The Play’s the Thing: Educational Theatre as a Method of Teaching, Engaging and Connecting Setting the stage… Welcome and Introductions What we plan to share today… Examples of how educational theatre can be used in a variety of applications Tools and techniques involved used to create material for educational theatre pieces including story telling, role playing and sketch development Provide examples of different techniques How we use theatre as an educational tool Staff Training Freshmen Orientation International Orientation President’s Forum on Ethics College of Engineering Why we use educational theatre… What students tell us… A Sample Role Play Audience: Orientation student staff Purpose: to illustrate the decision making process involved in responding to a difficult question A Sample Sketch Audience: new college students Purpose: to introduce the importance of communicating effectively with instructors Yo gar bear, whaz up? gotta quick Q4U r there gonna B tests on da subjectz from class? Hit me back l8er Peace out claire;)