K~ Name: 5C226 Exam 1 1. 't 8 Feb 2016 Prof. Urban proVi~e names for these compounds. (12 points) & >-tYl~#..;~ IY OH ~" 3-~-2-Wl~ur-~IW<'~~~ CI 2. Draw structures of these compoun ds. (8 points) . 2-ammohexanoic acid tJ \-\ 2.­ L'-chloroaniline ~N~1.. ::'1 \\~~ Ul. 0 i benzoic anhydride J3\9 .- I l \..::.)­ 0 \,... \ benzyl alcohol n .:::::..r-­ C1 h . ..- O\{ 4. Predict the major product of the reaction below and provide a mechanism that accounts for its formation. (4 POin~ H'XH, aCI. \-\ eA ~ - 5. '. " ~ \. C- C~>~. GH 3 (Y~ ~ ~~ClU3_ :~; .Y'--lCl~1 -/'~t1 ~,J ~ Predict the product(s) of the reaction below and provide a complete mechanism showing movement of electrons with curved arrows, formal charges, resonance, etc. Be sure to account for the stereochemical course of the reaction and explain it in terms of the mechanism. ··Xnt') ~ B". cr~ -}-I~ 'ijy- ~, ~ .' • +- k ~) R 5 G .~-: lL"D/ 'B;": ~ r; "88~~\H f3rj ,I.. ~B~ I\*\~ D/ OIJ r) ?~ o.Y (~,~ h'i~ Qr ',I J , ,.,. 6. Provide a complete mechanism that accounts for the formation of both of the products. In your mechanism, show movement of electrons with curved arrows, provide all formal charges and important resonance structures. (4 points) &.sr at.~ ~i.·HBr.. V A"....~ . ~.' . . .' -I- BrU~ . @ •.G!~·~· .@., . _lr)y~~B "l~~' @ol . Ii. T~ ~'-' &I«~ C+ 2 oM ~/J tJo1lf: I~ A ~ tHJ. CMho ~ . . uL ..- _. 0 - .(;,. 4J ~ fIJ1J- CJ....~- '2. ~ ct~ J­ IJ ~ x-J- () ,.: ~""d a. The product distribution shows a dependence on temperature as indicated in the table below. Why is product A favored at low temperature and product B favored at high temperature? Explain this observation. (2points) b M",<- k~,(\e f,t. f A Observed Product Distribution A B Low Temp 80% 20% High Temp 20% 80% -h k< B IS:fM. A-t low l) I"> ~ V~:\M \ l..-eJJ;'+ID'v\. f/<M) V (, ~ . • ~'( i ~+ ~..(;vdd ~ -tLt. (~ . ~ n ~ ~~. -f.o,t ~ ~1A:m Nl ~ J.4 vj \ )'.J I ~ "(''-<.I1M ~tao ret).. .tvlrw:f i... I" I.b f1"- £ ies s~bl< rO&vV+) B) ?t'e DMi'~'l . r#{.Y51 ~ (. ~ ~lJ'Ie ~ v () 0 +~"'-Od~W\,'- fi'oJ~ ~(,\A \I~,-(JJI\--I~ f:>.. 'PfedolMiVl.e,-\-er hk It ~~<, ~M @uT J M ~ lJ~f1") ~l .Il 1-..k \ (0 _6 • ~.lr M,,:LI,I";v ...... , /"'II 0v b. Provide a sketch of the energy vs. reaction coordinate plot for this reaction that shows the relative energies of the starting materials, products A and B, and any intermediates and transition states. (3 points) >­ e.n C1J c w Products Reactants Reaction Coordinate /' 7. Fill in the blank. Provide the reagents and reaction conditions needed to transform the alkene below into each of the indicated products. (9 pOints) ~OH? /\ I) ~ ~~,TI1P /\ - I) ~ (0 At)2. ? .. ~ 7.)rJ,,~/)H~ HO '- ~ l\ '­ J I/,{)i VI" ko (}- '{ {(Jill" j? "') H ..O'-J A.WIij x<J 8. Fill in the blanks. Provide the missing product(s), starting materials, or reagents. Indicate stereochemistry and/or product mixtures (major vs minor products) as appropriate. (40 points) Q H3C 1) OsO4' ether • CH 3 Ii (JC"" H2 CHs Pt ct~3 Lr~ .. ? ~-\ t-H 1 ({>Y" --0 + HBr .. ~~ ? ? ~ t/JJ~ ~ ~",:.J p_ Zn(Cu) (+ b-Qm !-;f1>rJ./I.-) ? ? co ? Brz (excess) .. ? 1) BHa. THF .. ~~ U H3C··".. + CH3 ? 9. Provide a synthesis of these compounds from the indicated starting materials. More than one step may be necessary. Your synthesis may produce both enantiomers of any target that is chiral. (8 points) 0. )-~\ a. HO CI <)) \~ 0 ~OH b. \;t-C:::C-H from