Chabot College September, 1992 PHED 1TNI – Tennis-Beginning/Intermediate

Chabot College
September, 1992
Course Outline for Physical Education 1
Catalog Description:
PHED 1TNI – Tennis-Beginning/Intermediate
0.5 unit
This course is designed to provide the beginning student or the student who has not mastered the
fundamental strokes of tennis an opportunity to acquire these skills with other students of similar ability.
The activity is designed, in general, to promote interest in a carry-over activity; to promote and inculcate in
students a desire to maintain an adequate level of physical fitness; to develop an awareness of the values
derived from learning many neuromuscular skills; and to be made aware of what socially acceptable
conduct consists of in a competitive situation. The class will meet 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for the Students:
This course is designed to provide the beginning student or the student who has not mastered the
fundamental strokes of tennis an opportunity to acquire these skills with other students of similar ability.
The activity is designed, in general, to promote interest in a carry-over activity; to promote and inculcate in
students a desire to maintain an adequate level of physical fitness; to develop an awareness of the values
derived from learning many neuromuscular skills; and to be made aware of what socially acceptable
conduct consists of in a competitive situation.
Course Content:
History of the sport.
Care and use of equipment.
Study of the rules of tennis and court etiquette.
Safety factors and precautions.
Explanation and demonstration of game play relative to:
a. Singles
b. Doubles
6. Explanation, demonstration, and practice of such specific skills as:
a. Grips
i. Eastern (Forehand and Backhand)
ii. Continental (Service)
b. Ready positio
c. Forehand stroke
d. Backhand stroke
e. Serve
f. Courtesy stroke
Methods of Presentation:
The materials for the course are presented by the lecture-demonstration method. Instruction will be given
through the use of large groups, small groups, and on an individual basis. Student practice will follow the
same procedures. Movies, exhibitions, and student discussions will be used to review course content.
Chabot College
Tennis-Beginning/Intermediate - PHED 1TNI, Page 2
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
Each student will be evaluated on a tripartite basis. This will include the demonstration of specific skills
relative to the course, a demonstration of oral or written expression on specific materials relative to the
course; plus a demonstration of satisfactory attendance for the duration of the course. Students will be
evaluated in terms of the expected proficiency required of advanced beginning tennis at the college level.
Special Student Material:
Appropriate physical education attire.
KC – [U:\kc’document\course outline\pe_1TNI.doc]
September, 1992