whltn-attr
The Painten rlflithed third tied f« flnt in the meet with
amq niDe learnt at Jut 57 points , while the Pointers
..m·s North Central In·
vitational, but Amiot aakl he
felt they could have won it. ... ....., rv1 ...
" We gave the meet away Rue woo tile triple jump
through our own miatakes," event .
Joe Youna finished a«ond
said AmiCI( .~
"One of our relayt wat In the t~·o mile race, while
disqualified and Don Bunt· teammate Rick Zaborske
man wu also disqualified in fullshed third.
1be Pointers also finished
the mite."
jumper tcra t· with a a«ond place In the 10
ched aU three times. and be yard dash and lhird In the 10
could ~).unp anyone t:lae yardhurdlet.
"Rlihl now ..,·e're pullin&
11\ere : thepoZevaultwuwon
for the conftreoc:e lndoar
:~: .!Jd~~
Tlle tem inar 11 belni
dfsiped to cover ~«ne of the
politica l , economic and
corporat.e dimt:n~IOIII of the
Pfoblems s t.l'f'OUidinc food
Pfoduc:IJoo ADd diJtribulklrl
oaa &lobaJ~eaie . Tberole
and the UM1
the Olhkolh In·
not thlt worried
about how ~ do IIIII week,
\lt-.!'re conceatra tiONt on lhe
con ference meet," Amiot
Ted ltamton, a jumper
who compete• In teveral
~-ents for the Pointen, hu a
sli&ht lwMtrlna J)t!ll, but
inju r y-fr ee by the meet ,
Soccer club begins practice
rkven III.Xiftlta: at UWSP
•iU spend ·their sprtna break
11 the Ol~a"ch Center for the
United Nationt in New York
Oty in a ~ater on '1'hr:
PolitiCS ol Worid Jfun&tr,'"
Tlle temlna r 11 belnl
arnnaed for the UWSP IJ'OUP
by the United Me tl'lodltt
Ofr.c:e f« tbe Ual Nation•.
Locally, it 11 Mire tponiOI'ed
by the Ministry in
!tither F41iatioa and with a
&rant fr Dm the Wetley
t'oundation ol Slnenl PoUlt.
It hit been promO(ed U..ou&h
the Unlvenity Chrlt t ian
poftr bel·
develoslirLI u.tlons also are to
~o.atb.alao areto
be ltudled. Stratepa f•
d_eali_na wltb tb• buna•r
lltution oa•loc:alk-ft~WIII
illobecfveo tothelf'OUP.
by.Wea &:httte
" We're tr)'ial to Wid a
provam that ~an compete i?,
an lntt:f'COile&••te program.
aaid One Cian'eU, coach of
The r1rst ttfll m buildini
aacha program II to it! new
people invol~ in the lport,
uld Garrett. He it presently
tearchinl for in ternted
Socftr ..-actic::et are beinl
held 10-12 a .m . every
S.turday in Quandt Gym.
TheM! practices are open to
anyone '' )'t'lts of aae or
sports teems
Tbe ath letic program needl
money but then so doet TV 6,
the radio ttaU on and all
there but only 50 much can be
tty Jim HaMc:ll
also competed at the meet.
he~-=~P~ ~~~~~
The Pointers, a«''f'dina to only aU-American wratler
Am iCI(. willaet a good leollt at this seuoo.
the other conf~ teamt
Johnton the tiUe by
· ·""••••"'~M~! ~Jon!,~
" We're
Wrestlers do well
at Nationals
~~~ad~'::e'.!~":::~::lb!ir ~u:e:=~t;l}:!' !~Jeeo:•:i
Track team finishes third
" It seemed like evtr)1h1oa
of the student Proanm crowdlof700-t00arecommon
Bud&tt Analysis Committee, in a <&,ooo capacity arm·
:ttn~n~{. m basket- ~~:A~~~~~t~!~die~~~o~nr~ ~~!"~~t,=.::t~ f_:n~.
older. "No uperienCe 11
neceuary only an Interest II
needed." aaid Can'ttt .
For a dd ed incen t ive .
Gan'ttt also let ~aU 1ame
spring schedule. Thiltprlna'•
program will be lellttruc:· and everyone tbat
sboW1i up at practic-e~ willaet
into the aamu. a dd ed
Ga n'eU .
Garrett '1 plar. alao include
involvinl area hi&b achool
students in IOCCft' dinkl m
order to incre.lle ~GCC«'I
1:r THIS WEEK 1:r
IYt..,...,...,!StrteuP'Iilt,llll·ltw'f- 1'
match 11·5 before bt:IOJ
pinned In his NCOIId match.
thil year'• ttam, nnlshed
with a 2%-trecordthlaaeuoa
Alaod.alion of Intereolleciat.e and a 42-21-1 career mark.
Ath letics (NA IAI national
Johnson produced winl in
Johnson won row ol lb be lost. 4-lln overtime In the
matches, and 11 a rault of qu a r te r
fIn a Is ..
hit finish wu named
He came baek to win twice,
Res.ldetlt of the Week by
UWSP'1 Re t ldence Hall advancin& to the consolation
final• before beirc pinned In
COuncil .
Teammate Rick Neiptrt 4:3S byhla fin t round vicUm.
~~=~ef~ pl~t~o!-:~
Poqe 10
March 13, 1975
'Marriage of Figaro' performed
Fttaro. ~eene , " he aald, "and some
opera , re~itatives have been
opened a t I p.m., Wednrsday rt'placed by spoken dlalosue
at the Warnn Gani Jetlkins tOsa,-ethe suwen 'volca for
~l ar rl a&e of
Mo1art 's ~oml~
~~:! '/: .~ol~: ~;!:c~~:~r.:~
March 12,
H. II, 1e and 2e. ·
Pre s ented by the
Unlvet"slly Theatre. 11 lJ the
nutt show of the 1174-75
Winter Theatre Season.
The prochxtion is delcribed ·
u "a fresh loot at an okt
~by many as one
pl~es of comic opera_ In the
~lire history of mUSic, T1te
Marrla te of .,,,,. is an
account olthe oft~ hllarl~
loin~ on_of Count Alma viva
=r~~ !Yt~;w; ~~=.:t.~.r:;
Millie Departmeat.
" My purpc~~e has bftn not
to do an authentic 'Ftj:aro'
but an amuslna one an Idea i
think Moz.ort woUld have
app lauded heartily ," 1ald
2>4 assisted by a 23 membef'
orcbeslra that will be . c:oa·
dueled by Robert Frisbte, a
BUfSI. conductor from the
Chlcato Ope ra Works hop.
_T he pr o duc tlu.,_ wa1
choreoarapke d by Susan
" I hl l"e omilled H\"ef'al Hunt an d th e tel was
sub-piOU In this alread7
conflllin& story aDd sbor·
tened•"herevet"lfelt lt11-ould
noth~rt thecharacwr of the
d;!•laned by K. Clarke
Q-andrll , both olthe Theatre
Art <o Depa rtment . Kni ah t
Blank, a student, :wn-ed as
the li&htina dni1ner.
wrote the li bretto and
Beaumarci'lais, who wrote the
play on which the opera was
based," Combs said.
" Beauma r chals '
Playlna the title role of
' F'iaaro' is baritone Robert
Heih:i nKff , senior, at UWSP.
'&lsa.Ma, • the chambermaid
quile dariiiJ in Ill day and
tothe~nteull pl ayeclby
.,-hUe 10me of the llr-8 are not
too s hocklna today, they
made the play ~on trovenlal
200 years aJo," Combs ex·
soprano Kevin Da rtt , a plaincd.
In addition to sexua l
graduate student ; J ane
Kenu, senior, will play the reftf'enc:e !that had to be cut
ro&e ol Cou.nleA Almaviva, from the libretto In order to
while lhe Count will be played
by Rk:hard NOI'tly, also a
" I hope thll production will
help Ill of the preKnt day
realize the ~ormous aenlus
ol the three men who cruted
II : Moz.att who wrote the
m111lc, i..I:I«Noda Ponte, who
Guest review-
have lhe opera pe:rformed at
all ). the playkasa lb'onl
undercurret~ t ol ref«ence to
lOCUli abusers.
n~kets are now on aale at
lhf Theatre Arll Boz Olfke,
upper level of the nne Aria
Center , ~~o«kdays from ta,m.
to" p.m. and from 7 p.m. on
the eveninp of the pet"·
formanc:ft. Pbone'*"'tOO for
:rv..:::=· :e~tnt!:rt:
exchanp their coupons for
Vienna Boys Choir
~~ ..._
S-track & cassette
over 1())() rock
popula- titles
• only $1.99 each
• free bnxhure
Wtt te Al.DO lOOP en
DEPT 4CI\l P.O. BOX 433:55
bJ Martyce Polk
recopb.e the ovft'domlnance
u-:at":hi~ited , . e rrortless soprano 1n the grwp, it was
m\IIJC: 10 1ta purest and mo~t evktent !bat nft')' boy wu an
beautiful fonn. . 1be Vlmna artlllt In hiiNdf as they
Sax quartet presented
~~~~:-l!te~t~ ~: f!.j~~:Ceda vv·~~f done::
The Otlcaso SaxoP ttot~e formance backaround and
Quartet will present a guest each lsasoloistandteacher.
l'ft:ital at e p.m ., Sunday,
The Ch icago Suophone
"March 16 in the Michelson Quarl et has · m a d e t wo
Con«rt Hall.
~ommerda l recordlnp, ' 'The
~ quartet .... CJ~l8niud O.kaco Suophone Quartet"
In 11151 as a performma en·
wmbk and as an tnllueatlal ~:::·~g~
fcwce bt lhe 6eld olsuophone
The C'Ont'n"l ls 1p0n10rec1 by
peda&OCYlhe Xi Omicron Qlapte- of
Eack member of t he PM Mu a lpha Sln fonla
quartet po sseue1 a fraternity. There wlll be no
sa:.:o phone q ua rtet per · admtuion charged .
roneelvable a moun t of youlh· corn y humored, one ac t
~ur::!Y a~~~~ellar~~e~~
Quandt Gym.
comic opera .
How they turn a Jl1q) ol
fidaett l nJ , mischievous
of titUe
boylth roated
Into •
qds, I 'U MYef' know but
the rimlbed product cm.alnly
r es ults In 10und lng like
heaveahrreon U rth.
Upcoming movies
lM4 Of -ne Fila wru be
showrl at 7:30 p.m •• nnn·
d ay , March 20 I n Ike
Pnt&ram Banquet Room ol
terroroflhel rturDlnconlhdr
The has many &riPpin& old friends la rnornmtully
and toudtirc dranuttk ln· realiud .
cldenta . The fll m 'a mai n
is an
qltalina f•ble based on tbe
Surecr- will be ahown a t
expreued In drama which 7::10 ThLrsday and Frida y,
boys cut away on a n
unlabiblted Island Ia tbe
Padfic:. where without adult
JUkknc:e and on their own,
aroup of yo un aster1 Into
uvap ritualism and ec·
It is thf'Ou&,h this that tbe
;i:":!I ~= C:U~u!
=~~",_~~am~ ~~mt3~4,~ ~
Ike Universit y Center .
Srarecr- II a bittertwftt
comedy 11bout two stranaen
ll>11o meet hltch~klnc .
=-~-= ~r=~~ :n:~rl~da~~~.,!t ~~
Thurs.-Fri., March 13-1 4 - 7:30
Program Ba'"'uet Room
"-'''lta" "' AW.:..
..._r;~_,..,. ,_,l
~l'll... !Dol'."llll!; - . b• II"MI(()J- • ~;::=-:~
t:.Jdi<.,......., ..
~..._, Q-tw,....
to conect your
Free Bees
Point Pedaler Bike Shop
• o.n.tator lite • Master Lock
• 8 Foot VInyl COOI'efed Cable
Just S25.00 holda your bike until May II
the re1p al b Ill • r a
family and a 'nine to ve' job
for tt. Met"cll.ant Marine.
Aftet"fiveyearaat-a, Uonls
on his way to aft hia wUe and
dtiid In Detroit.
MaJ: , Gene Hackmaa, lJ •
brawUnc cynic ot the open
road. lie has just l1nlahed a
six ye•r tllr in S.n Quentin
and Is golna to Denver·to tee
llltslstet"and lnvestlnhls
..;,:~~· drea m : Max'a Car
MHical, Dental and
H-.. rou ..,.,
lor tiM 1t75elassMbut
Wllf\out SUCCMa 10 far?
Perhaps we can help
~- ~~':,· Sl. louis ,
March 13, 1975
Poge II
'Save sound programs'
To the td lt.,
by Bob Ker ksieck
It wi ll be sad if Student Government
does not allocate the $4,720 the campus
rad io station, Wwsp FM-90, needs to go
stereo .
The norma l cost of such a conversion
would be over $24,000. Due to unique
ci r cumstances of other funding and
equipment being availa~le at this time,
the conver sion can be made with the less
than S5.000 requested .
The initial r esu lts of a poll being taken
by the radio station show that over thr eefourths of the students surveyed would
listen to the station more often. if it wer e
ster eo.
Student Assembl yperson Bob Shaver
was the most vocal against the extra
allocation . He said WWSP had already
requested a 26 per cent Incr ease for next
year .
It is hoped that Shaver Is not always so
adept at man ipulating figures to suit his
purpose .
Actually 11 percent of the 'i ncrease'
goes to the federally required ra ise in
the minimum wage, another seven
per cent goes to fund personnel to
operate the station during the summer
and a whopping 18 percent goes to
needed capital equi pment for which
permission was granted to deficit spend
th l s ,~ ear .
So, looking at It another way, WWSP
has asked for a 10 percent decrease for
the next academ ic year .
Shaver also said the request for stereo
should not be granted because of budget
cuts other organi zations ar e facing.
Shaver was present at the budget
hearings and should know beHer than
most that the two ha ve no bearing on
each other.
The request for stereo came •ffer
recommendations had been made to cut
other orga nizations . The funds for the
conversion would come from the
Within the Ju t several
lllftlts the Student Atademk
Affairs Committee has been
laking a critlcallook at the
mandatory Physical
EAh.:ation Requiremennt.
The committee hu been
actively seekinJ both advice
and crltici1m fro m th e
mh·enity comm1,11.1ty, from
studenlS and from faculty
administrative penonnd .
One or th e main questions
that"""fi ndbeinaastedis the
sim ple question of 'Why', why
an you after the Phyaical
Education Requirement! We
w-e are coocerned with the
quality of education that Is
rt'C'elved at this Institution.
That there is a 1tron1
possibility that we may be
quality academic: prosrams
by maintai n i n g this
requirHnent .
of this question lllillc:h has a
more futurillic outlook in
regards to the new st uden ts
educational proc:ess.
There are many pn~~ra ms
at this univeralty which have
been loc:ked · ln m erely
because of sorne'idu' of
scholastic: trad ition . This
should not be eonlli'Ued as an
~~~e:~~.~=~ a~::
a 1 pro 1 ram 1 are
academ ically so und they
should be maintained at all
What this is to say Is tha t
.,.'hen tr aditlonal pn~~ra ms
become outdated as to thdr
~aDd may even have
become ac:ademic handkapt
to the university student It 11
then time t h at the y be
c:riUc:ally examined.
Is found !lull procrams have
~~ne:! ~~~~:;;~r ~.!
student population, the only
intelligent action that c:an be
taken is t.o subltitute new
proar ams wh\c:h more
adequately fit the needs of the
new student .
~~~~t/!N~~~e :~~
some programs, whic:h have
been traditionally rec:G~niud
as a part of a ~ iversity
f'ducation , may have lost
their munin& and !hat they
sho uld not be s tubbornly
ddeoded just bec:ause they
A ISI!versl ty must c:onstantlyc:hanJeand adapttoa
world which 1lso consta ntly
c:hanges. A university which
holds tndHionuareasonfor
exlslenc:e will eve ntually
become llqnant 1nd will no
lqer create new ldtas 1nd
meanstoc:arrylhemout .
become stagnant and callous
to a c:lulnging wor ld It c:eases
tobeauniversltyllldfllls the
purpose for whic: h It was
c:reated .
Stlldenl !lenator
Residents unaware
of radiation exposure
To lbe edit.,
ll is unlikely that the
radioaC:tl \·e dose leaked from
Point lkac:h lui week will
e\·er be known . TIM! US
Nuclea r ReJu la tory Com·
mission t NRC l estimates a
~olume o( 125 Jallons pet'
min ute --"tbe h!Jhetl rate
that we ' re aware of ,"
MiJ111·avkee SotiDel, March I.
ButtheNRC has repeatedly
crltlc:ited measurin& of
radioac:Uvityatthe plant.For
instance, on Jan. 14 liquid
wastes were di.Khara:ed to
Lake Michigan wit hout
c:ontinuous monilorinJ .
Anothe r J an uary repo r t
1\sll eiJ ht uc:en t oc: ·
cur~c:es. mo51ly involrinJ
unes pec:ted rad loac: t lve
re leues and e r itlc:iu1
meuurin& of aueous aDd
liquid radioactive rdeutl.
Even a eontainrf' c:arrylnJ
wastes to New York was
found radio1ct1vely con taminated on the out&ide.
Doc:umenll In the UW
Stevens Point Ubrary are
eye~ . We especially
urte ldf•ppoitlted 'expert'
nuclear powerenlhUiialtllo
st!Jiy them. How c:an a utility
tivity . Yet none of these Is
sampled. The Environmental
Pro tection Agency r ecommends 1e1tln& of meat.
poullr'y eg&s and vrgetables.
Yet this is ool done In
Wisc:onsin .
Point lkac:h resident& may
not be cooceme<l but a recent
UW Madison study nnds them
badly misinformed on
nuclear facts. The utility Is
1101 required to publich:e all
leaks, only thou whlc:h are
exceptionally high or c:ause
theplanttoc:lose .
Thefac:t that !he c:halrman
of Wi sc:o ns in Radia t ion
Prot«tlon Is a fanner vlc:e
president and lobbyist for
Wisc:onsln E lec tric Is in
c:ooflict with the public Interest .
Wlsc:onsi n r esidents will
never know how m!Ki\ can«r
and leukemia c:ausi n a
radi ation they art: exposed to
until an independent IJentY
undertakes thorouah dose
moni toring and makes Information public: .
Olalr per1011 for Reteardl
LUJ Ue Agsln t
Da ngen !LAND I
Never Released in th£ us.
Chaplin's look at America in th£1950's
111-hen measurinl does not
meet standard~!
No a1e n c:y m ea1uus
ra di oac:tivity in W\ac:onsln
foods ex«pp. for milk and
some fish. Milk analyzed by
the WiJc:OIIIin Department of
Health In the Kewaunee-Point
Beach area lhows lnda far
abovere«n!NRC J uidellnesHowe•;er. analysis by Public
Service Corporation showa
only about hall as much
C(llll&mination. RactioKt.\vlty
in ttout \ncftased nearly 700
over pre~aUonal
d't King in~ew ){}'r k
st ud ies show
c: heese , soy beans. cran berries. strawberries. lfeal
beanl, salmon, deer. 1ame
and Je.afy vecetables to be
hiJh abeorben of r.d.ioec·
wttf<r\drected.-d scaed b; C1oles G,pn
Sat-Sun., Marth 15-16 - 7:30
Program Banquet Room
&ar11c ru...,.._M.&u..
March 13, 1975
'You made that up!'
Guest editorial by Mari Kurszewski
" What's an 'International ' woman?"
" Who cares?"
· " You're halluc inating ..."
These were common responses voiced
when I asked the question, " Old you
know it's International Women's Year
Well . 'since you didn' t ask' , 1975 was
declared IWY In January by the United
Nations General Assembly . Their goals
are threefold : " to promote equality
between men and women ; to ensure the
full Integration of women In the total
development effort and to..Tecognize the
im portance of w omen' s Increasing
contribution to the development of
fr ie ndly relations and cooperation
among nations and the strenthenlng of
world peace."
In sea rch ing the entire Learning
Resources Cent er I found onl y one article in reference to IWY. It was in Ms.
m agazi ne.
an~e::~=~n~,~~e r::~~~e~,t~r~~~~~v~
availa bl e (other than from those
org '! n i zation s like the National
Organization for Women) I think It Is
r eflected just how seriously people are
Femin ist
If I were making a statement
"""aha logous to 'the sun rises In the east',
whi ch Is common knowledge, then
perhaps I wouldn' t have any reason to
write th is editorial.
My purpose Is not to encourage
everyone to rush out and ' take a woman
to lunch' but rather an awareness
campaign directed toward the Stevens
Point community and the university
Another response voiced was "If we
have w omen's year, why nOt have men's
year, black american year, etc.?"
\ ' If that's what's necessary to take a
$lep In lhe r ight direction, the Integration and equality of all people, then
my answer Is yes, why not?
Maybe there will come a time when we
won' t need to declare awareness days,
months and years for m inority and
ethnic groups.
Idea listic, maybe.
Reallstlc ...hopefull y.
Oh, who cares anyway?
Greek name upheld
To the editor.
You talk of discrimination,
of apathy on Clmpus and
about how nobody seems to
ure. And you the common
majo r ity , the resid e nt
assistants l ftA ) halldirtc:tors
:'i~s~~:ue~ :::~
Is this really fair, cominJ
from people who have never
~ Gfftk themstives1 How
about some of that 2Clh
cent ury open·mindedneu1
As far as apat hy, what
percentqe of the hall noor
partici pated in Winter
Camival1 U you remember
corTtcUy, lheGreeUaeemed
to ta ke most of thehor10n.
How many of you campaign
tor UNICEF,Ma rchofotmes
or Easter Seals? Greeb do
and with an Dr"~tanlud effort.
Do YI!U need a longer list?
perhapa are 1 liUle too out·
dated tOt" you. Here are a
few : n Grtck life can offayou fr iendshi p a part from aU
others, 1 close bond between
you and your brothers or
sisters. 2) It offers an outlet
for )'o~r creative abilities,
even if it it a painted knee
contest , fOt"yourdeslreto1et
outintheswingofth\np. 3llt
also may offer an atmosphere
down and try to stamp oul.lhe
Greeks · on campus. What's
the dea l~
I havt heard so many
::ad::~~han3~~:!~~~ ~
storiesin thepastnvemonths
that I h.ave been here, about
how RA alld hall directors
41 Youcanhavea lotoffun
and hall residl!flts cut down
limes with a purpose.
Greeks : how r oommates
Unfortunately, Greeks are
"altai " pledie books, pad- stlgmaUU!d today for things
How about a fair shake fOt"
dles , etc . and how new . that may have happened fwo, the Greela~
studtnls are informed that
fivt or even 10 years agt).
Greeks are the worst pouible
MIUie unaart
organizations to join.
Gretb live on idtall that
tnA umoa St.
Hockey team
expresses thanks
We heard and appreciated
To tbe editor.
The l.eam members and every one of them .
We hope that In the future
coach of the hockey team
would liU to publicly thank with better competition and a
everyone who helped make lon1t r schedul e, we will
this hockey RISOn the suc- lmproveonthisyear'arecord
and give you evl!fl better
cess it was .
hoclr.ey action.
We- want to thank the
Pointer for the lndepth up ud coming UWS P
coverq:e of the team and Its
fans .
But most of· aU we would thtrenext yea r .
\Ike to thank and congratulate
the fa ns that came out and Todd P. Eisele
I~ Wallo. Hall
,!':! :or~·:r'a;:;